People with diabetes should be responsible and understanding about their diet. The fact is that the hormone insulin provokes the accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, and also prevents the rapid burning of fat.

Food Insulin Index Table
In our article, we have given the most suitable products for diabetics. An insulin food index is also available. The table is based on a portion of wheat flour bread weighing 20 g, an energy value of 240 calories and a carbohydrate content of 12 g. The same number of calories and carbohydrates corresponds to 26 g of rye flour bread. 20 g of bread is half a piece, approximately 1.2 cm thick, cut off from a regular rectangular loaf. The insulin index is a number that shows how much insulin the body will produce in response to carbohydrates obtained from one serving of this product. Excess insulin is transformed into adipose tissue.
peanut | twenty |
cottage cheese | thirty |
bird eggs | 31 |
flattened oat porridge | 40 |
wheat flour pasta, such as durum | 40 |
cow cheese | 45 |
mixture for muesli | 46 |
lean beef | 51 |
lactose | fifty |
popcorn | 54 |
whole grain bread | 56 |
peas and lentils | 58 |
apples, such as Antonovka | 59 |
fish such as tuna | 59 |
citrus | 60 |
potato chips | 61 |
dark rice | 62 |
butter-fried yeast dough buns | 74 |
fried potatoes | 74 |
cornmeal flakes | 75 |
puff pastry rolls | 79 |
polished rice | 79 |
bananas | 81 |
biscuit pastry | 82 |
grape | 82 |
beer cookies | 87 |
cream ice cream | 89 |
whole milk | 90 |
shortcrust pastry | 92 |
rye bread | 96 |
dairy products | 98 |
wheat flour bread | one hundred |
dairy drinks | 115 |
bean soup | 120 |
Boiled potatoes | 121 |
chocolate candies | 122 |
caramel | 160 |
Focusing on the insulin index of food products given in the article (table below), you can make a good menu for every day, and also, without fear to get better, prepare baked goods, ice cream, soups, meat, vegetable, fruit and berry and other dishes.

Diabetic Ice Cream
On a hot summer day, I really want to treat yourself to ice cream. What if sugar, whole milk cream is not possible, egg yolk and some fruits are not desirable? We offer the Stevia sweetener option.
Delicious ice cream for diabetics is made from gelatin, low-fat sour cream and fruits. As a sweetener, tablets or powder from stevia.
Pour gelatin with hot boiled water and leave to swell.
Wash, peel and core the fruit. Cut all the fruits into pieces, combine with sweetener and mix with low-fat sour cream. Add gelatin dissolved in water. Whisk together with a blender and send to the freezer. In the process of freezing, take out a bowl of ice cream several times and beat again. Arrange the finished treat in a bowl and garnish with fresh fruit and grated 72% chocolate.
Unsweetened pears and apples are the most beneficial fruits for diabetics. For ice cream, we need 230 g.
Sour cream should not be market, sweet, but store - 15% fermented milk, 100 g.
Gelatin will need 10 g, plus 200 ml of water to dissolve it.
A sweetener, such as stevioside, is 0.5-1 g, as it is 300 times sweeter than sugar.
Nutrition for diabetics should contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. Most of the garden berries and fruits are useful and allowed for them, but there are also those that will have to be abandoned. Sweet cherries - a berry that is better to forget about. Bananas, persimmons, figs, dates and grapes - these fruits are harmful for diabetics and even dangerous.

Cranberries and Walnuts Vegetable Salad
We will need the following ingredients:
- broccoli;
- cauliflower;
- peeled walnuts;
- Chees Feta;
- cranberries;
- wheat or oat bran ;
- lemon;
- salt;
- greens of dill, parsley, etc.
Put the cabbage in cold salty water, bring to a boil and remove from the pan. Allow to drain water, drain, cool and disassemble into inflorescences and cut into pieces. Chop nuts not very finely. Tear spicy greens with your hands and put together with nuts in a salad. There also send fresh cranberries and bran. Salt, squeeze the juice from a small lemon and sprinkle with olive oil. Food for diabetics should not be monotonous and fresh. We need to learn how to live with this disease. Millions of people in the kitchen have a diabetic product table showing glycemic and insulin indices. Although for each individual case an endocrinologist develops an individual diet, which is based on the results of laboratory tests, personal observations and a diary of the patientβs nutrition, itβs not worth simplifying your diet at all. Creativity is welcome. In our salad, cranberries can be replaced with pomegranate seeds or lingonberries. Look at the insulin food index (table at the beginning of the article) and select the ingredients for the salad. It contains only the main products that are always in our stores. However, food for diabetics should be tasty and varied. Therefore, look for your options. Avocados, for example, in all respects, should be in the diet of every diabetic. This is a very tasty and healthy fruit, from which you can make a lot of delicious dishes, including salads like the salad with walnuts and cranberries described above.

Nuts must be included in the diet of patients with diabetes. Nutrition for diabetics should be as natural and balanced as possible. Nuts contain three times less carbohydrates than dried fruits. They can be used for snacks. Natural nutty oils are suitable for diabetic salads. On refined, you can bake and make soup dressings. Walnut flour is suitable as a substitute for milk cream or sour cream and is used for soups, cereals, pastries and drinks. High calorie nuts require control over the amount of nuts eaten.
A few pieces of walnuts, eaten between breakfast, lunch and dinner, will quickly satisfy your hunger, prevent iron-deficiency anemia, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and the manganese and zinc they contain will help lower blood sugar.
Pine nuts do not contain cholesterol, but they have a lot of protein. A large amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, vitamins C, D and group B help strengthen immunity. One tablespoon of peeled kernels can be eaten per day.
Almonds help to normalize the acidity of gastric juice. The nuclei contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and zinc. In addition, they contain a large number of vitamins, including E, A and B. Ten nuts of sweet almonds are the daily norm for a diabetic.
Hazelnuts contain oil, which strengthens blood vessels and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques.
Groundnut, or peanuts, is not even a nut, but a bean. It contains enzymes that lower blood sugar and speed up metabolism. 30 grams of peanuts is the daily allowable dose for a diabetic. The greatest benefits are nuts, calcined in a pan. Peanut butter should also be used for frying. The amount of antioxidants in refined peanut butter is significantly higher than in fresh.

Hot appetizer of tomatoes and feta cheese
For its preparation, cocotte makers are needed - these are small, one-serving, refractory cups with long handles.
For the appetizer you will need fresh fleshy red tomatoes, feta cheese, herbs, garlic, olive oil and natural fruit vinegar.
Tomatoes must be peeled. This is easy to do if you cut the skin with a knife and lower the fruits in boiling water for a few seconds. Garlic should be passed through a chopper. Finely chop the greens. Mix together, salt, drizzle with vinegar and oil and spread over the cocotte makers. Close the cocotte with unleavened dough. Lubricate with tea and put in a hot oven. When the dough is browned, the dish is ready. For one serving, 2 tomatoes and 100 g of Feta are required. The remaining components are to taste.

Yeast dough for various types of baking
Dishes for diabetics, contrary to popular belief, can be floury. In order not to gain extra pounds, you should use only whole grain wholemeal flour. If it is wheat flour, then it is desirable that it be from durum wheat, such as durum.
The dough is made from rye or wheat flour, malt, water, stevia and yeast. In a bowl with a small amount of malt, sweetener and water, brewer's yeast is placed and put away in a warm place for fermentation. When the dough is ready, it will become visible by the froth that has grown in a bowl, sift flour into it and knead the dough. Send it to heat to lift. When it rises again - mind you. Do this twice. Make sure that the dough is not acidified. To improve the taste of the dough, mustard or peanut butter can be added to it.
Pie with sorrel and feta cheese
To minimize the calorie content of food, pastries for diabetics should contain a minimum of fat.
We prepare the usual yeast dough from flour, water, stevia and yeast. Dip sorrel with boiling water and chop as finely as possible. Cut feta cheese into small cubes and combine with cheese. We roll out two thirds of the dough as thin as possible, and using a rolling pin we transfer to a baking sheet laid with Teflon paper. Distribute the filling evenly throughout the test. We bend the edges to the center by 2-3 cm. From the remaining dough we roll up the sausages and spread them over the open surface of the pie with a wire rack. We put in the oven preheated to 190 degrees. After 20 minutes, you can turn off, but do not open the oven. This can be done in 15 minutes.

Chocolate Cinnamon Cookies
In the cinnamon, which grows on the island of Sri Lanka, the enzyme methyl-hydroxy-chalcon is found, which lowers blood sugar. Regular use of this spice can stop the development of diabetes and reduce the number of insulin injections in patients with type 1 diabetes. Cinnamon should not be confused with cassia, very similar to it, which grows in China and is used in cooking as an analogue of a rare plant from Sri Lanka.
A delicious chocolate cookie for diabetics can be made from yeast dough made from wheat flour. A bar of 72% dark chocolate must be broken into pieces 1 cm x 1 cm in size. Mix them with the dough, adding cinnamon. Allow the dough to come up and lay on a baking sheet laid with non-stick paper. The dough should be quite liquid. Spread on a baking sheet using a large spoon. Sprinkle with large oatmeal on top and squeeze a little to stick.
Since diabetics should eat fractionally, in small portions, such cookies are a real lifesaver. Instead of chocolate, you can add feta, nuts, pieces of fruit or vegetables. When choosing, you should focus on the insulin index of food products, a table of which is given in our article.
First meal
Since for patients with diabetes mellitus there is no lock on lean meat, fish and mushrooms, we suggest trying to cook delicious and healthy first courses that are low in calories. Soups for diabetics should be prepared with a minimum amount of fat. It is better to use vegetable oils from sesame seeds, milk thistle or grape seed. Soups can be seasoned with a small amount of low-fat sour cream or peanut flour. The first dishes for diabetics should be nutritious, rich in vitamins and proteins. The broth can be cooked for two days, but it should be seasoned with vegetables just before lunch to get the maximum amount of nutrients. Instant soups from diabetic pouches are unacceptable.

Meat soup
You need to cook the broth from lean meat. Chop fresh cabbage and put in a pot of boiling water for 1 minute. Pour the water into which the bitterness from the cabbage passed, and put the cabbage into the broth. Add your favorite spices - pepper, hops-suneli, bay leaf, marjoram, basil, thyme, cardamom. To salt.
Wash porcini mushrooms, cut off the caps and cut them into pieces, the size of a walnut. Do the same with the legs. Peel onion, finely chop and fry together with mushrooms in a pan with peanut butter.
Wash Jerusalem artichoke tubers with a brush and cut into pieces, the size of a hazelnut. Put Jerusalem artichoke and mushroom roasting in soup. Cook for 15 minutes.
Wash bell peppers, garlic and greens, chop and send to a pot with soup. Let it boil and turn it off immediately. Such a soup with a small amount of vegetable cream or cedar flour is very tasty.

Fish soup
You will need cod or tuna. Clean the fish, separate muscle fibers from the ridge and fins. From the head, bones and fins, cook the broth and strain. Millet pour cold water and bring to a boil. This should be done seven times. So get rid of the bitterness inherent in this groats. Prepared millet put in the broth. Fry onion in peanut butter and also send it to the broth. Sliced ββfish into portioned slices and put in the broth. There, put chopped small cubes of zucchini. Bring to a boil, salt, ennoble with herbs - dill, parsley, marjoram, bay leaf, pepper, garlic and lemon juice, cook for a couple of minutes and turn it off. Let it brew for 15 minutes.

Cottage cheese
Can diabetics cottage cheese or not, is a question that causes constant disputes and disagreements. At present, it can be said for certain that diabetics can include this product in their diet. The insulin index of cottage cheese is 30, but the reason why it should be treated with caution is the fat content of natural cottage cheese and the composition of cottage cheese products available on the market. Without prejudice to health, a diabetic can afford 100 g of nonfat natural cottage cheese at least every day. The calcium, protein and vitamins that are present in it are very beneficial for overall well-being and the immune system in particular. Since the insulin index of cottage cheese is quite low, it is even recommended to include it in the menu for patients with diabetes. Pasta with herbs, vegetables and mashed cottage cheese is both tasty and healthy. Dessert can be cooked on stevia. This is currently the best sugar substitute for diabetics. Cottage cheese, like all other products placed in the table of the insulin index, should be on the menu in the morning. Carbohydrates are best eaten with protein, without fat. In the evening, you can afford fats with proteins, but without carbohydrates.