The reasons that push a woman to abandon the birth of a child are many. Each representative of the weak half of humanity has her own. Do not blame these women. After all, we don’t know why one question revolves in her head: how to become barren? Of course, these women will not go to the midwife grandmother. But if they decided to take this step, then no one will dissuade them.

What is sterilization?
This method of contraception is as follows. First, the fallopian tubes are cut and then ligated or completely removed . For this reason, the egg can no longer get from the ovaries to the uterus, which means that it will not be fertilized by the sperm. With the right operation, the effectiveness of this method is one hundred percent. But, as usual, there are exceptions. There are statistics that out of a thousand women, six may become pregnant. Why this happens, science is still unknown.
The sterilization operation is carried out in a medical institution. Hospitalization happens, but very rarely. At the request of a woman, surgery can be performed under local anesthesia, which contributes to the patient’s quickest return to normal life.
After the procedure, no changes occur in the body. Critical days are exactly the same as before the operation. Sex drive remains unchanged.

Sterilization methods
A few decades ago, the operation was carried out only through an abdominal incision. Currently, the following methods of sterilizing women exist:
- Ligation of pipes. It is done under general or local anesthesia. In the abdominal cavity above the pubic hair, an incision is made about seven centimeters. A fragment is removed from the oviduct. The ends of the pipes formed after the cut are connected and fixed. The woman is in the hospital for two days, and then rests at home for a couple of weeks. In this case, pregnancy can occur in two out of a thousand women.
- Laparoscopy. This is currently the most common method of female sterilization. During the procedure, a special device is used - a laparoscope. A small hole is made in the abdominal cavity, a tube is inserted into it that conducts light. It is connected to a device resembling a telescope.
You have learned ways to become barren. Now let's talk a little more about the last of them.
There are three types of this procedure:

- Bandaging the pipes. A paired tubular organ is folded into a loop and secured with a special small clamp, which resolves after a certain period of time. The result of such an operation is three failed cases per thousand.
- Cauterization of the oviduct. A small tweezers are inserted into the puncture of the abdominal cavity. Electric current is passed through it. After this procedure, pregnancy can occur in three out of a thousand women.
- Pinching a paired organ. A small part of the pipe is clamped with clothespins. The advantages of this procedure include reversibility. Two small scars remain on the oviduct, and the recovery time is minimal. Failure can be overtaken by six out of a thousand women.
There is another way to become barren. It is not related to laparoscopy and is used as a last resort - hysterectomy, complete removal of the uterus. Previously, it was attributed to sterilization methods; at present, it is not recommended for these purposes.

Oviduct ligation
This procedure is carried out immediately after childbirth, if there was a cesarean section. Women giving birth naturally have two days to decide whether or not to have surgery. If time is lost, you will have to wait at least another six weeks. Now let's talk about how women are sterilized in this way:
- The operation takes place under local or general anesthesia.
- Using carbon dioxide, a woman is inflated with a stomach.
- Make a small incision just below the belly button
- A laparoscope is inserted.
- Another incision is made near the pubic bone.
- A device is installed to block the pipes. There are several ways to isolate them. The doctor cuts them and then stitches them - this is the first way. The second - the oviduct can be bandaged with a special rubber band or with metal clips.
- The abdominal incisions are sutured.
The procedure lasts thirty minutes, about eight hours the patient departs from anesthesia. For several days, pain will be felt. You can do sports and sex only after a week.

"Pros and cons"
Now let's talk about the pros and cons of tubal ligation. Let's start with the good points:
- The appearance of complications and side effects is minimized.
- The procedure is carried out by a specialist.
- Pregnancy is unlikely.
- Sexual attraction and the menstrual cycle does not change.
- The general condition of the body remains normal.
- Can be used after cesarean section.
- Short rehabilitation period, several days.
Negative points:
- Ten percent of women may experience infections after surgery.
- If tube removal is unsuccessful, an ectopic pregnancy may occur.
- Pelvic pains appear.
- Pain in the abdomen, dizziness, nausea.
- The formation of a hematoma.
- Irreversibility. Even if there is a great desire to become pregnant, it is unlikely that anything will change.
Voluntary surgical sterilization of women cannot always be performed. As with any other procedure, this also has its contraindications. These include:
- Age. Up to thirty years, the operation is not performed. Over time, a desire to give birth may appear.
- Stress. Having done something on emotions, after a certain time you can regret it.
- Misconception about the consequences. Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity believe that everything can be fixed.
- Relations. Women who do not have a serious relationship at the time of surgery and at least one child.
In no case should you carry out the procedure:
- pregnant
- with symptoms of acute gynecological disease;
- with sexually transmitted diseases;
- with adhesions of the abdominal cavity and pelvis;
- overweight women and diabetes;
- with chronic diseases of the heart and lungs;
- with bleeding disorders and umbilical hernia.

What's next
Now let's talk about how sterilization affects a woman. The operation is carried out only by voluntary consent.
If we talk about the hormonal background, then there are no malfunctions. The ovaries continue to work and produce the necessary hormones. The sex life and well-being of a woman is also normal.
The ability to have sex without fear of becoming pregnant allows her to be liberated.
Here are the psychological consequences can be a problem. Although the woman’s desire was fulfilled, the idea that she was barren did not give her peace. Inside there is a feeling of inferiority and some kind of emptiness.
In addition, she understands that sterilization can affect her future fate. Everything happens in life. He can meet another person, fall in love with him, but he will not be able to give birth to a child from him naturally.
That's why, agreeing to the procedure for ligation of the fallopian tubes, the pros and cons must be seriously weighed. And decide whether to do it or not.

Before surgery, they talk a lot with a woman for a long time. Specialists help her decide, deal with all the pros and cons. Help her make a deliberate decision. She will be told about other ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. And only after she once again confirms her consent to the operation, they will tell her how to become infertile. Details about each method. A woman should take this issue seriously. After all, her future life depends on this. It may happen that by taking this step, she will reproach herself all her life. Nobody knows the truth. And maybe, after the procedure, she will begin a bright and eventful life. Which way to choose, it's up to her. The main thing is not to make a mistake. It’s necessary to think it over a thousand times, so as not to regret it later.