How to lose 7 kg in a month ? In a way, it's pretty simple. A personโs weight depends on how much energy is consumed with food and drink and how much is (burned) spent for the proper functioning of all vital systems of the body. If the number of calories consumed is equal to the number of consumed, then the weight remains stable. Accordingly, the more they are consumed (if the consumption is not increased at the same time), the more weight gain becomes. Excess calories are converted to fat and stored in the body. You can lose 7 kg per month if you consume fewer calories than you manage to spend. Weight begins to decrease, as the body is forced to use its fat reserves to obtain additional energy.

Calorie deficiency
To lose 7 kg per month, you need a calorie deficit. How to achieve this? No matter how trivial, you need to eat healthy low-calorie foods and exercise. One kilogram of fat contains about 7000 calories. During an intensive hourly workout, approximately 600-800 calories are burned. After making simple calculations, it can be argued that in 10 days of active sports, you can lose ten grams of fat alone. However, experts do not recommend losing weight too quickly. Weight should go away gradually. Losing weight more than a kilogram per week, you can lose muscle tissue, not fat. Such weight loss is not sustainable, so the best option would be an average loss of 0.5 to 1 kg per week.

Forever lifestyle change
How to lose 7 kg in a month? Some people lose weight with a strict diet in a short time. However, as soon as the diet is over, they often return to their old eating habits, and with them extra pounds return. What is the disadvantage of short-term diets? In the fact that in a few days the body does not have time to get used to healthy food, but in time to miss the harmful goodies. Therefore, if you change your lifestyle, it is better to do it in the long run. Lifestyle includes food and drink, food quality, diet and physical activity.

Motivation is crucial
To lose weight by 7 kg in two months or less and at the same time maintain the achieved results, you need to be motivated enough to really strive to improve all aspects of life. A weight loss plan will start to work only if you have a serious desire to lose weight, and there is also an understanding that overweight and obesity are a real problem and pose a health risk. Useful advice will be in writing in writing the reasons why it was decided to lose weight at all costs. Keep this list in sight as a great tool for motivation.

Clear goals and realistic timelines
When losing weight, it is important to set a clear goal for weight loss. How to lose weight in a month by 7 kg, 10 kg or more? Some people seek to achieve ideal weight as soon as possible. Willpower is a whimsical thing, and if you set yourself overwhelming tasks and then not see positive changes, then disappointment comes. The weight loss schedule should be realistic, each, even the smallest, success will be motivating and will not let you give up ahead of time. You can divide your long road to an ideal figure into several stages, for example, you can set yourself the goal of losing 7 kilograms over the next 4-6 weeks. Once this goal has been achieved, you can set yourself another, and so on.
Stable weight loss
For most overweight people, losing even 5-10% of starting weight is a good health benefit. For example, if a person weighed 100 kg, then getting rid of 5-10 kg will create a lot of positive moments, such as lightness, better overall health, lack of shortness of breath, and so on. Such weight loss will be stable and most beneficial to health, even if it is not the same cherished ideal weight. Is it realistic to lose 7 kg per month? Reviews of people who have decided to take seriously the processes of transforming their body, as a rule, indicate that nothing is impossible.

All according to plan
In addition to setting realistic goals for weight loss, it will also be useful to develop a detailed plan of action in order to feel that it will have the greatest impact on changes in weight. For example, if a piece of cake was eaten daily, then the plan should make some changes, reducing this pleasure to two times a week. It is important to do everything gradually, without introducing your body into a stressful state, because if you forbid yourself to eat chocolate forever, then it will become the most desired product. As they say, the forbidden fruit is always sweet. But if you know that this is not a forbidden delicacy and you can sometimes afford to eat a bite a day (not a whole tile!), Then gradually you can reduce the craving for harmful sweets. An ideal option would be to replace useless sweets (sweets, cookies, cakes, etc.) with useful ones (fruits, berries). In this case, the dosage question does not arise, since even if you eat three apples instead of one, there will be no harm from this, which cannot be said, for example, about cakes. And this will not be just a diet: you can lose weight by 7 kg per month by taking small steps, gradually changing your lifestyle beyond recognition.

Nutritionist myself
For starters, you can monitor your current diet. To do this, you need to keep a diary, recording everything that you eat and drink, as well as the time of eating. You need to include everything, even the smallest snacks. A week later, these records can be analyzed independently or consult a nutritionist. In the prescribed form, all the shortcomings that can subsequently be eliminated will be clearly visible. In order to lose weight, you just need to consume fewer calories than it was in the current diet.

Nutrition recommendations
- To lose weight, you need to eat, but not everything in a row indiscriminately. Nutrition should be healthy and balanced.
- Fiber and complex carbohydrates (whole grain bread, brown rice and hard pasta, oats, peas, lentils, grains, beans, fruits, vegetables) should be included in the diet.
- Limit the use of fatty foods such as fatty meats, cheeses, whole milk, fried foods, butter and so on.
- The best dietary meat is chicken. It should be cooked without using oil; it can be baked in the oven or steamed.
- Salads are not seasoned with mayonnaise and sunflower oil, but with olive oil, low-fat sour cream or lemon juice.
- It is worth avoiding sugary drinks and products such as chocolate, sweets, cookies, cakes. Wherever sugar and fat are present, they contain empty and also considerable calories. Pleasure for just a minute, but no use for the body.
- It is important to follow a diet, there must be at least three meals and, if necessary, two snacks
- Skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner is not recommended. Fasting during the day leads to evening overeating.
- Useful for the body will avoid excessively salty and spicy foods. When cooking, it is worth salting five minutes before cooking.
- 2-3 times a week you should try to eat fish, including fatty (herring, mackerel, sardines, salmon, tuna).

How can you lose weight by 7 kg per month: menu of a 4-week diet
Week number 1
Objective: increase the number of meals to five (breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner) and exclude harmful products from the menu (chips, pastries, cakes, sweet soda and so on). As a snack - fruits.

Week number 2
To the tasks of the first week, the complete exclusion of fried food in oil, as well as all animal fats (butter, lard, sour cream) is added. On the day you need to eat 2 salads of vegetables.

Week 3
Next, you should abandon fatty meat, replacing it with fish and other seafood, replace chicken legs with chicken breast. It is necessary to try so that one meal does not exceed 250-300 grams.

Week 4
There are more restrictions: you can eat only tea without sugar, porridge (for breakfast), cottage cheese, eggs, fish and vegetable salads. In the morning you can eat a small slice of whole grain bread. Coffee and fruit juices will have to be abandoned, replacing them with water and vegetable juices. The last days of the diet are considered an outlet and are very important. You can eat almost everything except "empty" and junk food, while observing a five-time diet. Good advice for consolidating the results is not to overload the stomach: one serving should weigh no more than 200 grams for women and not more than 300 grams for men.

As a rule, short-term diets are a step backward (I lost 1 kg and gained 2 kg). How to lose 7 kg in a month? First you need to be patient. On the one hand, this seems to be long, but actually a month is not such a long time already. Sometimes a year will fly by - you will not notice. This time can be considered a progressive step, which in the future will lead to ideal weight and allow you to stay in it.
At this time, do not bother with heavy physical exertion, an hour walk a day or visit the pool to begin with will be quite enough. Restructuring eating habits is of utmost importance. The menu should be balanced and varied.