What hormone is responsible for youth? This question interests many. Hormones of youth and beauty are slightly different from the rest, which, as you know, more than 100 function in the human body. Hormones that preserve youth and beauty are traditionally called those that exhibit not an indirect, but a direct effect on slowing down the aging process. The main hormones of youth are: DHA (dehydroepiandrosterone), somatotropin, testosterone, estrogen, and also melatonin. We will analyze each of them in more detail.

Estrogen is responsible for the elasticity and youth of the skin, and in addition, for sensuality and reproductive function. In addition, estrogens favorably affect the functioning of the heart muscle, protect the arteries and guarantee bone strength. A sufficient number of estrogens in the body of women significantly postpones the onset of menopause. And as multiple studies of scientists have revealed, the later the girl’s menopause begins, the longer she retains youth and energy, and in the final result, the longer her life. The hormone of youth for women is produced by the body, but it can be helped. Isoflavones are natural phytoestrogens, the molecules of which are very similar, but not identical to the molecules of female hormones. They can be found in soy products, hops and rhubarb. Isoflavones have the same effect on the female body as estrogens.

Growth hormone
What is the hormone of youth called? Today, one can often hear the wording: somatotropin is a hormone of youth, growth and beauty. However, even before the mid-1990s, the anti-aging qualities of growth hormone were unknown. Later, scientists proved that a high degree of growth hormone in the body not only retains youth, but even up to the very old age guarantees clarity of reason. During the experiment, American doctors determined that after a six-month course of growth hormone, the participants in the examination (their age ranged from 50 to 61 years) significantly improved the skin structure, the thickness of adipose tissue decreased, and the muscles of the body strengthened, getting a tone that is typical, as a rule, for muscles of 40 year old people. Fat-free protein foods such as cottage cheese, certain types of cheese, lentils and not very fatty types of fish activate the production of growth hormone.

The hormone DHA, and in other words, dehydroepiandrosterone performs a very significant and valuable function for each girl - he is responsible for harmony and grace. DHA is produced by the adrenal glands and synthesizes male and female hormones. It tones the muscle tissue, does not allow fat cells to accumulate extra kg, activating the transport of fat to the mitochondria of muscle matter (where it disappears, being converted into energy for the body). The insufficiency of DHA in the body increases the possibility of the appearance of diseases such as a tumor, osteoporosis, heart disease, senile dementia. Normally, it improves metabolism, strengthens the immune system, restores sound sleep, and protects the body productively in stressful situations. At 20-30 years, a person has a maximum level of DHA, and closer to 40 years of age, its production decreases almost 1.5 times. Fortunately, certain foods can compensate for the lack of DHA. For example, sea fish, fruits, olives and olive oil.

Melatonin is the only hormone responsible for the biorhythms of the human body (this is why it is called the “sleep hormone”). Getting melatonin in pills restores biorhythms of the body, which can help both when changing time zones, during air travel, and when insomnia suffers. But, unlike ordinary sleeping pills, sleep hormone does not have dangerous contraindications.
Among other things, sleep hormone affects the hormonal and immune organization of the body, and in an indirect way it has a great effect on the state of mind, as its biosynthesis is directly related to the synthesis of the hormone of happiness serotonin. The systematic administration of melatonin in tablets is often prescribed to people after 45 years, since its natural production decreases with age, which leads to difficulties with sleep.

Melatonin Production
Youth hormone melatonin is produced by the pineal gland (pineal gland).
Considering the topic of how the hormone of sleep is produced, its production is most often associated with the pineal gland or the pineal gland. Under the influence of sunlight, the tryptophan amino acid in the human body is reorganized into serotonin, which is already converted to melatonin at night. After its synthesis in the pineal gland, the sleep hormone enters the spinal fluid and blood. Accordingly, for absolutely all these transformations, you should walk for 30 minutes every day on the street in the daytime. The amount of hormone produced in the pineal gland depends on the time of day: approximately 70% of all melatonin in the body is produced at night. It should be noted that the production of melatonin in the body also depends on illumination: with excessive (day) lighting, the hormone biosynthesis decreases, with a decrease in illumination, it increases.

The activity of hormone formation occurs at approximately 7 pm, and the period when sleep hormone is produced in large quantities falls on the interval after midnight to 3 o’clock in the morning. For this reason, it is very essential to go to bed in a dark room directly at this time. In the body of a mature person, approximately 25 micrograms of melatonin is synthesized every day. In order to increase the volume of melatonin produced by the natural method, it is necessary to observe some important rules:
- try to go to bed before 11 at night;
- if there is a need to work after midnight, you need to think about dim lighting;
- make sure that there is enough sleep time for renewal of strength;
- before going to bed, turn off all light sources without exception, close the curtains tightly, and if it is impossible to turn off the lights, use a sleep mask;
- when waking up at night, do not turn on the light, but use a night light.
Where is it produced?
Currently, scientists have confirmed that sleep hormone is produced not only in the pineal gland. In addition, to ensure the processes of life and regulation of the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the volume of melatonin produced in the human brain would be small. For this reason, 2 elements of the melatonin formation system are distinguished: the main one is the pineal gland, where the biosynthesis of sleep hormone is dependent on the change in light and darkness, and the peripheral one is other cells in which the production of melatonin is not associated with light. These cells are all distributed throughout the whole body: cells of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, cells of the lungs and respiratory tract, cells of the cortical membrane of the kidneys, blood cells, etc.

Melatonin Properties
The main purpose of the hormone melatonin is considered to be the regulation of the circadian rhythm in humans. In particular, thanks to this hormone, you can fall asleep and dream.
But in a subsequent and painstaking study of melatonin and its effects on the human body, experts determined that this element also has other significant and necessary features for humans:
- Ensures the successful functioning of the endocrine system, slows down the aging process.
- It helps the body adapt to changing time zones, activates the protective functions of the immune system, and has an antioxidant effect.
- Helps the body resist stress and seasonal depression.
- Regulates the work of the cardiovascular system and blood pressure, is involved in the digestion.
- It affects the production of other hormones in the body.
- It has a positive effect on brain cells.
Why is it needed?
The role of melatonin in the body is enormous. With a shortage of it, the aging process accelerates in people: free radicals accumulate, the regulation of body weight is disrupted, which leads to obesity, girls have an increased risk of premature menopause, and the risk of breast cancer. The main thing is to keep in mind that the sleep hormone in the body does not heat up, that is, it is impossible to sleep off a few days ahead and stock up on melatonin. It is important to constantly observe the correct sleep and wakefulness regime and control your diet.
Melatonin in foods
Natural melatonin is found in certain foods, but its number is slightly small and unable to exert any tangible effect on sleep. For example, in the product rich in melatonin, in walnuts, it contains approximately 250 NK (in other words, 0,00025 mg), while the smallest dose of melatonin in pills is 1.5 mg.
Since sleep hormone acts as an antioxidant in food, it performs the same function in the body. Accordingly, during sleep, it enters the tissues and organs of the body, safely neutralizing the effects of oxidative reactions and protecting DNA. Simply put, sleep hormone is an essential tool in slowing the aging of the body.
How to take melatonin?
The hormone of female youth can be taken in the form of capsules, tablets, water extracts, lozenges (lozenges), and in addition, in the form of a cream. The usual recommended dose should not be higher than 6 mg per day. If a person is not able to choose the right dose, you need to consult a doctor. In particular, it is necessary to carefully choose a dose for people who consume melatonin for sleep pathologies in order to exclude a feeling of exhaustion and irritation. It is better to start with a small dose.
It is necessary to monitor your own health and carefully read the instructions. It is also important to consult a doctor when treating a child with melatonin, in order to be sure of the correct dosage of the drug. Sleep hormone is a low toxic element. It is harmless both with short and long-term use. This is proven by special medical research.
Side effects
In very rare cases, when taking melatonin (a hormone of eternal youth) , adverse reactions may occur, such as:
- Nightmares and colorful dreams.
- Violation of circadian rhythms with an overdose.
- Dizziness.
- Headache.
- Lethargy throughout the day.
- Cramping in the stomach.
- Decrease in sexual desire.
- Irritability.
Interaction with individual pharmaceutical medicines (antidepressants, sedatives of the benzodiazepine category, hypertensive and steroid substances) is possible, which can reduce the predicted effect.
Rarely caused adverse reactions from taking melatonin are of a short-term nature, they cease, as a rule, simultaneously with the withdrawal of the drug.