About 80% of all women during their period report feeling unwell. One of the symptoms is dizziness during menstruation. Such a sign worries almost half of the girls on Earth. That is why ways to combat the unpleasant manifestations of PMS are incredibly relevant.

Dizziness before menstruation
If a woman notes dizziness and nausea before menstruation, it can be assumed that a hormonal malfunction occurred in her body. In this case, the concentration of hormonal substances such as progesterones and estrogens is disturbed. Large amounts of these biological substances contribute to lowering blood sugar levels, resulting in swelling in the extremities, excess fluid is retained in the body, thereby causing dizziness.
Dizziness during menstruation
Dizziness may occur during menstruation due to non-pathogenic causes, including: excess body weight and the presence of such bad habits as smoking.
Sometimes an ailment arising is absolutely not associated with any violations in the bodyβs activity and disappears on its own after a woman reaches 30 years of age, or after conception and birth of a child.
What are the main causes of dizziness during menstruation?
In a diagnostic study, the gynecologist will first turn his attention to the presence or absence of the following factors that can provoke poor health:
- Severe blood loss, excessive during menstruation.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Pathologies that are associated with a change in pressure.
- Deficiency of iron, hemoglobin.
- Chronic form of migraine.

The resulting dizziness is not always evidence of serious problems in the female body. If the symptoms are mild at normal times, but clearly appear immediately before the onset of menstruation, then you should not panic. A doctor check is required if vomiting and a strong sense of discomfort occur. The specialist will help determine the true causes of ill health and prescribe therapy that helps to eliminate the pathological condition.
In addition, it should be remembered that delayed menstruation with nausea and dizziness can be a sign of pregnancy.
Causes of the disease after menstruation
Most often, dizziness with menstruation does not surprise anyone. But why such a symptom can occur after the end of critical days?
This can happen due to a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as due to deviation of pressure indicators from the norm.
In addition, low hemoglobin can cause dizziness and nausea to occur during menstruation. In this case, an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain occurs, in connection with which a woman feels unwell, she has problems with orientation in space and balance.
So, now it is clear why dizziness occurs before menstruation.

PMS symptom classification
If during and after menstruation dizziness and nausea are observed, then the symptoms, depending on the pathologies of the HC and CCC, can be of two types:
- Central type. In this case, the symptoms are characterized by a violation of the brain due to edema and hypoxia. The reason for this phenomenon often becomes a sharp narrowing and expansion of the vascular structures in the initial period of menstruation.
- Peripheral type. They arise not because of menstruation, but because of the development of pathologies of the inner ear or vestibular apparatus.
Given the frequency of occurrence of dizziness, distinguish:
- Systemic symptoms. It occurs with every menstruation due to imbalance in hormones in the body and pathologies of the vestibular apparatus.
- Non-systematic symptoms. Such manifestations are not characteristic of each menstruation. They can develop unexpectedly due to an overload of the body, there are neurogenic diseases, there is an increase in the level of hormones, a deficiency of glucose in the blood.
In addition to dizziness, with menstruation, other symptoms may occur.

Symptoms associated with PMS
As a rule, premenstrual syndrome is accompanied not only by the appearance of dizziness, but also by other symptoms. The occurrence of mild discomfort before the onset of menstruation allows a woman to prepare in advance, so this situation should not cause concern. On the contrary, bleeding accompanied by dizziness and soreness, as well as other uncharacteristic signs, are a signal that you need to consult a doctor.
In different women, premenstrual syndrome can manifest itself with various signs, including:
- Constipation, diarrhea.
- Jumps in blood pressure.
- Upset for a minor cause, sudden changes in mood.
- Fatigue, drowsiness, general lethargy.
- The pain in the head, which often occurs on one side only, is aggravated by light, due to loud noises.
- Vomiting, nausea.
- Minor hyperthermia (up to 37 degrees).
- Disturbed orientation in space, in some cases, fainting and loss of consciousness.

First aid
Feeling of weakness, dizziness during menstruation and nausea can be alleviated by performing simple steps. If a woman feels unwell, she should:
- Breathe deeply.
- Take a comfortable position on the chair or lie down.
- To weaken a collar, a belt if they create an obstacle for normal breathing.
- Quickly ventilate the room.
Such simple techniques will allow the brain to resume oxygen supply, which will significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms.
Drug therapy
Gynecologists do not recommend self-medication for such ailment. If a womanβs head is spinning regularly before the onset of menstruation, then she needs to consult a gynecologist who will prescribe the necessary diagnostics and determine the cause of the pathological symptoms.
As a rule, doctors recommend the following medicines to women:
- Complexes of vitamins and minerals. Women's health is favorably influenced by Vitrum and Magne B6. The impact of these drugs is that they normalize the reproductive and endocrine characteristics of the female body.
- Painkillers. The most popular drug is No-Shpa. Analgesics are indispensable for pain in the head or abdomen.
- Nausea blockers. For example, Tserukal, Dramina.
- Antihistamines
- Hormonal drugs. Such drugs can normalize hormone levels in just one month.

Folk remedies
If during menstruation there is slight dizziness and weakness, experts do not mind the use of traditional medicine. The main condition is a careful selection of funds to avoid the development of allergic reactions.
With nervousness, nausea and dizziness during menstruation, they will help:
- Clover. It is necessary to fill in 40 g of plant flowers with half a liter of vodka and insist for two weeks. Take the infusion should be 15 minutes before meals, on an empty stomach, 40 drops.
- Mint. It is necessary to pour 40 g of dry mint with boiling water, then insist for one hour. Apply infusion should be 75 ml three times a day.
- Juices. Natural beet, carrot and pomegranate juices will help to eliminate dizziness during menstruation. When they are used, the level of iron in the blood is normalized, hemoglobin deficiency is prevented.
- Lime tea. To maintain normal hormonal balance, tea based on ginger and linden will help.
- Sea kale. Promotes saturation of the body with iodine, as a result of which the thyroid gland functions correctly.
- Fish fat. It is especially recommended for adolescents, as it saturates the body with useful elements, strengthens its system before the onset of menstruation.
Need to see a doctor
Signs typical of PMS do not require urgent therapy. However, if uncharacteristic symptoms occur, it is better not to delay the visit to the gynecologist. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible if the following violations are noted:
- Severe cramping in the lower abdomen.
- Fainting, situations where dizziness begins after menstruation.
- Hyperthermia, spasms in the joints, excessive sweating.
- Chronic form of headache.
- Nausea escalating into vomiting.
- Respiratory problems, swelling, allergic reactions.
- Permanent lack of sleep.
- Nerve tics.

Prevention of nausea and dizziness during menstruation
To prevent the appearance of nausea and dizziness during menstruation, you can, if you follow some preventive measures:
- Avoid stress.
- Follow a diet, refuse smoked, fatty, fried, sweet.
- Lead an active lifestyle, relax properly.
- Monitor vitamin balance.
- Avoid excessive physical stress.
- Get rid of bad habits.
- Take regular walks in the fresh air.
- Consume green tea with ginger.
With the onset of menstruation, you can resort to such physiotherapeutic procedures as:
- Therapy with mineral waters.
- Acupuncture.
- Massotherapy.
However, it should be remembered that such therapy can be carried out only under the supervision of a specialist.
Thus, dizziness after menstruation, as well as in front of them and during - is not uncommon for many women. And only in rare cases does it indicate the presence of pathology in the body. If the symptom appears constantly and is not very pronounced, then therapeutic and preventive measures will help to eliminate it. If negative manifestations occur unexpectedly and unstably, you should consult a gynecologist.
We examined why nausea and dizziness occur during menstruation.