If, according to the results of the tests, the doctor diagnosed hyperuricemia, then the uric acid in the blood is elevated. Treatment of this disease may be limited to a special diet, which should be strictly adhered to.

Uric acid
The urine excretion system is a mechanism that cleanses the body of its waste products. If it works as expected, then a number of diseases will not occur. However, with poor functioning of the kidneys, the body cannot fully clear itself of protein metabolism and purine base residues. As a result, together with urine, these substances enter the bloodstream and pass into the joints, kidneys and other parts of the body.
Having accumulated, they crystallize and cause diseases of various internal organs. Among the factors enhancing this process, malnutrition stands out. Consider other reasons.
Blood uric acid is elevated: causes
So, the occurrence of the problem is related to food. In particular, these are:
- abuse of red wine and beer;
- protracted diets;
- excessive consumption of meat, fish and offal.
In addition, the cause of the disease sometimes becomes intense sports and loads that are too heavy, as well as taking certain medications (Furosemide, Aspirin, and others).

Accompanying illnesses
In addition to the above reasons, there are a number of diseases against which pathology develops. Among them are the following.
- Kidney disease leads to the formation of stones. Although a number of diseases of this organ can, on the contrary, reduce the production of uric acid.
- Obesity.
- Gout affects the kidneys and leads to their failure. Joints also suffer, resulting in atherosclerosis.
- Diabetes mellitus, hypoparathyroidism, acromegaly and some other diseases of the endocrine system are also at risk.
- Second stage arterial hypertension is aggravated if uric acid in the blood is elevated. The reasons in this case lie in the underlying disease. Therefore, the level of uric acid is normalized by itself, if arterial hypertension of the second stage is cured.
Symptoms of Elevated Uric Acid
How to understand that there is too much uric acid in the body? Different people have different symptoms. Moreover, they are often referred to other painful conditions. A clear sign of a developing disease is, for example, chronic fatigue, fatigue and even the formation of tartar. Therefore, in adults, it is almost impossible to determine the disease without other expressed pathologies, without making appropriate analyzes. But children have bright red spots on their hands and cheeks.
One way or another, before taking measures and looking for how to reduce uric acid in the blood, they are tested. In order for true results to be shown, adhere to a certain diet before collecting blood. What foods should not be eaten? Three days before blood collection, alcohol and protein-containing foods should be excluded from the diet. The last meal should be at least 8 hours in advance. For analysis, blood is taken from a vein. And the direction for this is prescribed by a rheumatologist, urologist, nephrologist and cardiologist.

Uric acid
Children, women and men have different levels of uric acid levels. So, in children, it ranges from 120 to 320 ฮผmol per liter, in women - 200-300 mmol per liter, and in men - 250-480 mmol per liter.
Of course, the problem is not only an increased rate, but also a lower one.
What foods should be avoided?

Since the disease often proceeds along with obesity, a diet with increased uric acid in the blood also leads to a decrease in body weight, thereby solving the problem at a causal level.
However, a special diet should not be strict, since the opposite effect is achieved.
Be sure to, if not refuse, then at least reduce alcohol consumption. After all, it directly affects obesity. Every day they drink a lot of fluids, then there is less chance that crystals of uric acid will be deposited in the joints.
Purines come in many natural foods. Most of them are in poultry, fish and meat. Therefore, it is advisable to replace them with other foods and reduce their consumption.
You need to seriously consider the amount of sugar consumed daily. It must be borne in mind that it is already found in fruits and other natural products. Therefore, the use of confectionery products adversely affects the well-being, and it is reduced to a minimum, and even better refuse completely. This may seem surprising to some, but sugar is also found in bread, frozen pizza, sauces, ketchups, cereals, and cereal bars. It is better to abandon canned and frozen foods. At the same time, fruits are eaten in unlimited quantities, despite the fact that they contain fructose. In its natural form, it is not contained in high concentration here. But along with fresh products, the body receives many vitamins and minerals.
What should be the diet?

Consider what products should necessarily include a diet with increased uric acid in the blood.
With a healthy diet, they not only achieve normalization of weight, but also keep it that way all the time. At the same time, the necessary amount of energy and those elements that support health and prevent the development of gout and other diseases are provided.
The following foods are included daily.
- Vegetables and fruits that are eaten in large quantities. They cook casseroles, stew vegetables and other products, so it turns out to lower the level of uric acid.
- A small amount of purines is found in products containing starch, namely: rice, pasta, potatoes, oats, barley. It is good to combine these products with fruits.
- Refuse meat, fish and eggs completely is not worth it. But they accurately calculate the daily maximum dose and are limited to this.
- The normalization of weight contributes to the use of low-fat foods such as cheese, yogurt and skim milk. Such a diet with increased uric acid in the blood will saturate the body with protein, but not with purines, since these products contain very few of them.

Approximate diet
Let's look at a few examples of diet menus.
Menu number 1.
For breakfast, prepare carrot pudding, boil an egg, make a vegetable salad and tea.
Lunch consists of a rosehip broth.
For lunch, they eat noodle soup with milk, potato patties and drink jelly.
Snack on apples.
For dinner, stuffed cabbage and tea with cheesecakes are prepared.
Menu No. 2, of which the diet consists of increased uric acid in the blood, is intended for those who have complications in the form of gout, it is more strict.
For breakfast, eat cottage cheese, and drink tea or jelly.
For a snack they drink a glass of tomato juice.
Lunch consists of soup with rice and vegetables, compote.
For dinner, they eat baked potatoes and drink rose hip tea.
Menu number 3. If the disease has already receded, but to maintain health and for prevention, make up such a diet.
Breakfast with buckwheat porridge in milk and green tea.
An apple is baked for lunch, where honey and nuts are added.
For lunch, eat cabbage soup and drink tea from rose hips.
For a snack eat a banana.
For dinner, stew potatoes, make a vegetable salad and drink a glass of milk.

Thus, if a diet with elevated uric acid in the blood is strictly observed, then soon this indicator will be able to normalize. But, even after recovering, you should not again โleanโ on fried meat, abuse alcohol and allow yourself other unhealthy foods. Better to constantly take care of your health. Then in the future you will not have to exhaust yourself with long-term treatment. He will be pleased with well-being and good spirits, and unhealthy food will simply not want to eat, so as not to harm his own body.