Fennel, or sweet dill, has been known to people for a long time. This plant was used for various needs in ancient Rome. Fennel was used as a spice in cooking, as well as for medicinal purposes and in cosmetology. Currently, many people know the benefits and harms of fennel.

This spice is grown in many countries of the world. The plant is unpretentious, it requires only a lot of sunlight. Many people grow fennel in pots. This is a pretty beautiful and very fragrant plant, which has everything edible: leaves, seeds, stems and even bulbs.
Two types of fennel are grown:
- Ordinary (pharmacy).
- Italian, mainly used in cooking. As a rule, a fleshy stem similar to a vegetable is used.

The benefits and harms of fennel have been known to people for a long time. This plant contains many different nutrients, organic acids and flavonoids. Its stems are rich in vitamins (A, B, C). The leaves contain mainly ascorbic acid, carotene, rutin and vitamins B and E. The fruits contain essential oils, proteins and sugar. It is due to the high content of essential oils (anethole, fellandren, fenhol, camphene) that a peculiar smell (aroma) and the beneficial properties of fennel are determined.
Calorie content
Fennel has a very low calorie content: 100 gr. herbs contains 31 kcal. Therefore, it can be used by everyone, even those who struggle with excess weight.

Fennel: benefits and harms, healing properties
The healing properties of this herb were known in antiquity. Many people knew that eating fennel improves vision. In Greece, it was used to treat the digestive system and to reduce weight.
We offer to consider what are the benefits and harms of fennel, known today.
- This plant is able to improve digestion.
- Helps reduce gassing in the intestines.
- Fennel relieves inflammation in the digestive tract and stomach pain.
- It has a laxative effect.
- Relieves intoxication.
- Improves sputum excretion.
- It has a calming effect on the nervous system.
- Helps normalize hormonal levels.
In addition, the benefits and harms of fennel:
- This herb helps improve appetite.
- Reception of a large amount of fennel helps to cleanse the liver, gall bladder and spleen.
- Fennel is an excellent diuretic that helps remove toxic substances from the body and reduces swelling.
- Helps to increase the amount of breast milk.
Thanks to these qualities, fennel has now found application not only in folk, but also in official medicine.
It is worth paying attention to this question: "Fennel, the benefits and harms during pregnancy." Women in an interesting position are not recommended to consume this herb. However, during the period of breastfeeding, he can help a lot - to reduce gas production not only in the mother, but also in the child.
However, it is worth remembering that you can not abuse this spice. Regular doses for therapeutic purposes for short periods of time are useful, and its long-term use should be discussed with your doctor.

Medical use
Fennel - the benefits and harms (photo plants are presented in the article), as well as the application - what you need to know about it Tea is made from the flowers and leaves of this herb, and the fruits and roots are used for infusions and decoctions. Due to its oily structure, fennel seeds are used to prepare concentrated essential oils. Currently, it is very popular, but do not forget about toxicity - oil is useful only in minimal dosages.
Decoctions and infusions from this herb help to get rid of bloating, improve digestion, and also help to eliminate sputum when coughing.
Studies by scientists have shown that fennel helps improve memory, so it is recommended for Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Fennel extract has antifungal and antibacterial effects. It is part of many drugs used to treat diseases such as gout, gastritis, urolithiasis and pulmonary diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma).
This plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, helps lower blood pressure and get rid of arrhythmias.
A few drops of the essential oil of this plant are good for alcohol poisoning and various food intoxications.
This herb is recommended for sore throat, fever and runny nose.
Fennel is also a sedative and helps with insomnia.
Use in cosmetology
Due to the composition, this plant has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. In cosmetology, as a rule, an extract (essential oil) is used. It has the property of not only healing, but also eliminating inflammation and slowing down the aging process. Therefore, fennel is often used to prepare skin care products. The benefits and harms, recipes - more on that below.
- Wrinkle smoothing mixture: mix egg yolk with jojoba oil, white clay and 2-3 drops of fennel and rose oils.
- Mask for aging skin: prepare quince puree, add 1 egg yolk, cottage cheese and a few drops (2-3) of fennel oil to it. This mixture can be used for face and hands.
- A wonderful remedy for acne: mix 50 ml of alcohol with 10 drops of tea tree and lavender oil and 5 drops of fennel oil.
- Baths with oil to improve skin condition: 6-8 drops must first be dripped onto salt or soda, and then dissolved in water.
- Fennel essential oil is added to shampoo and hair balm. To do this, 10 drops of oil are added to 100 ml of the product. The composition helps to get rid of hair loss and dandruff.

The hard business of losing weight: fennel - the benefits and harms
The seeds of this plant are a good way to lose weight. Many nutritionists recommend drinking fennel tea. To prepare it, you need to take 1 tsp. fennel seeds and mix them with 1 teaspoon of nettle. Pour the mixture with 700 ml of boiling water. Cook for about 10 minutes, then strain and take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l During pregnancy and lactation, this tea should be discarded.