To maintain a good figure, most girls take the most desperate steps. They become exhausting diets and exorbitant physical exertion. However, experts say that itβs not at all necessary to torture oneβs own body in such a way, forcing it to either save fat or get rid of it. To date, the most popular and effective diet is Kim Protasov, which will be discussed later.

To get started, let's talk about the author himself. This is a well-known Russian dietitian, who, like many of his other colleagues, began to think about how to lose weight with maximum benefit for the body. But we must give him his due, he did not radically change the food intake system and limit the losing weight of a person in the consumption of certain foods, he decided to go the other way.
The Protasov diet, the description of which you will find below, has become a kind of sensation in the modern world. Since its author suggested losing weight by several tens of kilograms due to the consumption of a large number of products. The diet caused a public outcry, because everyone considered it absurd to want to get rid of extra pounds and not deny yourself the consumption of food. However, the results spoke for themselves - this system was really effective. Time passed, the indignation abated, but on the Internet the hype, on the contrary, began to grow, and the Protasov diet, whose photo results could be seen even on the covers of glossy magazines, began to be widely discussed.

The author of the popular food system himself was laconic in his many interviews and online blogs. He only said that a person should not be limited in food intake, as this negatively affects his health. Thus, the body, accustomed to receiving food 3 times a day, got into a stressful situation due to weekly starvation. As a result, at the next meal, he began to store even more fat in order to survive the "hungry times". And instead of dropping kilograms, in a person overweight began to accumulate three times more than usual. It was this problem that Protasov's diet decided. Its description was very shocking (especially the number of products), but, as mentioned above, scientists were powerless against the facts. So what was this power system and why did it get such a huge popularity?

Protasov's diet (described below) lasts exactly 5 weeks. You will need to follow certain standards. This absolutely does not mean any prohibitions on food intake. The secret of the diet is not to limit the amount of food, but just the carbohydrates consumed. Protasov found that if the process of consumption of these substances is reduced to a minimum, then the body ceases to produce a large amount of fat, therefore, all metabolic processes are normalized, which contributes to weight loss.
Now let's turn to the exact rules that the diet follows:
- First week. We begin to slowly wean the body from the consumption of large quantities of meat, because it contains hated fat. For this, it is recommended to eat only raw vegetables and dairy products. The body will be cleaned of toxins and the amount of calcium normalized. Meal time is not limited.
- Second week. We leave the diet the same. You can add the same fruit yogurt.
- Third week. At this time, you need to reduce the amount of dairy products consumed and add 300 grams of meat to your daily diet. How exactly it will be up to you to decide. Meal is also not limited in quantity.
- Fourth and fifth weeks. The diet remains unchanged: cottage cheese, eggs, meat, vegetables and fruits. Coffee is allowed (only without sugar), but it is preferable to drink tea. About two liters of liquid should be drunk per day.
The Protasov diet, the description of which you saw above, is a radically new approach to weight loss. Try it and see its effectiveness!