In summer, during the holidays, many people go to the village to visit their grandparents and other relatives with their children. The air there, of course, is much fresher and cleaner than urban, and the products are more natural. Therefore, the question arises sharply: "What to feed the baby?" Is it possible to temporarily replace store milk (mixtures for children up to one year old) with cow or goat milk? How safe is it? Consider in more detail the harmful and beneficial properties of goat milk. Having listened to the tips, you yourself decide what your childβs summer diet will consist of.

Goat milk composition
And yet, thanks to what substances is this drink considered so healing and miraculous? The composition of the product largely determines the beneficial properties of goat milk. It contains B vitamins, which actively regulate metabolic processes. The main feature is the minimum amount of lactose that causes allergies. Therefore, the product can be used without restriction by both children and adults. It is this property that makes goat milk more popular than cow milk. Moreover, it is more close in composition to the breast and can partially replace it. Also, sialic acid, which is part of the product, helps to strengthen the immune system, especially in diseases of children with rickets. And nitrogen has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system of a growing organism.

Goat milk fat
Compared to cow, of course, goat milk is much more satisfying and nutritious. At the same time, the fat content of the village product is slightly different from a similar drink bought in a store. According to the measurement results, natural milk contains 5.16%, and in packaged milk - 3.6% fat. But do not be afraid of this property. For all its nutritional value, goat's milk is often prescribed for various diets, but weight is not gained. This is due to the fact that the product enhances the absorption of cholesterol due to the improvement of the process of assimilation of lactose.
Useful properties of goat milk
According to the results of many studies, children who consumed at least a small amount of goat milk in childhood are less likely to have colds and other diseases and become long-livers. This is especially pronounced among the peoples of the Caucasus, who are engaged in animal husbandry and eat natural products. In folk medicine, the beneficial properties of goat milk have long been used to treat many diseases. It is especially beneficial for tonsillitis and bronchitis in combination with honey and medicinal herbs.

Goat Milk Harm
And yet, you should not completely replace dairy products in your babyβs diet with this healthy drink. The first reason is an insufficient content of iron and folic acid, which can cause anemia in a child. The second harmful property is the increased content of minerals, which can give an additional load on the urinary system of infants. Third, increased fat content, which can contribute to constipation and prolonged digestion of food in infants.
Which choice to make?
The most acceptable option is a partial replacement of conventional mixes or cereals boiled in cow's milk with natural goat. In this case, use the opportunity to have fresh milk directly from the "horned nurse", be sure to then boil it. Let this valuable product, consumed in small quantities, be for your baby not a main course, but a medicine that gives strength and health.