Doctors constantly say that human health is largely dependent on the quality of nutrition, so the preparation of the daily menu should be approached very seriously. To properly plan a diet, it is not enough to know which foods contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. There are many of them that should be discarded or at least minimized consumption, as these products can be harmful or hazardous to health. Particular attention should be paid to food leading to flatulence. This condition not only causes a certain discomfort, but can also become the development of various complications. To prevent this from happening, let's look at what foods cause fermentation in the intestines.
general information

Flatulence translated from Greek means "bloating." By it is meant an excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines. There is no pain or any pronounced symptoms, but the involuntary and abundant emission of gases causes a certain discomfort, especially if a person is at work at this moment or in any crowded place. There are various foods that cause intestinal fermentation. A list of such foods will be presented below, but for now, let's look at the main features of flatulence.
In most cases, increased gas formation is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, an unpleasant belching, sometimes a person may experience piercing pain, which quickly rolls and disappears immediately after the exhaustion of the gases. If such a condition is caused not by a specific product, but by improper nutrition, then the patient may experience constipation or loose stools.
Is flatulence dangerous?
Dangers, as such, gas formation for the intestine is not. This is quite normal and commonplace. About one liter of gases is formed in our body every day, but due to some factors, it can increase several times, as a result of which a person experiences discomfort and pain in the lower abdominal region. It is considered normal when a person releases gases up to 15 times a day, but with flatulence, the intestines begin to be released much more often. Those who are faced with a similar problem are advised to go to the hospital, as it may be evidence of the development of various serious pathologies.
The main causes of flatulence

Overuse of gas in the vast majority of cases are products that cause fermentation in the intestines. According to qualified specialists, the problem may be associated with the presence of any pathology or disease, however, this only occurs in isolated cases.
In addition to malnutrition, among the main causes of increased gas formation, the following can be distinguished:
- diseases of an infectious etiology proceeding in an acute form;
- violation of the intestinal microflora;
- pathology of the gastrointestinal tract of various origins;
- violation of the discharge of gases;
- parasites;
- partial or complete violation of the movement of contents along the digestive tract;
- violation of the tone of the intestinal walls;
- neurotic disorder;
- inflammatory process in the intestines.
But, as already mentioned, in almost 95% of cases, an excessive accumulation of gases occurs due to the fact that people consume foods that cause fermentation in the intestines. Therefore, further we will dwell on them in more detail.
Foods leading to flatulence

A person cannot do without food, because from it we get energy and all vital nutrients, but not all products are recommended for consumption. Many of them can cause negative processes in our body, so it is better to minimize them or completely eliminate them from your diet. The most common foods that cause intestinal fermentation in adults are:
- legumes;
- raw fruits and vegetables;
- some alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- bakery products.
In addition to the above, there are also foods that are hard to digest in the stomach. They can also cause flatulence, so you should be very careful with their consumption. These include:
- red meat;
- goose;
- fatty fish varieties: salmon, hake, pollock and others;
- some mushrooms when consumed in large quantities;
- chicken eggs;
- Confectionery, which contains a large amount of carbohydrates.
It is worth noting that the above list of products that cause intestinal fermentation is far from complete. It presented only the basic foodstuffs that most of us regularly eat. If you notice that your stomach has swollen and other signs of flatulence have manifested, then you should make certain adjustments to your daily diet, making it more useful and balanced.
Bloating in children
As practice shows, the nutrition of parents and their children is different, because the kids do not like many dishes that appeal to adults. At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that the digestive system is still not well developed in children, so the products that cause fermentation in the intestines in children may vary. According to doctors and nutritionists, bloating most often occurs after eating the following foods:
- legumes;
- cabbage in any form;
- fried and boiled potatoes;
- Tomatoes
- fresh greens;
- onion and garlic;
- cereals;
- milk products;
- flour products.
But with children it is not as simple as with adults. They are prone to significantly more diseases, accompanied by bloating. Therefore, if the problem does not disappear over a long period of time, then it is worth showing the child to the doctor.
Flatulence in babies

Breast-fed babies are more likely to suffer from colic and increased gas buildup. There are also a number of foods that cause intestinal fermentation in infants. So that children do not develop flatulence, his mother must carefully monitor her diet, since all substances derived from food will enter the newborn’s body along with milk. For the period of a lactation it is recommended to refuse the following products:
- whole milk;
- corn;
- peas;
- chickpeas;
- beans;
- white cabbage and Beijing cabbage;
- Rye bread;
- mushrooms.
All of these foods are strictly forbidden, so you should limit your consumption of them for the entire duration of breastfeeding.
How to determine for yourself what should be discarded?
Above was a list of products that cause intestinal fermentation. But here it is important to take into account the fact that the body of each person can respond to them in completely different ways. If some people start bloating after an meal and an excessive amount of gas comes out, then others will not have anything like that. Therefore, you must be able to independently determine from which food items you have flatulence. There are two ways to do this:
- trial and error method - eating various dishes and observing your own condition after eating;
- preliminary exception - a complete or partial rejection of the products listed above.
Both methods are effective, but they are not very convenient, because you have to completely redesign the menu and exclude from it many products that you like. To make it easier to determine what you should refuse, it is recommended to have a nutrition diary. The following information must be entered into it:
- what dishes did you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner;
- the exact time at which the meal took place;
- own health after eating.
The information collected will allow you to identify products that cause fermentation and rot in the intestines in your particular case. Then you can balance your diet in the most optimal way. This will help normalize digestion to always feel good and stay healthy.
What is better to eat?

Above, we examined all the products that cause fermentation in the stomach and intestines. Now let's look at those types of food that have a beneficial effect on the body. Qualified specialists are advised to include the following in their daily diet:
- buckwheat and millet groats;
- oven-baked fruits;
- vegetables cooked in a double boiler;
- lean meats;
- low-fat fish, baked in the oven or boiled;
- dairy products;
- yeast-free bread.
In addition, in the cooking process, you can use caraway, ginger, lemon balm, oregano, dill and fennel. These spicy herbs not only improve the taste of dishes, but also make them more healthy, in particular, reduce gas formation.
What to do with flatulence?
First of all, you should completely or partially exclude products that cause fermentation in the intestines from your daily menu and switch to a healthy diet. To facilitate well-being, it is allowed to take some medications related to the antifoam group and help to remove excess gases from the intestines. Doctors advise the following medicines:
- Espumisan
- Bobotik
- Activated carbon;
- "Spazmalgon";
- Drotaverinum;
- Pancreatin
- Smecta.
The first two drugs help fight flatulence, activated charcoal helps cleanse the stomach and intestines from toxins and pathogenic microflora, and the rest are antispasmodics that help get rid of the pain syndrome. However, no pills can help solve the problem of increased gas formation, if you do not stop eating foods that cause fermentation in the intestine. Therefore, the most important thing is to correctly adjust the menu.
General recommendations

Flatulence is a fairly common phenomenon that a huge number of people encounter. Doctors recommend that they follow these tips:
- arrange fasting days several times a month;
- minimize the consumption of legumes;
- heat all products;
- try not to overeat;
- try to move after each meal;
- do not eat before bedtime;
- Do not get distracted by eating newspapers or watching TV;
- chew food well;
- eat more often, but in smaller portions;
- have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time;
- discard chewing gum.
All these recommendations are aimed at not overloading the digestive system and simplifying the process of digesting food as much as possible. If you stick to them, you can eat small amounts of foods that cause fermentation in the intestines, without having any problems with flatulence.
Preventive actions
To reduce the likelihood of flatulence, it is necessary to adhere to a special balanced diet. Experts advise to adhere to a healthy diet, which is based on the use of:
- light soups cooked on a weak broth;
- low-fat types of meat;
- sea fish;
- Pumpkins
- prunes
- greens.
In addition, it is necessary to include fennel in your diet. This plant has excellent antienzymatic and antitumor properties, which reduces the amount of gas produced in the intestines. Beets are also considered very useful. This root crop is a natural laxative for the intestines.
First aid for flatulence
If you are faced with increased gas formation, then to eliminate the symptoms of this phenomenon, you need to take some measures that will make you feel better. The following recipes are good for flatulence:
- mix 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda with vinegar, dilute in a small amount of water and drink after eating;
- drink chamomile tea, which normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and helps to remove excess gas.
It is worth noting that these recipes are not therapeutic, but only contribute to improving well-being, so if flatulence does not go away for a long period of time, then you should consult a doctor.

Flatulence is not a disease and poses no danger to health or life. However, an excessive accumulation of gases introduces many inconveniences into a person’s daily life, therefore, when faced with it, you must immediately look for a solution to the problem. The most effective method is the rejection of all products that activate the processes of fermentation in the intestine. Eat a healthy diet and you will always feel good.