The skin in the intimate zone is quite sensitive, so it always reacts to a violation of the functionality of the woman’s body. Pimples on the vagina also talk about the pathological condition. This phenomenon brings not only physical, causing pain, but also the psychological discomfort. The causes of this phenomenon are many. This may be, for example, non-compliance with hygiene rules. But in most cases when pimples appeared on the vagina, it speaks about health problems, so it is crucial to seek medical help. The doctor will establish the exact cause of this phenomenon and develop effective therapy.
Description and description of the problem
Pimples on the vagina are one of the symptoms of a malfunctioning woman. They can cause pain, well-being.
Acne can have a different shape and color, as well as localization. There are many reasons for the development of pathology. Some of them are not dangerous, others can provoke the development of serious complications, so it is very important to visit a gynecologist.

White pimples in the vagina
Small acne can have purulent contents. When content is removed, the pimples are.
White pimples in the vagina can appear for several reasons:
- Hair removal in the bikini area often leads to irritation of the skin. At the site of hair growth is formed inflammation, pimples, which are filled with muddy liquid.
- Synthetic underwear. Such material does not let air through, the skin sweats, and irritation appears.
- Hypothermia or overheating of the body. This leads to circulatory disorders, reduced local immunity, which promotes the penetration of bacteria that trigger acne development.
- STDs. Usually, acne in sexually transmitted diseases is localized near the mucous epithelium. This may be a papillomavirus infection. This phenomenon is dangerous, since in some cases it leads to the development of a cancerous tumor.
HPV is manifested in the form of warts, papillomas and warts that female representatives are often confused with acne. They are more dense to the touch, have an uneven surface can be both white and dark color. Such formations often grow in a short time.
In 4% of people around the world, hydradenitis is diagnosed, which is a chronic skin pathology affecting the sweat glands in the genitals and chest. With this disease, acne and spots appear, which eventually develop into ulcers with purulent contents. They do not heal for a long time and leave scars after themselves.

Acne red
If there are small pimples on the vagina that do not cause pain, this may indicate acne. With the appearance of painful sensations and the inflammatory process, we can talk about the following pathologies:
- violation of the hormonal or endocrine system;
- emotional overstrain, lack of sleep;
- a disorder of the nervous system in which red pimples appear in the vagina.
Red formations with a white coating indicate candidiasis, which is accompanied by a viral infection. Candidiasis itself does not cause pain, with such a pathology, white discharge and itching appear. The reason for this phenomenon can be prolonged stress, uncontrolled reception antibacterial drugs, reduction of protective properties of the organism.
With the appearance of dark red formations of a round shape in the vagina and anus, you need to urgently consult a doctor. So secondary syphilis can occur. In this case, pain and discomfort are absent, peeling of the skin may begin. In some cases, acne disappears on its own without scarring.
Acne can occur as a result of pubic lice, which provoke pubic lice. In addition to rashes, a woman may experience itching, burning, discomfort.
Watery formations
If the appearance of acne with a dense structure, which have the appearance of watery formations, is observed, then this may indicate the development of papillomas. In this case, a person may be infected with HPV or his protective properties of the body are reduced, vitamins and minerals are not enough in the body.
In the formation of acne with watery contents, which often burst, talk about the development of herpes infection. During this period, a woman is a source of infection, which can easily be transmitted to her sexual partner.

Subcutaneous formations
Pimples in the vagina, which look like bumps, do not cause discomfort and easily palpated and may develop for the following reasons:
- The development of wen as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands. This phenomenon is not harmful to health; in severe cases, surgical intervention may be required.
- Functional disorder of the sebaceous glands. In this case, formations can vary in size, but they do not cause discomfort. They do not pose a threat to health and are an individual feature of the woman’s body.
- Immune system disorder, autoimmune diseases. This pathology requires treatment. With such violations, pimples on the lips of the vagina will hurt.
In the form of a dense small nodule, a molluscum contagiosum appears. This pathology develops with the weakening of immunity, presence of arthritis, as well as those who have a tendency to allergic reactions. Education disappears spontaneously, but can be observed for two years.
Cysts of bartholin glands located in the vagina can also be observed. When the glands are blocked, benign formations develop that do not cause pain. Usually they do not require therapy. But when infected, they become inflamed, filled with purulent contents, and therefore require treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Cold rash
With hypothermia, a rash in the genital area may appear. But in some cases, this may indicate the development of an infectious or viral disease, which can cause acne suppuration. The main danger in this case is that there is a risk of sepsis. It is recommended to treat the primary disease, strengthen the immune system.
It's time to sound the alarm!
Even a small pimple in the vagina can indicate the development of serious pathologies in the body. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time for an examination. It is recommended to pay special attention to the following situations:
- pimples on the vagina do not go away for seven days;
- swelling and itching appeared;
- peeling of the skin occurs;
- acne have watery content;
- the appearance of acne after sexual intercourse;
- general health worsens, temperature rises, lymph nodes increase;
- formed non-healing ulcers.
When you see these symptoms should immediately visit a gynecologist, because they can develop serious complications.
Diagnostic measures
To know how to cure a pimple on the vaginal mucosa, it is necessary to find out the reason for his appearance. To do this, you need to contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. First, the doctor examines the history, listens to complaints, examines the symptoms of disease, and then conducting a pelvic examination.

Often prescribed laboratory tests of blood and urine tests, allergy tests, PCR, a smear is taken for analysis, scraping. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs can also be prescribed. If a wen is suspected, an ultrasound is prescribed, because in some cases it can transform into a malignant neoplasm. With the appearance of purulent acne, a study is made of the woman’s hormonal system and the condition of internal organs with the help of narrowly targeted techniques.
If a woman is experiencing pain and discomfort in the genital area, a doctor at the time of the survey may appoint her an anesthetic drug.
After a complete examination and determine the cause of the pathology doctor prescribes therapy, which is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also to eliminate the causes that caused it.
Some women are trying to independently treat pimples on the vagina. But self-medication can be dangerous, since the methods of treatment directly depend on the individual characteristics of the body of each woman and the causes of the appearance of pathology. Only an experienced specialist will select effective drugs after a diagnosis.
Usually, acne treatment is complex. It takes medication to stop the inflammatory process, increase the body's defenses, eliminate viruses and infections.
Often, the doctor prescribes antihistamines and antibiotics and NSAIDs, anti-fungal agents, vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. Sedatives, such as valerian or motherwort, are often used.
The main method of therapy is considered to be local treatment using ointments, creams, special solutions. With the internal arrangement of formations, candles and douching solutions are used. If the pimple is located at the entrance to the vagina, hormonal ointments based on hydrocortisone can be used. You can wash the formation with a solution of Miramistin, Chlorhexidine. Purulent formations are eliminated by Vishnevsky ointment or antibiotics. A good effect has ordinary green. In case of herpes infection, it is recommended to use “Acyclovir”.

After completing the course of therapy, it is necessary to re-take tests in order to fully confirm the cure. It is also recommended that you undergo therapy with your sexual partner to eliminate the risk of reinfection.
In some cases, surgery may be required. Fat or boils must be opened and their contents removed. Papillomas and molluscum contagiosum are treated with laser therapy or cryogenic freezing.
Forecasts are usually good. Not always the appearance of pimples on the vagina indicates the presence of serious pathologies that can harm health. Sometimes hygiene, proper nutrition and the wearing of suitable underwear will be sufficient. But there are some pathologies, the symptoms of which are manifested in the form of acne. They require timely treatment, as they can provoke the development of negative consequences. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and develop effective treatment tactics.
The main preventive method is the observance of the rules of intimate hygiene. It is recommended to wash the genitals every day, but only with special means or a simple baby soap. Often you can not use douching, as this can provoke a violation of the vaginal microflora. We need to use the clothes from natural materials that do not wear thongs, as they often provoke the development of inflammation and infection in the genital area.

Sanitary pads must be changed every four hours. When acne occurs, they can not be squeezed out and combed. It is also not recommended to take antipyretics, make lotions, use ointments. It is better to contact a gynecologist, he will tell you what to do in this case. But do not do hair removal before going to the doctor, as it will trigger the emergence of new pimples.
As a prophylaxis, it is recommended:
- Avoid overcooling and overheating.
- Change gaskets often.
- Use a condom during intercourse.
- Eat right.
- Once every six months visit a gynecologist.