In the article, we consider a mucinous ovarian cyst.
If a hormonal malfunction occurs in a woman’s body at a certain stage of the ovulatory process, a benign tumor may appear in the ovary in the form of a cyst, which is a kind of bubble filled with liquid contents.
Ovarian cysts come in several varieties:
- functional - luteal and follicular;
- endometrioid;
- dermoid;
- paraovarial;
- serous;
- mucinous.

Some cystic formations disappear on their own after a few menstrual cycles or drug therapy, others require surgical intervention.
General characteristics of this pathology
A mucinous ovarian cyst (cystadenoma) is an epithelial variety of benign ovarian cysts. The contents of this neoplasm consists of a mucous liquid - mucin, which is produced by epithelial cells. Such a tumor can grow to enormous size, in the initial stages it develops without special symptoms and is detected, as a rule, by ultrasound or by a gynecologist. With a significant increase in size, the tumor is manifested by pulling pains, frequent urination, a feeling of heaviness in the intestines, and stool disturbance.
Distinctive features of ovarian disease
The main distinguishing features of mucinous ovarian cysts are:
- Oval or round shape.
- Most often - a multi-chamber structure, that is, the presence of partitions in the cyst.
- Hilly surface.
- Rapid growth.
- Possible achievement of 40 cm in diameter.
- Such a cyst occurs in approximately 20% of cases.
- Possible transformation into an oncological tumor.
A mucinous ovarian cyst is predisposed to degenerate into a cancerous tumor. If it is detected, a woman needs immediate treatment.
The causes of cysts of this form
A reliable reason for the development of a mucinous cyst of the left ovary or right can be established only by a specialist, however, the prerequisites for this pathological process can be as follows:

- Hormonal disorders in the female body, provoked by the lack of ovulation, the early onset of menstruation, etc.
- Inflammatory processes of a chronic nature in the reproductive organs (adnexitis, endometriosis, inflammation of the uterus, myoma, etc.).
- Metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes can also be causes of cysts.
- Abortion.
- Menopause changes.
- The hereditary predisposition of the genetic form or congenital, forming at the stage of development of the embryo.
- Improper use of intrauterine contraceptives, poor-quality installation of the spiral.
- Weakened immune defenses.
Diagnosis of this pathology
A photo of a mucinous ovarian cyst can scare not only the faint of heart. However, at the initial stages of occurrence, this disease may not clinically manifest itself, and very often is detected during a planned ultrasound scan or at a gynecologist's appointment. Symptoms of the development of this benign formation appear as it grows and are characterized by the following symptoms:
- an increase in the abdomen;
- aching, pulling pains in the central part of the abdomen, or only on one side, in the ovary region;
- difficulty urinating, frequent urges to him;
- constant feeling of fullness in the intestines;
- the occurrence of constipation;
- nausea;
- excessive fatigue, weakness.

If such symptoms appear, consult a specialist. Such clinical phenomena may mean that the cystic formation has already reached large sizes and compression of neighboring organs and nearby blood vessels begins.
The best way to diagnose this pathological process at an early stage is preventive examinations by a gynecologist once every six months.
In addition to ultrasound and external symptomatic signs, the following methods are used for diagnosis:
- laboratory blood tests to determine the tumor marker CA-125;
- two-handed gynecological examination of the ovarian zone;
- magnetic resonance or computed tomography.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is a good way to finally establish a variety of benign education.
Possible complications with such formations
Like other varieties of ovarian cysts, a mucinous cyst can provoke the following complications:

- development of a malignant process;
- infertility;
- torsion of the legs;
- spontaneous miscarriage;
- rupture of cystic formation.
The above complications can be caused by the following factors:
- late diagnosis of the disease;
- heavy physical exertion;
- pregnancy onset;
- psycho-emotional overload.
Treatment of mucinous ovarian cysts
When such an ovarian neoplasm occurs, in most cases a complex therapeutic approach is used, consisting of two stages:
- surgical removal of a pathological neoplasm;
- conservative treatment in the form of hormonal therapy.
Before prescribing treatment to the patient, the specialist must conduct a histological diagnosis of the tumor, i.e., make sure that it is benign and exclude the development of the oncological process.
Preparation for surgical treatment of pathology

Before the operation to remove the mucinous cyst of the right ovary or the left patient, she undergoes some preparatory procedures and passes a number of laboratory tests:
- general and biochemical blood tests;
- general urine analysis;
- blood test for the determination of tumor markers CA 125;
- research on STDs;
- smear on microflora and cytological studies of a smear from the cervix;
- determination of the Rhesus factor and blood group;
- coagulation analysis;
- gynecological examination of the vagina through colposcopy;
- endometrial biopsy.
Immediately before surgery, you must:
- Get advice from an anesthetist
- cleanse the intestines with an enema;
- remove hair in the groin;
- refuse to drink and eat.
In addition, a very important aspect of preoperative preparation is the psychological mood of the patient. It should be borne in mind that this kind of cystic formations is treated only by removal, and the sooner this happens, the less negative consequences can be for a woman's body.

Laparoscopic surgery is considered one of the least traumatic types of surgery. At the same time, work is carried out using thin instruments and a small video camera, which are introduced into the abdominal cavity through minor incisions on the body.
All manipulation takes place under general anesthesia. In a similar way, even large tumors can be removed. Before extraction, the tumor is placed in an airtight package, emptied in it, and only after that it is removed outside. The patient's condition is monitored throughout the entire surgical treatment.
The advantage of this technique is as follows:
- a couple of hours after the intervention, a woman can walk, eat;
- three days after the manipulation with positive dynamics, the patient is discharged home.
Recovery period
The rehabilitation process after surgical treatment of a mucinous cyst of the right ovary or the left takes, as a rule, no more than a month. Small incisions on the body heal very quickly, which minimizes the risk of wound infection. If necessary, a woman is prescribed an antibacterial medication.
General recommendations for patients at the rehabilitation stage:
- eliminate excessive physical exertion, including sports training;
- Do not lift heavy objects;
- limit the use of alcohol and hard to digest food;
- in some cases, doctors recommend that patients wear postoperative belts - bandages.
Prognosis for mucinous ovarian cyst
In the case of young nulliparous women, organ-preserving treatment can be given. If a tumor in the ovary has not passed into the oncological stage, then preservation of the reproductive functions of the ovary is possible. In this case, the prognosis for surgical procedures is very favorable.
For menopausal women, the uterus and its appendages are completely removed. Recovery after such an operation takes approximately 2 months.
In order to avoid relapse, all patients are recommended to undergo a routine examination.

Cyst during pregnancy
During pregnancy, the risk of growth or torsion of this pathological neoplasm is significantly increased. A planned operation to remove such a tumor in this situation in most cases helps to avoid a lot of complications.
A benign tumor of a mucinous species during pregnancy can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo examination before conception, and, if necessary, treatment.