Many women wonder why the doctor prescribes Omega-3 during pregnancy and even when planning it. What is special about fish oil? What does the above substance affect? Let's try to figure it out.
What is omega 3?

This substance is a polyunsaturated, fatty acid, such as DHA and EPA, which is produced from fish fat, which lives at a considerable water depth.
In addition to this natural source, Omega-3s are found in goat milk, koumiss, flaxseed, pine and walnuts.
Scientists have proven that fish oil has a powerful beneficial effect on the human brain, since the latter consists of more than 60% of fats. Therefore, Omega-3s can improve the mental performance of a person.
To an ordinary person, in order to meet the daily needs of his body for fish oil, nutritionists advise eating daily foods such as flax seed or pumpkin seed in the amount of about two tablespoons, and a tablespoon of olive oil. Twice a week, fish should be included in the diet. It is also recommended to regularly use koumiss and goat milk.
For women in a position this will not be enough. The need for Omega-3 for pregnant women is at least 300 PMFA. Therefore, the expectant mother is shown an additional intake of fish oil.
The benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids in pregnancy

It is known that rational nutrition plays a special role for a woman in a position . In this case, it is necessary that polyunsaturated fatty acids are present in the diet of the pregnant woman.
It is worth noting that it is important to take Omega-3 when planning pregnancy and during its course. These substances are not synthesized in the human body and are indispensable.
Omega-3s are especially important when planning pregnancy. Reception of the above fish oil during this period helps to replenish the reserves of this substance in the body of a woman. Omega-3 performs quite important functions:
- regulates fat metabolism;
- normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood;
- calms nerves and its system;
- reduces platelet aggregation;
- increases efficiency;
- positively affects vitality;
- provides a process for the production of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins;
- contributes to the optimal functioning of the retina and brain.
Omega-3s for pregnant women are also extremely important:
- polyunsaturated fatty acids prevent the development of premature labor;
- reduce the risk of toxicosis in the late stages of pregnancy;
- prevent the onset of depression in women who are in position.
Gestosis or late toxicosis is a rather dangerous disease for expectant mothers. It is accompanied by severe edema, high blood pressure, damage to the placenta, nervous system, liver and even kidneys. With prolonged gestosis, little blood enters the placenta. This results in tissue starvation and lack of nutrients.
Fish oil with late toxicosis also has a positive effect:
- protects the cells that line the vessels from the inside, from destruction and damage;
- affects stress hormones, as a result of which the main thing is norepinephrine, which is not as dangerous as adrenaline;
- lowers arterial pressure;
- contributes to the normalization of blood flow;
- effectively resists depression and prevents the development of neurosis in pregnant women.
In addition, doctors note that in some cases, the immune system of the expectant mother begins to actively attack the placenta. Omega-3s have the ability to inhibit the excessive functioning of the immune system.
The effect of omega-3 on child development
Polyunsaturated fatty acids have the following effects on fetal development:
- contribute to the general strengthening of his health;
- prevent digestive system disorders;
- protect from exposure to adverse factors.
In addition, Omega-3 contributes to the normal retention of the baby’s retina. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend expectant mothers to take fish oil while carrying a child. In addition, in the first months of the baby’s life, pediatricians prescribe this substance to him for the prevention of rickets.
Best Remedy for Pregnant Depression: Omega-3

It is known that every day a person is faced with all sorts of stresses. If Omega-3 deficiency is present in his body, then the depressive state simply stretches over time.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids do not allow negative emotions to completely take over the mood. Omega-3s do not allow a person, including a pregnant woman, to get hung up on the bad. This is a reasonable alternative to preventing depression in expectant mothers.
What is the danger of a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids for women in position?

Lack of Omega-3 for pregnant women poses the following health problems:
- premature labor of various genesis;
- habitual miscarriage;
- provoking the development of placental insufficiency;
- intrauterine growth retardation.
In addition, omega-3s have a prophylactic effect on thrombotic complications and postpartum depression.
"Omega-3 Doppelherz" during pregnancy

This dietary supplement is combined and contains northern salmon fish oil. "Omega-3 Doppelherz" during pregnancy has the following effects on the body of a mother and her baby:
- lipid-lowering;
- restorative;
- antioxidant;
- membrane stabilizing;
- hypotensive;
- anti-inflammatory;
- anti-aggregate.
One capsule "Doppelherz-Active Omega-3" in its composition has 24% of the daily dose of fish oil and 50% tocopherol acetate (vitamin E). This drug reduces the risk of problems with the heart and its system, and also normalizes microcirculation, cerebral blood flow and improves brain functionality.
Usually for pregnant women, "Doppelherz-Active Omega-3" is prescribed one capsule per day. The duration of the course of taking the above drug is individual.
Vitamins "Vitrum Omega-3" during pregnancy

The above preparation contains vitamin E and decosehexaenoic and eicosapantaenoic acids. The last two belong to the Omega-3 group.
"Vitrum Omega-3 cardio" during pregnancy has the following effects on the body of a future mother:
- anti-inflammatory;
- takes part in breathing processes;
- enhances the activity of membrane receptors;
- improves lipoprotein metabolism;
- regulates the exchange of magnesium and calcium ions in myocardial cells;
- protects cells from oxidation products.
The drug is prescribed to pregnant women individually, but not more than three capsules per day.
"Omega-3 Trimester" during pregnancy
This complex is notable for the fact that it is intended for pregnant women. It takes into account the needs of the body of a woman preparing to become a mother, and contains omega-3 acids, folic acid and vitamin D. According to doctors, during pregnancy and preparation for it, these three nutrients must be taken without fail.

The preparation is based on Icelandic fish oil, an organic source of Omega-3 and Vitamin D. Folic acid, Vitamin E and Vitamin B12 are also included. The union of these components brings the following benefits to mother and baby:
- harmonizes the reproductive health of women, increasing the chances of conception
- lays the foundation for the mental and physical health of the child
- helps a woman cope with anxiety, mood swings, and late toxicosis
- increases tissue elasticity, facilitating the process of childbirth and preventing tears during attempts.
The complex will be useful both during pregnancy and in the process of preparing for conception and breastfeeding.
Reviews on the use of fish oil during pregnancy
You can find a lot of responses from patients who took Omega-3 during pregnancy. Their reviews are only positive. Women indicate that with the intake of the above substance the health status of them and the baby has improved. Analyzes were always normal. In addition, experts note that fish oil has an excellent effect on blood vessels, blood and nutrition of the fetus.
Women who took Omega-3 during pregnancy indicated that they were prescribed 1 or 2 capsules per day. This was enough to maintain the daily norm of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Omega-3 for pregnant women is a rather useful substance, which primarily affects the mental development of the fetus. Acceptance of the above drug in this period is the key to the health of the mother and her baby.