It has been known for a long time that milk is a healthy product. Is it good for the body in acidic form? Of course, yes.
Let us further consider the main directions of the positive effect of dairy products on the human body.

What products are fermented milk
When considering issues regarding the benefits and harms of dairy products, you need to pay attention to their list. First of all, it should be noted that the group under consideration includes all those products that were obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation, which in some cases is produced with the participation of alcoholic fermentation.
In the modern food industry, they are divided into two groups. The first includes all those products that are characterized by high density and a uniform clot. Their production is carried out by alcohol and lactic acid fermentation. It is appropriate to include fermented baked milk, yoghurts, acidophilus milk, yogurt and sour cream with cottage cheese. As for the second group, all liquid sour-milk products belong to it, which are characterized by a sour, slightly nibbling aftertaste. For clarity, it should be noted that this group of fermented milk products includes kefir, koumiss and all others similar to them.
Next, we consider the main features of the most common types of fermented milk products, and also talk about what positive effects they can have on the human body.

Product Benefits at a Glance
Most fermented milk products contain an increased amount of minerals and minerals, as well as vitamins (groups B, E, D), which positively affect the functioning of the body and increase immunity.
Sour-milk products are indispensable for those who set themselves the goal of losing weight steadily, as well as maintaining a healthy digestive system. In addition, products assigned to the group under consideration contribute to the elimination of constipation and colitis, as well as gas formation. Moreover, sour-milk products are recommended to be eaten by those who are sick with tuberculosis.
Their use helps calcium to be better absorbed and helps to remove heavy metals and poisons from organisms, even in case of intoxication.
Sour milk contains a high content of leucine, albumin, globulin and lysine - these components, entering the human body with mixed nutrition, significantly increase the value of protein.
Speaking about the benefits of fermented milk products for the human body, one can not help but mention yogurt. Experts in the field of medicine and proper nutrition often note that daily use of this product allows you to stabilize the metabolic process in the human body, as well as give a beautiful, youthful look to the skin and make the waist more slim. All these statements are in fact true truth, but to achieve positive results from the regular use of yogurt is possible only if the composition of the purchased product will include a minimum amount of ingredients. Moreover, live bacteria must be present in natural and healthy yogurt.
In addition to all of the above, yogurt also has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver, strengthens the joints, and also improves the metabolism and positively affects the immune system, strengthening it.
An ideal option for a healthy diet is Greek yogurt, which consists exclusively of milk and beneficial bacteria, and its shelf life is no more than a week.
Practice shows that the product in question can be used not only for pure consumption, but also for dressing soups, salads, they can completely replace sauces harmful to the human body.

Speaking about the benefits of dairy products for the human body, it is worth noting the main features of hard cheese. This product is incredibly highly valued, which is associated primarily with a very rich mineral composition, in which there is a large amount of calcium, as well as proteins and vitamins of groups B and D.
Cheese is a product that, getting into the body, is able to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the digestion process. Its significant disadvantage is high calorie content.
Cheese is a fermented milk product, which in its natural form is highly valued in the market. When buying it, you should pay special attention to the cost (from 900 rubles per kg), as well as to the composition, which should have a minimum amount of ingredients.
Kefir is a fermented milk product that can bring a double benefit to the human body: it improves the intestinal microflora and helps to lose weight quickly.
Reflecting on the benefits of a fermented milk product for women and men, it should be noted that kefir is a storehouse of useful macro- and microelements, as well as fungi and bacteria, which are vital for the normal functioning of the intestine. Using kefir, you can significantly improve the process of assimilation of food, as well as the removal of toxins and decay products from the body. In many opinions of nutritionists, it is noted that the use of kefir reduces the degree of need for sweets.
In order to bring maximum benefit to your body, choosing kefir, you must give preference to a product with a mass fraction of fat content of 3.2 percent.

Acidophilic drink
A special type of dairy products is an acidophilic drink, which is produced artificially - by adding a special bacterium - acidophilus bacillus, to milk.
The peculiarity of this product is that after its use, the acidophilus bacterium contained in the drink perfectly survives in the walls of the large intestine and subsequently does not undergo destruction under the influence of food juices. Moreover, all products secreted during the course of its life in the digestive tract have a fairly broad bactericidal effect.
The acidophilic drink contains many B vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It is proved that the fermented milk product in question is able to strengthen human immunity.
The use of the product in question is prohibited for gastritis, intestinal or stomach ulcers, as well as in the presence of pancreatitis.
Talking about the benefits of sour-milk products for human health, you can not deprive sour milk - a drink made from whole pasteurized milk, which is based on cultures of lactic acid bacteria.
What is the benefit of yogurt? First of all, it should be noted that this product, entering the human body, helps to activate the metabolism in it. In the comments of nutritionists left to this sour-milk product, it is said that the use of yogurt contributes to the rapid burning of fats in the human body, which contributes to weight loss.
Ryazhenka is a type of fermented milk product that resembles yogurt. It is prepared by combining cream and milk, because of which in its composition there is an increased proportion of fat content.
The main feature of fermented baked milk is that this product, including the fat and protein contained in it, is absorbed very quickly by the human body. Ryazhenka is a product that is indispensable for those people who play sports, because with active training, the components contained in it stimulate an active metabolism, due to which it is possible to lose weight fairly quickly.

Varenets is a product made from baked or pasteurized milk, for the fermentation of which cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic lactic streptococcus are used. It is similar to fermented baked milk, but its taste is more acidic, and the product also has a small proportion of fat.
By using Varenets, a person enriches his body with sodium, iron, magnesium, sulfur and vitamins A, groups B, PP and C. Studies show that the main benefit of a dairy product is that, when used regularly, overall health is significantly improved, as well as work some individual systems of the human body (gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver). Moreover, Varenets perfectly helps to lose weight, and also stimulates the active removal of toxins and toxins from the body.
Koumiss is a fermented milk product rich in vitamins and minerals. This drink is consumed mainly in Asia and it should be noted that here it is considered a product that can cure many diseases, as well as stabilize the general condition of the body, and in particular the gastrointestinal tract.
The use of koumiss helps to improve peristalsis, normalize lipid metabolism in the liver and secretion of gastric juice, and the use of a fermented milk product is to stabilize the nervous system.
Koumiss is very often used as a folk remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis, furunculosis, acute intestinal infections, as well as gastritis. Moreover, many experts in the field of proper nutrition note that koumiss is able to stabilize the level of pressure.

Speaking about the benefits of milk and dairy products, you should definitely pay attention to the peculiarities of the impact on the human body of another drink - shubat, which is a traditional Kazakh drink made on the basis of camel milk.
The nutritional value of shubat is that it contains a large amount of vitamins (C, groups B, E, A, PP), unsaturated fatty acids and useful trace elements (calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, cobalt) .
Practice shows that with the daily use of a small amount of this drink in the human body, positive changes are observed: the effect of toxins begins to decrease, immunity is strengthened, and the excretory function of the stomach is strengthened. This product is recommended for diabetics, as well as those who suffer from gastritis, chronic hepatitis, diabetes mellitus and a number of skin diseases.
Speaking about the benefits and dangers of fermented milk products at night, it should be noted that, using Caucasian yogurt yogurt in the evening, you can observe a good sleep in both an adult and a child, as well as a feeling of good rest in the morning.
Matsoni helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the human body. Doctors have proven that such a product is able to lower cholesterol in human blood, as well as eliminate alcohol intoxication.
Noting the benefits of the dairy product for children, it is worth noting that with it a large amount of calcium enters the body, which is vital for the normal growth and development of the musculoskeletal system.

About the dangers of fermented milk products
Speaking about the benefits and dangers of milk and dairy products, it should be noted that they are not always useful.
As practice shows, with age it becomes increasingly difficult for a person to digest certain foods, which include fermented milk. Moreover, many people living on the planet have an individual problem - poor lactose tolerance. Representatives of this part of the population are categorically contraindicated the use of both milk and dairy products for food, and violation of this prohibition entails the occurrence of some unpleasant symptoms, which often include bloating, nausea, and even vomiting.
In the event that a person does not have an individual intolerance to the considered group of products, he is recommended to regularly use them as food - they will bring invaluable benefits to the body and significantly strengthen the immune system.