Menopause can be triggered by hormonal imbalances due to surgery. Climax after removal of the uterus, in contrast to the natural process of extinction of reproductive cells that occur naturally without complications, occurs sharply and can cause many individual complications.
Does menopause occur after removal of the uterus?
Pathologies of the female reproductive system can occur at any age. Women at the age of 40 are in the high-risk zone. A number of diseases can only be resolved by surgical intervention in the reproductive system.

Indications for operations:
- large fibroids;
- oncological growths in the cervix;
- infections and inflammatory processes;
- prolapse of the walls of the vagina and prolapse of the uterus;
- chronic uterine bleeding;
- after childbirth with heavy bleeding due to exfoliation of the placenta;
- with increment of the placenta.
Depending on the doctor’s appointment, amputation of the reproductive organs of various areas is performed:
- Extirpation of the uterus without appendages. The uterus and cervix are surgically removed.
- Panhisterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus, cervix and appendages.
- Uterine amputation without appendages. During the operation, only the uterus is removed.
- Amputation of the uterus with appendages. Surgical removal of the uterus and appendages.
Removal of the uterus without appendages is the most sparing operation that preserves the woman's natural hormonal background. Due to the fact that the ovaries and the cervix remain unharmed, the intervention rarely leads to surgical menopause.

The occurrence of menopause after removal of the uterus and appendages is called artificial menopause. In medical practice, this technique is used to prevent the occurrence of cancer. Despite the fact that all types of oncologies are mainly localized in the uterus, the presence of ovaries increases the chance of recurrent tumors, the probability of which increases in proportion to the patient's age.
Most doctors make it a priority to preserve the appendages, since it is in the ovaries that the hormonal background is formed, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the female body.
Postoperative period
Climax after removal of the uterus and ovaries are the inevitable consequences of the operation, which the patient is informed of before surgery.
The main reason for the occurrence of post-hysterectomy syndrome: insufficient blood supply to the ovaries, after exclusion of the uterine arteries and their branches from the system. Due to insufficient blood supply, the ovaries can decrease in size and cease to properly perform their hormonal function.
Will menopause after removal of the uterus and the risk of its occurrence depend on:
- volume of operations performed;
- individual structure of the reproductive system before surgery;
- patient age;
- general health.
Most on the course of the postoperative period is affected by the amount of surgical intervention. If an additional ovary or cervix has been removed, the risk of menopause after surgery increases significantly.
Menopause in women after removal of the uterus is more often observed in adulthood. In the body of every woman, an unchanged individual number of eggs is laid, one of which comes out with each menstruation. So, with age, the female reproductive system may already be sufficiently depleted, and surgical intervention and circulatory disorders in it only accelerates the onset of menopause. Whether climax occurs after removal of the uterus, directly depends on the individual structure of the blood vessels of the reproductive system. It is worth considering that the blood supply to the ovaries from the uterine arteries in the female body occurs according to individual volumes, and the higher the blood flow to the ovaries from the uterine arteries before surgery, the higher the risk of ASH after their removal.
The normal course of the postoperative syndrome is also adversely affected by chronic diseases and deviations from the norm. In particular, diabetes, obesity, venous expansion of the pelvic veins, impaired lymphatic outflow, hypertension.
Early symptoms of menopause
The natural extinction of the reproductive system occurs smoothly. The female body manages to adapt to changes in the hormonal background, so the symptoms of menopause are manifested less pronounced and harmoniously transferred. At the same time, the artificial and postoperative menopause after removal of the uterus occurs sharply, and its symptoms are pronounced and have an increased negative effect on the normal functioning of the female body.

Three weeks after surgery, menopause appears after removal of the uterus. Symptoms conditionally, according to the localization of exposure, are divided into four categories.
Physical state
Violation of the normal functioning of the ovaries causes ebbs and flows, which are positioned as the early signs of menopause after removal of the uterus. Their symptoms are manifested:
- in sudden changes in temperature;
- in sharp bouts of chills;
- increased sweating;
- sudden changes in blood pressure.
Hot flashes with menopause after removal of the uterus can occur from 30 to 50 times a day and last more than five years. This physical state of the body causes shock and embarrassment in a woman, a number of additional psychological problems.
Hormonal disorders

For the hydration of the mucous membranes of the vagina and fallopian tubes, the sex hormone estrogen is responsible. Its insufficient amount leads to disruptions in the functioning of the mucous membranes, during which they become thin and wither. A woman feels uncomfortable, prefers to completely abandon intimacy, as the lack of moisture causes pain. Against this background, conflicts in relations with a partner and protracted depression are possible.
Estrogen also has a tremendous effect on the functioning of the brain, in particular, impairs cognitive functions and the processes associated with them. Cognitive impairment causes:
- memory impairment;
- bandwidth perception and assimilation of information;
- problems with remembering new information.
These manifestations can be further enhanced by a woman’s stressful state.
Vegetative disorders
According to statistics, more than 60% of women who have experienced menopause after removal of the uterus are familiar with this problem. The lack of proper saturation of the body with sex hormones adversely affects the functionality of the autonomic system and contributes to the appearance of:

- decreased performance;
- fatigue;
- general weakness of the body;
- frequent headaches that develop into migraines;
- partial short-term numbness;
- tachycardia;
- dizziness and loss of consciousness;
- neurological diseases.
Psychological disorders
No matter how emotionally prepared the woman was before the operation, after removal of the uterus, menopause and extreme stress begin. Patients have inferiority complexes and prolonged depression. Against this background, there are:
- excessive impulsiveness;
- increased anxiety;
- severe irritation;
- bright flashes of unreasonable anger;
- protracted depression;
- lack of arousal;
- tearfulness;
- annoying fears.
The psychological problems that have arisen do not allow the body to adapt normally to the new state and, in combination with other consequences of menopause, can develop into chronic pathologies. It is worthwhile to solve these problems immediately, because only after adjusting the psychological state, the woman will be able to feel healthy and again feel all the joys of her former life. Return to the previous mode of life should be carried out gradually. Excessive fatigue and external pathogens can provoke a reappearance of symptoms.
Late menopause symptoms
Signs of menopause after removal of the uterus may first appear after a long period of time:
- Diseases of the genitourinary system. The condition and structure of the walls of the genitourinary system directly depend on the hormonal background. Some time after surgery, their lack can cause thinning of the urethra, pain during urination, or urinary incontinence.
- The body of a woman ceases to produce collagen and elastin. It causes dry skin, accelerated aging, hair loss, brittle nails. A consequence of metabolic disorders can also be a quick set of excess weight.
- Cardiovascular diseases. Estrogen is involved in cardioprotective functions, and its lack can cause arterial hypertension, thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart attack.
- Osteoporosis. Hormonal imbalance often causes bone disease, can reduce bone density, cause their fragility and fragility.
After the operation, you should carefully monitor the condition of your body and often visit a doctor for examination in order to identify diseases at an early stage.
Varieties of surgical menopause
Climax after removal of the uterus is a complication from surgery. It can occur in various forms, take place on its own or require long-term treatment and medical supervision. In order to understand what actions should be taken, it is necessary to understand the nature of the complication.
Postoperative menopause may be:
- early - manifestations of menopause symptoms occur a short time after the operation;
- late - symptoms begin to appear after a few months to a year;
- transient - the symptoms occur early and independently eliminate after a few months;
- persistent - the symptoms are persistent in nature and tend to worsen.
You should not establish a diagnosis on your own. To identify the symptoms and types of menopause, you should consult a gynecologist. Only an experienced specialist can determine how long menopause lasts after removal of the uterus and which is of a nature in each case.
Treatment methods
It was previously believed that an artificial menopause after removal of the uterus and ovaries cannot be treated, but modern doctors and pharmacologists have developed a number of methods that solve the consequences of surgical intervention in the female reproductive system.
Regardless of the type of menopause, in the absence of proper medical care with the natural onset of menopause, patients experience an average of 4-5 years earlier. During treatment and rehabilitation therapy, psychological and cardiopathic complications do not develop, the tissues of the reproductive system are regenerated, and the hormonal background is maintained at the proper level.
Drug treatment
Failures in the hormonal background of each woman are individual. Preparations for menopause after removal of the uterus must be prescribed by the attending physician based on the results of the tests.
Hormone therapy is carried out if the female body is not able to ensure the normal functioning of the processes by the independent production of sex hormones. In this case, the provision of the necessary hormonal background is achieved by taking special preparations containing the missing hormones. Therapy can be estrogen-based or combined. The composition of combined drugs, in addition to estrogen, also includes progesterone.
Estrogen preparations are in the form of tablets, dragees, vaginal suppositories, plasters, creams and gels, and combination products are more often available only as medications for oral use.
Before taking medications, you should definitely undergo a full examination, and with prolonged use of hormones, a medical examination is carried out annually.
Please note that taking hormonal drugs is strictly prohibited for patients who have survived or are prone to cancer.
Phytoestrogen Treatment
Most cereals contain estrogens. If a patient detects contraindications or allergic reactions to taking pharmacological agents, the treatment of menopause after removal of the uterus can be based on taking phytoestrogens. The following cereals should be included in the diet:
- wheat;
- beer malt;
- corn;
- oats;
- soybeans;
- lentils
- hop;
- linen;
- yam;
- alfalfa;
- tsimitsifuga;
- clover.
Some drugs are developed on the basis of the natural estrogen contained in these cultures, and can also be used for contraindications to the use of hormonal drugs.
Psychological correction and help
As indicated earlier, the psychoemotional state of a woman plays an important role in the adaptation of the body during recovery from surgery. If you can’t cope with mental disorders on your own, you should pay attention to medicinal antidepressants.
Additionally, the complex of treatment can include complexes of vitamins and minerals containing a large amount of magnesium and iron, dietary supplements and other auxiliary agents for quick recovery and maintenance of the normal state of the body.
In case there is a deterioration in the work of the cardiovascular and autonomic system, the corresponding preparations are indicated.
Recovery Tips
After surgery, the woman’s body is faced with severe abnormalities in the hormonal function, and the woman herself is subject to stress and prolonged depression. In addition, the postoperative period is accompanied by a long rehabilitation course, during which the body should be supported.
To facilitate the rapid recovery and course of surgical menopause, you should adhere to the doctor's recommendations issued for an individual course of treatment, as well as generally accepted tips:
- A positive environment has a positive effect on the speed of rehabilitation. It is necessary to exclude irritants, to create a positive and comfortable living environment. Relatives and close people should provide moral support. If this is not possible, you can contact a psychologist or in support centers.
- You should spend as much time as possible in the fresh air and regularly ventilate the premises. Saturation of cells with oxygen helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state and normalizes the functioning of the body.
- It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet. Eliminate fatty foods from daily use and completely eliminate foods containing trans fats. These components in the composition of food can impair blood circulation and cause venous blockage of blood vessels, while exacerbating the production of hormones in the ovaries.
- Develop a balanced daily routine. Lack of sleep and fatigue are the eternal stimulants of stress and depression. An already fragile psycho-emotional state can be completely torn in the absence of a balanced daily regimen. Sleep should be given at least eight hours a day, it is recommended to take a short break for lunch, and work should be balanced with relaxation and entertainment.
- It is recommended to do your own appearance, devote more time to caring for yourself. Regardless of how long the menopause lasts after removal of the uterus, a woman always wants to look beautiful, and such a useful habit will help to feel attractive and maintain a psycho-emotional state in a positive mood.
Whatever the cause of menopause, a woman in this condition needs increased care and control. It should be noted that with menopause, exacerbations of chronic diseases, jumps in blood pressure, dizziness and fainting are possible. It is not recommended to drive a car, take part in active sports and take on physically tiring work. In addition, even after total removal (extirpation) of the uterus and its appendages, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist. It is strictly forbidden to lift weights, since it is possible to omit the bladder and subsequently involuntary urination.