Banana is a tropical fruit that, thanks to its chemical composition, helps to quickly restore the energy balance of the body. Since the fruit contains carbohydrates and a large amount of potassium and sodium, athletes use it after heavy physical exertion. People who do strength training, prefer to eat a banana after training, rather than drink a carbohydrate-containing sports drink. The fetus will allow you to quickly replenish glycogen. For this reason, a banana also serves as an excellent quick snack, since after eating 1-2 fruits, you can satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours.
Banana itself is very good for your health. Because its chemical composition contains vitamins and minerals useful for the body. Experts recommend eating it to people suffering from anemia, because it contains a lot of iron.

The presence of potassium in bananas allows it to be recommended for systematic use by patients with cardiovascular diseases, and for people who have high blood pressure, it is also very useful for muscle cramps, atherosclerosis, and nervous disorders. Banana has enveloping properties. Therefore, these fruits can be eaten with ulcers and diseases of the stomach. Banana can help with swelling. It perfectly removes excess fluid from the body.
People who want to gain weight should definitely include bananas in their diet. Since they are included in the list of foods that help build muscle. They are necessary in bodybuilding. When gaining weight, they recommend a simple cocktail that can be made even at home. Beat the banana, cottage cheese, protein and milk.
Is it possible
Those who are trying to lose weight are wondering: โCan I eat a banana after a workout?โ There is no single answer to this question. Since there are banana diets with which they promise fast weight loss. Therefore, there is confusion in opinions.

On the one hand, an exotic fruit is classified as a dietary product, and on the other, it is very high-calorie. If we consider the recommendations for proper nutrition during weight loss, we can distinguish such a pattern that it is recommended to exclude grapes, banana and potatoes from the diet.
Useful after exercise
There is an opinion that a banana after a workout is even useful. Because after physical exertion, he will restore strength and support the nervous system. A positive effect on the nervous system is due to the fact that the composition of bananas includes ephedrine - a substance that affects it. This allows a person to be more collected, focused and responsible.
Banana after weight loss workout
Nutritionists believe that you should not eat such a fruit to those who want to lose extra pounds. Since with a weight loss program, the training program involves, in addition to burning a large number of calories during exercise, a decrease in the calorie intake of food. A banana is a very high-calorie and high-carb fruit.

100 g of product contains 89 kcal and 21 g of carbohydrates. After training, in order to lose weight, experts recommend eating no earlier than two hours, and these should be foods rich in protein. This is because this element is necessary for the muscles. If the excess weight is large, then it is allowed to drink no more than 0.5 liters of low-calorie kefir.
But if there were intensive classes, a lot of calories were spent, very strong tiredness was felt and you need to regain your strength, then you can eat a banana after a workout, calculating the portion, knowing the calories spent during the exercise. That is, you can replenish no more than 50% of the calories spent, then these carbohydrates will not turn into fat. This means that if you adhere to the norm and calculate calories, then you can eat bananas after a workout.
For girls
There is a restriction in the caloric value of food in girls who do gymnastics. Moms often worry and ask the question: "Can I eat a banana after training a girl or not?" Let's look at this issue. If the child had training in the morning until 12 oโclock, then after the workout you can and even need a banana, and in the afternoon it is better to exclude these fruits from the diet or reduce their number.
If you have diabetes
After a workout, patients with diabetes mellitus and obese people are strictly forbidden after a workout, as it will increase blood sugar very quickly and carbohydrates will be stored in fat. In this case, it doesnโt matter which half of the day the training took place.

Women discussing the question of whether there is a banana after training during weight loss, came to the unequivocal opinion that this is harmful. High calorie content and high carbohydrate content in this product allow them to abandon its consumption after physical exertion.
But as mentioned above, there are banana diets that help to lose weight. And when combined with physical activity, they simply surprise the result. Here are some of these diets: kefir-banana, cottage cheese and banana. The first diet involves drinking 1.5 liters of kefir and eating 4-6 bananas per day. There is no priority in taking the products, but they must be distributed on the day. In time, this diet is designed for 3 days. Curd banana diet is more satisfying. Since it involves 1 and 3 days to eat cottage cheese and fruits, and 2 and 4 day bananas and protein products (meat, fish, egg).
Drying and bananas
Bodybuilders prefer bananas to all other sweets, especially during drying. Drying is a special food for getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat. As mentioned above, bananas very quickly make up for energy loss. If you spend a lot more calories, creating a deficit, than make up for them with food, then a banana will not do any harm. But many athletes, when drying, still try to limit the consumption of such a product. They eat one banana in the morning and after exercise until lunch. In the evening, they try to exclude exotic fruits from the diet, as this can lead to fat deposition.

If the athlete is on a diet for weight loss or drying, then a banana has a great advantage over sweets. Since fruits are a source of potassium and magnesium, it is simply necessary to consume during intensive training in order to relax muscles after work and prevent cramps, as these microelements are washed out during training. Bananas contain micronutrients, thanks to which they help to increase mood. They also contain vitamins. Therefore, taking bananas helps to normalize sleep and improve vision.
The opinion of experts
Specialists in sports nutrition recommend that bananas be excluded before competitions, and with a strict diet, reduce their intake to 2 pieces per day. This allows you to consolidate the result of getting rid of excess fat.
For those on a diet
Adhering to the diet, if you choose between buns, sweets and bananas, then, of course, fruit wins. But if you choose between a banana and an apple, then apples will definitely be in priority. This is despite the fact that there are many doubts about whether you can eat bananas after a workout or not.

Most athletes and nutritionists believe that it is possible. Of course, it is better if it is in the morning. In the second half, they either do not advise them to eat, or offer to significantly reduce their number, since in the evening bananas provoke the deposition of excess fat.