Multiple myoma is a serious disease that can progress and move into more complex forms. At the initial stage of the onset of the disease, symptoms may be absent. For this reason, doctors recommend that women regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist - this will help prevent the development of serious health problems. Due to the formation of multiple uterine fibroids, infertility or complications may occur during the period of gestation. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the overall clinical picture of a particular patient. An important role is played by the size and arrangement of nodes. The doctorβs task is to preserve the reproductive function and choose a less traumatic method of therapy. Self-medication is not recommended, as this can lead to the development of serious health problems.
Features of the disease

Myoma nodes develop from mutating cells in the muscles of the uterine wall. If a large number of cells mutate, then the so-called multiple myoma occurs. This type of neoplasm is observed in 81% of patients. There are several types of nodes, namely:
- Submucous variety - is formed in the muscle fiber located under the mucous membrane that lines the uterine cavity.
- Subserous, formed under the outer membranes and grow towards the abdominal cavity.
- In the muscle layers, interstitial nodes develop.
In multiple myoma, several nodes of different sizes can be detected - from 1.5 cm to 7 cm. There are several options for the localization of multiple neoplasms. The node can be located both outside the uterus and in the cavity. Mixed localization is possible. If the nodes begin to develop in the posterior wall of the uterus, then the woman does not have signs of the disease until the neoplasm disrupts the work of neighboring organs. In frequent cases, such an ailment occurs in women after 35 years.
To prevent the development of the disease, experts recommend visiting a gynecologist every six months and conducting a medical examination, since many diseases do not cause discomfort at the initial stage of occurrence. With timely access to a doctor, treatment of multiple fibroids is carried out with the help of medications. If the ailment is too neglected, then the problem is removed surgically. After this method of treatment, a person recovers longer, so it is better not to risk your health and follow the advice of specialists.
Possible complications

In the process of developing multiple myoma in a woman, the menstrual cycle is disrupted. If a tumor node appeared on the side of the abdominal cavity, then a commissure forms with an adjacent organ, which leads to constant pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. The functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted. Multiple myomatous nodes have thin legs. If they twist, then the blood circulation in the tumors is disrupted and tissue necrosis occurs. Under such conditions, severe internal bleeding and peritonitis may occur.
If the "birth" of the myomatous node occurs, then an immediate surgical intervention is necessary. With this diagnosis, a bone tumor from the uterine cavity falls through the cervix into the vagina. To prevent the development of severe bleeding, an emergency surgery is performed. With untimely therapy, multiple myoma develops into a malignant neoplasm.
For what reasons does the disease develop?

If blood circulation is disturbed, then a cell mutation occurs. The inflammatory process or mechanical damage to the wall during curettage often provokes the development of the disease. Hormonal malfunction is a major predisposing factor. With an abnormal change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone, multiple myoma can occur. If timely treatment of endometritis, endometrial hyperplasia and endometriosis is not carried out, serious health problems can arise. Under such conditions, a neoplasm may appear. There are several factors under the influence of which a hormonal disorder occurs and multiple subserous uterine fibroids are formed, namely:
- Endocrine diseases and impaired metabolism, which leads to excessive weight gain and "sugar" disease.
- Lack of labor
- Irregular sex life.
- Untimely puberty.
- Abortion.
- Intrauterine device - improper installation and use.
- Long-term treatment with hormonal contraceptives.
As medical practice of doctors shows, most often there is a fibroid in those women who work in an enterprise with harmful substances. Physical overload, systematic stress and smoking often provoke problems in the endocrine system of women.
Symptoms of the disease

At the initial stage of the development of the disease, symptoms may be absent. For this reason, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist regularly. The strength of the manifestation of signs of pathology depends on the type of neoplasm, its size and location. With intraperitoneal nodes, the menstrual cycle does not fail - menstruation is regular and does not cause suspicion. If the myoma is located in the uterine cavity, then women develop menorrhagia - severe pain during menstruation. If there is uterine bleeding between menstruation, it is important to visit a doctor, as this symptom indicates that a disease is developing that can provoke the development of serious health problems, including death. If you do not carry out timely treatment of multiple fibroids, then you may experience:
- Iron-deficiency anemia;
- oxygen starvation of cells.
If a woman has dizziness, weakness, a feeling of nausea and migraine, then an ambulance should be called immediately. Any medications should be taken strictly as directed by a specialist. If abundant liquid discharge of a yellowish tint begins, then this indicates that submucous multiple uterine fibroids develop. In the process of development of pathology, a woman experiences constant pain in the abdomen. A large subserous and interstitial node presses on the intestines, which provokes constipation. Under such conditions, urination is frequent or difficult, accompanied by a feeling of pain. In the process, an increase in the nodes of a woman can grow a stomach, as during the bearing of a baby. In order to prevent the development of complications, it is important to timely diagnose and start complex therapy.
Diagnostic measures

Using abdominal ultrasound, dopplerometry, ultrasound of the uterine cavity, x-ray examination of the uterine cavity, histological examination, laparoscopy and MRI, one can determine the state of organs and detect the presence or absence of fibroids. It is imperative to pass a general clinical blood test and hormone test. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the gynecologist will prescribe complex therapy. Depending on the physiological characteristics of the woman, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medicine.
Before prescribing medications, the specialist takes into account the location of myomatous neoplasms, the woman's age and her desire to have a child.
Conservative therapy
With the help of conservative treatment of multiple uterine fibroids, the disease can be overcome if the neoplasm does not exceed 2 cm. The duration of treatment is 3.5-6.5 months. GnRH-based drugs that suppress ovarian function are used. With the help of Buserelin, a woman is treated. As medical practice shows, neoplasms may reappear after discontinuation of therapy. Under such conditions, sudden menopause with characteristic symptoms often develops. To restore the hormonal background, the doctor prescribes Tamoxifen, Dydrogesterone, Mifepristone. Such therapy can be carried out before surgical manipulation in order to alleviate the patient's condition during the intervention.

Surgical treatment is indicated if the multiple nodes of the fibroids are more than 2.5 cm. At the same time, they are actively growing, profuse uterine bleeding and severe pain are present. What are the indications for surgery? These include:
- infertility;
- miscarriage;
- pressure on neighboring organs;
- twisting the legs or "birth of nodes."
In the process of treating the disease in young women, doctors often use myomectomy, since this method of removing nodes allows you to save the reproductive function of women. During the manipulation, the multiple nodes of the uterine fibroids are removed through the vagina using a special device. Thanks to embolization of the uterine arteries, you can save the uterus and cure the disease. Through the femoral artery, the doctor introduces a medicine that stops the access of blood to the vessel of the myomatous node. Under such conditions, the cell dies and is replaced by a healthy one. In girls who do not plan a pregnancy, as well as during menopause, a part of the uterus is removed. In this case, the appendages and the neck are preserved. Depending on the specific clinical picture, the doctor selects an individual treatment regimen for multiple fibroids. The operation is necessary if the size of the node exceeds 5 cm and the neoplasm is in the neck, while deforming the uterine cavity and interferes with the formation of the placenta.
Effective drugs

To achieve the maximum positive effect, after treatment it is necessary to responsibly treat the treatment process. Medication should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. During therapy, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and not overwork. Exercise should be excluded. Combined contraceptive is an effective treatment for fibroids. It will help reduce the size of the neoplasm if the initial one does not exceed 2 cm. Ethinyl estradiol should be contained in the composition of an effective drug. With the help of Novinet and Avedon, the patient is treated. You should know that hormonal drugs often provoke side effects, which manifest themselves in the form of:
- weight gain;
- menstrual changes;
- general weakness.
To reduce the size of uterine fibroids, therapy is carried out using Zoladex, Dekapeptil, Buserelin. Such drugs are not recommended to drink before surgery, as they condense neoplasms and provoke their fusion with uterine tissue. A strictly treating doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen - self-medication can only aggravate the problem. If uterine fibroids are small, then therapy is carried out with the help of "Zhanina" and "Yarina" - these are drugs of combined action that help normalize the woman's reproductive function. After drug therapy and surgery, multiple uterine fibroids can occur again, so it is important to regularly see a gynecologist.
Note to women
Many gynecological diseases can develop without any symptoms, therefore, experts advise to visit the gynecologist once every six months and take all the necessary tests - this will help prevent the appearance of fibroids. The result of treatment depends on many factors, namely:
- stage of the disease;
- general health of the patient;
- the size of the neoplasm.
If the tumor is too large, then drug treatment is ineffective. Under such conditions, it is mandatory to remove multiple fibroids. Doctors do not advise drinking medications and using alternative methods of therapy to treat the disease at home. As medical practice shows, such actions lead to the fact that diseases only go into a more complex form of the course.
Women's reviews
If one of the signs of a gynecological disease has appeared, according to the girls, it is better not to delay the trip to the doctor. Self-medication will not lead to anything good. Increasingly, women hear the diagnosis of multiple myoma from a gynecologist. Patient reviews indicate that it is better not to drink various herbal infusions from the disease, which are so popular on the Internet. Those women who were self-medicating with folk remedies regretted much, since during this time the neoplasm was actively growing. Those girls who constantly had abundant periods and aching pain in the lower abdomen were in no hurry to go to the doctor, because they thought that such symptoms indicate a banal hypothermia. But everything went wrong - many were diagnosed with fibroids. For this reason, many patients for a long time could not conceive a baby. Only under the supervision of a gynecologist is it better to treat multiple uterine fibroids. Reviews of patients confirm this fact.