Feel back pain before critical days? This is quite normal, because the days of menstruation are often accompanied by painful sensations and poor health. However, there are certain things that a woman needs to know in order not to endure pain, and if there are complications, then understand when the help of a doctor will be needed. Why does the back hurt before menstruation? Let's try to figure it out.

Why does the back hurt before menstruation? The reason for this is that the activity of processes that occur before critical days has an effect on the entire state of the body. Painful sensations are pulling in nature, but also felt in the lower abdomen. The onset of menstruation occurs with mood swings, irritability, discomfort in muscle tissue, and breast swelling also occurs. If a woman is doing well with health, then she may not even feel that she is pulling her back, and indeed menstruation will not bring her any discomfort.
Can the back before menstruation hurt those who did not give birth? It is noted that many women who have not given birth have painful sensations before critical days. Much also depends on heredity. Some girls can endure pain, while others have a bad back pain before menstruation, and this causes them panic, in which case you need to fight this.

PMS is called premenstrual syndrome, it is felt for 7 days, and sometimes ten days before the onset of menstruation. It is easy to identify it by symptoms:
- Headache that appears unexpectedly.
- There is a strong sensitivity to sounds.
- Speech is getting worse.
- There are problems with sleep, sleep insomnia may occur.
- Swelling appears.
- There is nausea.
- Changes in the emotional state, sharp jumps in mood, noticeable irritation, moods.
- Itchy skin inflammation.
- Temperature increase.
- Taste changes occur.
- Sex drive is decreasing or increasing.
First period
If the back and lower back hurts before menstruation for the first time, then this is not scary, but it is advisable to visit a doctor. Taking medications prescribed by your doctor will help you calm down and reduce pain. To quickly end the pain, you need to lie calmly and not move.

Physiological reasons
Muscular uterine contractions occur, they cause back pain. Often appear only in those who have a special physiological structure of the body.
Also, pain can occur if you have a very low pain threshold. Pain is a simple reaction of your body associated with changes.
Prostaglandins, which stimulate uterine contractions, provoke pain. During critical days, the level of the hormones progesterone and estrogen becomes lower, and it is difficult to cope with discomfort.
Stagnant fluid provokes internal swelling, not being able to completely exit the body. The reasons for this are hidden in a hormonal shift that occurs at a certain time, and compression of the nerve fibers due to the addition in volume provokes pain.
Also, the back may hurt due to the presence of an intrauterine device.
Many women and girls before the onset of menstruation begin to feel aching pain in the back. This unpleasant feeling can torment even the most persistent organism. As a rule, the cause of such pain is premenstrual syndrome, which is very common among nulliparous women. As already mentioned, its manifestations begin to be felt a week before the start of the menstrual cycle. Other symptoms are also very common:
- Nausea and loss of appetite.
- Cardiac arrhythmia.
- Dizziness.
- Various sleep disorders.
- Unstable emotional state.
As a rule, the cause of these pains is not in any genital pathologies.

Medication for therapy
Today, experts believe that such manifestations occur due to hormonal disorders, namely due to an increase in the level of the hormone estrogen and prostaglandin. The pains that appear before menstruation are aching and give off unpleasant sensations in the back and pelvic organs. Most women independently try to treat these pains by taking various types of analgesics, but, as a rule, such treatment is ineffective and can only drown out painful sensations for several hours.
There are several really effective methods to deal with the problem when your stomach and back ache before your period:
- The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which in this case are used as therapeutic. Usually they are used in the first few days of menstruation or for prevention three days before they occur.
- In the second method, the use of combined oral contraceptives occurs. They have an effect on hormones, due to which pain arises, which ultimately leads to painless periods.
But it is worth noting that both of these funds have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, before use, it is worth consulting a doctor.

Alternative treatment
During critical days, many girls experience unpleasant pain. Someone suffers such moments, but not everyone is happy with this option. You can use medicines or resort to traditional medicine methods. Such recipes are the safest. How to use traditional medicine to get rid of back pain before menstruation?
- Avoid hypothermia and the common cold during critical days.
- Wear warm clothing; otherwise, you may have inflammation of the appendages or bladder.
- Also, back pain worsens if your body feels a lack of calcium. That is why on critical days it is recommended to use fermented milk products.
- Chocolate also helps reduce pain, it helps the production of the hormone of happiness.
- The methods of traditional medicine include the preparation of tinctures based on elecampane root, horsetail, celery, mint or chamomile. Such infusions are not difficult to make, and also a lot of costs are not required.
- Use valerian as an infusion, it will reduce pain.
Also, another good option for traditional medicine is the use of snow (ice) and salt. You need to take a couple of glasses of snow, one salt, mix it all. Put the resulting mixture on a napkin. Such a composition should be kept for several minutes on the back.

Do you have premenstrual pain every month? How to deal with this? Such phenomena are very unpleasant and bring woman discomfort. To get rid of this, you will need to adhere to certain preventive measures. They are simple, but they can help cope with pain before menstruation. Would need:
- Keep a schedule of menstruation. You need to track your cycle, this will help to be ready for the onset of pain in anticipation of menstruation.
- One week before your period, start taking herbal supplements. Decoctions should be with a calming effect. This is a proven and effective method.
- In large quantities, consume warm water, this will improve metabolic processes.
- Exercise constantly. The abdominal and back muscles must be strong.
- In the usual diet, enter as much greens, lactic acid products as possible.
Back pain before critical days is considered normal. However, it also happens that the sensations become stronger and last longer than usual, in which case it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist, because this can be dangerous for your health.