Protein in food is one of the most necessary substances, on the presence of which in the body life itself depends. Proteins do not accumulate, like fats or trace elements, they must constantly enter our body. As an energy source, they are almost never used, for this there are carbohydrates. So why do you need protein and why is its presence in the body so important to ensure all vital processes? What is the daily norm of its consumption and in what products is it present? How to ensure the necessary balance and how to organize your daily diet?

In our body, cell renewal processes are constantly taking place. Old cells cease to function and new ones come in their place, which also lose their position over time.
This is an ongoing process, our health and life itself depend on how well it proceeds.
Protein in food is a building material used to form new cells. Some of its species form compounds that can resist viral diseases. He also participates in the absorption of other substances.
Proteins break down into amino acids, from which enzymes, hormones, hemoglobin and many other substances necessary for the body are formed.

Protein in products is an indispensable part of our nutrition, it must constantly enter our body in the required amount, sufficient to ensure all vital processes. The daily intake varies from 70 to 100 grams and is calculated depending on the weight of the person. It is estimated that 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per day is needed per kilogram of your weight. It should also be borne in mind that a growing organism consumes a greater amount of this building material. These standards are not recommended to be exceeded, since an excess of food in the body leads to the formation of toxins. Highly toxic protein compounds can worsen metabolic processes, which will instantly affect well-being.

To organize proper nutrition, you need to count the number of calories in foods. Protein also has energy value and is equal to carbohydrates. But carbohydrates are absorbed faster and are the first in the energy chain. In other words, carbohydrates will be absorbed first, then protein, and fat will be the last to break down. You also need to consider the fact that there are different types of protein compounds, the closer they are to those proteins that are used in human metabolism, the faster they are absorbed. For example, vegetable protein is absorbed longer than that which is found in large quantities in food of animal origin. Protein in animal products also contains those essential eight amino acids that cannot be obtained by synthesis in the body.
In order to correctly calculate your daily rate, you need to know what foods have protein and in what quantities. Pay more attention to low-calorie foods, they can completely fill the stomach so as not to feel hunger.