How did Rosa Syabitova lose weight? This question excites not only women of mature age, but also pretty young girls. Indeed, today almost every fourth representative of the fair sex suffers from excess weight. And celebrities are no exception.
How did Rosa Syabitova lose weight?

Surely every fan of the program βLet's get married!β Remembers how the famous matchmaker of our country looked like before. But no matter how much you strain your memory, it is unlikely that you will be able to recall the popular TV presenter in a more attractive and feminine manner than she is now. After all, not so long ago the main matchmaker of Russia pulled herself together and in an amazingly short time got rid of 10 kilograms of excess weight. Now she has amazing forms that millions of residents of our country dream of.
So how did Roza Syabitova lose weight? Some claim that she refused all flour and sweet products, while others say that the matchmaker fell under the surgeonβs knife. The article presented will help distinguish truth from fiction.
Diet of Rose Syabitova
In her diet, the popular TV presenter decided not to reinvent the wheel, but used methods and tools already tested by time. And she was not mistaken. Indeed, if earlier Rosa Syabitova was an ordinary middle-aged woman with a weight of 65 kilograms, now she has become a slender lady with a body weight of 55. However, the operation was not without it. After all, the famous matchmaker of our country not so long ago found beautiful breasts of the 4th size, and also got rid of excess skin on her stomach.
It should be noted that the diet of Rosa Syabitova, reviews of which are quite numerous, is quite safe for the health of a losing weight person. Although one cannot do without endurance and willpower. To understand how exactly the famous TV presenter lost weight, we decided to bring to your attention the dietary rules, which she strictly observed for several months.
Secrets of losing weight Rosa Syabitova
If you want to lose a few pounds of excess weight, then strictly follow the recommendations described:
- First of all, it is necessary to abandon salt. After all, it was the salt-free diet that helped Rosa Syabitova become a refined and luxurious lady. By the way, from your menu you need to remove not only the presented bulk product, but also all smoked, sausage and canned products, which contain such a harmful component.
To lose weight quickly and for a long time, Rosa Syabitova recommends eating often, but in small portions. Thus, the amount of food consumed during breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner should be exactly as much as fits in your palm. In this situation, you will not feel hunger, but you will not gain weight.- For effective weight loss, it is very important to follow a drinking regimen. So, the famous matchmaker of our country before each meal drank one glass of water, as well as 2-3 cups between meals. In total, it is recommended to consume about 1.7-2 liters of filtered fluid per day.
- How did Rosa Syabitova lose weight? The TV presenter answers this question unequivocally: a weekly fasting day. At such a time, the matchmaker ate only fat-free kefir and ate one apple.
There are many more nuances by which Roza Syabitova became a slender and luxurious lady. According to her, she achieved an ideal figure by abandoning everything flour, fat and sweet.
Menu for the day
How did Rosa Syabitova lose weight? Her diet consisted only of porridge in milk (oatmeal + buckwheat), as well as river fish, white poultry, seafood, vegetables and some fruits. To understand how to combine these ingredients, let us present you its daily menu.

- vegetable salad (fresh) seasoned with vegetable refined oil;
- any citrus fruit or a glass of juice from it.
- any fruit except grapes and banana;
- a glass of freshly squeezed juice.
- white cabbage salad with vegetable oil;
- white poultry or river fish with stewed vegetables for garnish;
- tea with fresh lemon.
- low-fat cottage cheese (about half a pack);
- 150 g of natural yogurt with berries or fruits.
- buckwheat porridge (you can cook oatmeal, but only on water);
- any freshly squeezed juice.
At night:
- a glass of kefir 0.5% fat.

Physical exercise
For proper weight loss, in no case can not be neglected and regular exercise. As for Rosa Syabitova, she did not always have enough free time for sports. However, she compensated for it with her active and active work.
Now you know how Roza Syabitova lost weight. Strictly observing the rules and recommendations for normalizing your weight, you will soon be able to boast a refined and feminine figure. We wish you success!