Diarrhea often begins suddenly and for some time passes by itself. The frequency of stools usually increases, and the consistency changes to a more fluid one. Diarrhea can be caused by many causes: a viral or bacterial infection, food poisoning, irritable bowel syndrome, or intolerance to a product. Regardless of the reason for the relaxation of the stool, it becomes difficult for the body to digest food. Diarrhea can also be dangerous for babies and the elderly due to the loss of large amounts of fluid and the risk of dehydration. Therefore, it is important to take precautions and carefully follow a diet for diarrhea in adults and children.
Diarrhea can be caused by several of the following factors:
- infection with bacteria, viruses or parasites, such as food poisoning;
- taking antibiotics;
- food intolerance;
- stress and anxiety;
- alcohol consumption;
- overeating.
Symptoms of diarrhea may include the appearance of the following symptoms:
- cramping abdominal pain;
- bloating;
- nausea;
- watery stools;
- frequent bowel movements;
- temperature rise.

With diarrhea, people can feel very bad. The condition of most people with diarrhea improves within a few days. Dehydration is the most serious complication of diarrhea.
Compliance with the basics of nutrition with diarrhea is primarily aimed at maintaining the natural water-salt balance in the body. Due to multiple stools, the body loses a large amount of fluid and trace elements. To restore the intestinal microflora, it is necessary to use clear liquids, such as water, weak tea, broth, apple juice or rehydration solutions.
Do not stop eating and starving. It is recommended that you just adjust your diet a little. The diet for diarrhea (diarrhea) in an adult and a child is based on the use of foods that are easily digested and do not burden the intestines. It may not be solid foods that are high in starch, for example:
- bananas
- cereals;
- rice
- noodles;
- gelatin;
- eggs
- toasts;
- applesauce.

With adult diarrhea, dairy products and caffeine must be excluded from nutrition. You can return to a normal diet after 2 or 3 days. Also in the near future should abandon the consumption of the following products:
- fresh fruit (except bananas);
- fresh vegetables;
- alcohol
- fast food;
- greasy, spicy food.
Be careful while taking diarrhea medication. Some of them may make your condition worse. Various side effects, such as the appearance of blood in the bowel movements and constipation, can occur due to excess dosage or if the drug is not taken correctly. If you have chronic health problems, consult your doctor before taking any medicine for diarrhea.
Proper nutrition
What and how we eat is of great importance to our digestion. The following are some diet tips for diarrhea:
- Include a variety of foods in your diet.
- Eat simple vegetarian food.
- Chew thoroughly.
- Do not read, do not watch TV while eating.
- Eat regularly. The amount of food and the time of admission should be the same every day. The optimal time for breakfast is around 7 in the morning, lunch is about 12 in the afternoon and dinner should be at about 6 in the evening.
- Eat small meals, but often.
- Avoid eating during emotional arousal or frustration. First you need to calm down.
- Eat washed, fresh, organic, seasonal and ripe foods.
- It is not recommended to eat too hot, spicy, cold, fatty or raw food.
- Try not to eat anything 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Diarrhea is a common digestive disorder characterized by loose, watery stools. This condition causes a frequent need for bowel movements. Treatment of diarrhea should be carried out in conjunction with the correction of consumed foods and the appointment of a special diet. The following is a sample list of wholesome and hazardous diets for good nutrition.
Dangerous include:
- Fried or fatty foods (e.g., sausage, meat, bacon, chicken nuggets, fried seafood or pizza).
- Plain milk, kefir or high fat cheese.
- Raw vegetables, especially those with thick peels, seeds or fibers, such as broccoli.
What can I eat with diarrhea and diarrhea? It can be:
- Boiled vegetables. Potatoes help strengthen your stool due to its high starch content and low fiber content.
- Boiled poultry. If your stomach is ready to eat meat, great! Firstly, it is necessary to remove the skin, as it is a source of fat. You can also not add spices. If you are cooking homemade chicken soup, just eat the meat from the breast after the broth has cooked.
- Boiled rice This product also helps to improve stool consistency in disorders.
- Chicken broth is a food that will help replenish the supply of nutrients and electrolytes. Chicken soup also helps strengthen a weakened immune system.

Diarrhea in a child
What diet is prescribed for diarrhea for children? As in adults, nutrition should be based on the use of non-solid and rapidly digestible foods. It should be borne in mind that the child loses sodium during diarrhea, so it is recommended to add a little salt to the babyβs food.
What can I eat with diarrhea? The diet consists of the following products:
- bananas
- boiled rice;
- boiled chicken;
- meat broth;
- applesauce;
- whole wheat bread;
- vegetables such as carrots, mushrooms, beets, zucchini;
- baked or boiled potatoes;
- liquid desserts such as ice cream and sorbet.
For better digestion of food, cooked foods must be crushed and given to the child in the form of mashed potatoes.

Nutrition for children
What foods should be avoided for diarrhea in children? If diarrhea is the result of a food allergy, a provoking product must be ruled out. In case of lactose intolerance, milk-based mixtures or products should be avoided.
In addition, the following foods should be excluded from food with diarrhea:
- Cow or goat milk (breast can).
- As well as all other dairy products. Lactose with diarrhea is poorly digested. Even if lactose intolerance has not been observed before, the body may become sensitive to protein with diarrhea. You must avoid all types of dairy products, such as milk, cheese, ice cream, etc. You can add yogurt with a low percentage of fat to the diet. Since sugar lactose is broken down into lactic acid by millions of bacteria, such a product is easily digested in the intestines. Probiotic-rich yogurt can also help you recover from diarrhea.

- Raw foods. Such food with diarrhea is difficult to digest due to its fiber content. It is very useful for the body, as it improves intestinal motility, as well as due to the content of vitamin B. But in cases of diarrhea, excessive irritation of the intestinal walls can only aggravate the situation.
- Fried foods. For example, chicken or vegetables.
- High sugar foods like pastries, cakes and cookies.
- Vegetables causing high gas production, for example: beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and pepper.
- Fatty foods. Chips, french fries, bacon and sausage. Fat is hard to digest. Eating fried and fatty foods during recovery from diarrhea will harm the digestive system.
- All varieties of fruit juices (any natural, homemade, store juices with or without additives). The acid contained in these drinks has an irritating effect on the intestines.
- Dried fruits. Dates, raisins, prunes.
- Caffeine. It has a laxative effect, has an irritating effect on the intestinal wall. Caffeine-containing foods also contribute to dehydration. This includes coffee, tea, chocolate and other products.
The best diet for restoring and normalizing the intestinal microflora consists of products that contain all the necessary substances for proper nutrition. But besides this, food with diarrhea should not burden an already weakened body.
Most cases of loosening stools occur after the correction of food and food. Diet will help reduce the duration of diarrhea, without depriving optimal nutrition and obtaining the necessary trace elements.
What can I eat with diarrhea? Approximate ration for one day:
- Breakfast: semolina porridge with a small oil content and 1 toast.
- Lunch can consist of broth with rice, pasta or mashed potatoes with boiled vegetables, as well as a couple of slices of whole grain bread.

- Snack: banana or applesauce, cottage cheese.
- For dinner, it is not recommended to eat a large amount of food. You can restrict yourself to boiled lean meats such as chicken, turkey, or lean beef.
During snacks between meals, you can eat boiled vegetables, waffles, pancakes, toasts, low-fat dairy products. Drinking plenty of fluids is also recommended. It can be plain water or weak tea.
One of the complications that diarrhea can cause is dehydration. Moreover, children are most affected by this. Signs of a lack of fluid in the body are as follows:
- decrease in the number and frequency of urination;
- thirst;
- lethargy;
- fatigue;
- dry skin.
A feature of the diet for diarrhea, diarrhea in adults and children is to replenish the water-salt balance. To combat dehydration, you need to increase fluid intake. If the baby is breastfed, it is recommended to put it on the chest more often. If he is on artificial feeding, it is necessary to often offer a bottle of water.

In some cases, you may need to use rehydration solutions. Such drugs are needed to maintain a balance of fluid and electrolytes in the body, the loss of which occurs during frequent and loose stools. Rehydration solutions can be bought at any pharmacy.
Prevention of dehydration in a child with diarrhea is a top priority. It is recommended to carefully monitor the health of the baby. If the condition worsens and new symptoms appear, consult a specialist.
To prevent the occurrence of intestinal infection and, consequently, the appearance of diarrhea, some recommendations must be followed.
- Always wash your hands after using the toilet and before eating.

- Make sure that the dairy products you eat and drink are pasteurized.
- Serve food immediately after it has been cooked or warmed up.
To prevent the risk of transmitting the infection to other people, follow these guidelines.
- Avoid unnecessary contact until all symptoms disappear.
- Do not cook for other people. Wash hands thoroughly or cook with gloves on.
- If you work in a field related to catering (for example, in a cafe or restaurant), it is not recommended to go to the service until the symptoms disappear.
When to see a doctor?
You must call an ambulance team or contact a medical institution if the following symptoms appear:
- Diarrhea lasts more than 3 days.
- Cramps.
- Abdominal pain lasts several days, becomes intense or focused in only one area of ββthe abdomen.
- Dizziness.
- Blood and mucus in the stool.
- Temperature is above 39 degrees.
Everyone has at least once in their life encountered the appearance of loose stools. The duration and severity of diarrhea depends on the causes of this condition. In addition to drug treatment, it is first necessary to adjust the diet. Food for diarrhea should be easily digestible, not irritate the intestines, and also contain an increased amount of potassium, sodium and starch. According to reviews, the exclusion of fatty or spicy foods, fast food, sweets, dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, alcohol and caffeine helps to cope with diarrhea much faster and return to the previous regime. Some have come across a situation where frequent loose stools lead to severe dehydration. The use of clear liquids helped to cope with this: broths, water, rehydration solutions.