Hemoglobin is an organic iron protein. It is located on the surface of red blood cells - red blood cells. The main task of hemoglobin is to provide all body tissues with oxygen. Accordingly, when the level of iron-containing protein in the blood is lowered, doctors talk about hypoxia. Oxygen starvation leads to the development of dangerous consequences. In this regard, it is necessary to take measures when the first signs of hypoxia appear. Initially, you need to make adjustments to the diet. Not a single drug treatment regimen will lead to a positive result if you do not follow a diet, and vice versa. Below is information about which fruits increase hemoglobin, what else you need to eat to increase the level of iron-containing protein in the blood. In addition, the nuances of the diet are described and a sample menu is compiled.
Why increase hemoglobin?
The pathological condition is dangerous by the development of oxygen starvation of internal organs, including the brain. Against the background of hypoxia, the process of destruction of nerve cells and atrophy of muscle tissue starts. In addition, blood vessels become less elastic and thinner. A natural result of hypoxia is also a disruption of the cardiovascular system, and often the disease quickly becomes chronic in a short time.
Low hemoglobin levels pose a serious danger to newborns. This is due to the fact that their nervous system after birth continues to actively develop, which is why oxygen is needed in large quantities. The lower limit of hemoglobin normal for newborns is 180 g / l. If the indicator drops to 130 g / l, there will be a risk of developing brain pathologies.
The norm for women (also expressed in g / l) is not less than 120 and not more than 150. The lower limit for men is 130, the upper one is 160. In older people, the hemoglobin index is slightly increased (about 180 g / l). This is not considered a deviation and does not require immediate medical attention. During pregnancy, the rate also changes. The norm for expectant mothers is not less than 110 g / l and not more than 155 g / l. Such indicators are due to changes in blood flow during gestation.
The doctor should be consulted if the following alarm signs occur:
- a constant feeling of fatigue, which does not recede even with a properly organized regime of day and night;
- frequent episodes of headache against a background of normal blood pressure;
- yellowness of the skin;
- muscle weakness;
- deterioration of the condition of nails and skin;
- dyspnea;
- the presence of at least one episode of impaired consciousness.
If low hemoglobin is suspected, the doctor directs the patient for examination. Based on the diagnostic results, the specialist draws up an effective treatment regimen. In addition, he talks about which fruits can increase hemoglobin and what else to include in the diet to normalize the level of iron-containing protein in the blood. After the course of treatment, it is necessary to again donate blood for analysis.

Iron fruits
The diet should include fruits rich in trace elements. In particular, iron must be present in their composition. It is on its quantity that the indicator of organic protein in the blood directly depends.
Doctors have long determined which fruits increase hemoglobin. These include:
- Grenades. These are unique fruits with a number of beneficial properties. Pomegranate is a fruit that increases hemoglobin in the blood, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the general tone. It contains anthocyanins. These are special substances that contribute to blood formation. After consuming pomegranate, fluid connective tissue is enriched with oxygen, and body cells with nutrient components. A natural result is an increase in hemoglobin levels.
- Apples 100 g contains 2.2 mg of iron. Doctors recommend eating apples in dried form. This is due to the fact that 100 g of dried fruit contains almost 3 times more iron. If it is necessary to normalize the level of hemoglobin, you need to eat 2 apples daily. At the same time, it is recommended to give preference to varieties, the slice of which quickly darkens in air. Such fruits are considered the most beneficial for the blood.
- Bananas Contain only 0.2 mg of iron. But they are rich in folic acid, which is responsible for the good absorption of trace elements by the body. Without the intake of vitamin B6, the process of iron synthesis to hemoglobin does not start. In this case, the trace element is excreted from the body with feces. In this regard, all persons interested in what kind of fruits increase hemoglobin, you need to know that folic acid (vitamin B6) is necessary for the absorption of iron.
- Grapefruit. This fruit is a leader in the content of vitamin C. Against the background of frequent consumption of grapefruit, metabolism is significantly accelerated and iron is much better absorbed. As a result, a personโs hemoglobin level rises in a short time and unpleasant symptoms disappear.
- Peaches. When dried, they contain a large amount of iron - 3 mg. It is important to remember that the trace element is the main raw material for the synthesis of hemoglobin. If you use peaches daily, after a few days, the indicator of organic protein in the blood can increase by 10 units.
- Apricots These fruits are recommended to give preference to women who need to know which fruits increase hemoglobin during pregnancy. Any plant products are potential allergens, but after eating apricots, the likelihood of developing an undesirable reaction is minimal. In this fruit contains 2.6 mg of iron. A record number of trace elements found in dried fruits - up to 12 mg (for every 100 g of product).
- Pears Fresh form contains up to 2.5 mg of raw materials for hemoglobin synthesis. At the same time, dried fruits are considered more beneficial for the circulatory system. 100 g of dried fruit contains 12-13 mg of iron. In winter, it is recommended to use canned pears, as well as marmalade, jam and compote based on them.
- Plums. Doctors recommend eating a few fresh fruits daily. Plums contain about 2 mg of iron. Like most fruits, the amount of trace elements is much greater in dried fruits (prunes) - up to 13 mg. But the latter are high in calories.
Against the background of regular consumption of fruits that increase hemoglobin in the blood, the work of internal organs improves significantly. This is due to the fact that a sufficient amount of organic protein provides all tissues with oxygen in the right amount.

Berries with low hemoglobin
Fresh they are of the greatest value, as they contain not only iron, but also vitamins that contribute to the absorption of trace elements. In other words, berries are not inferior in composition to fruits.
What berries increase hemoglobin:
- Currant. 100 g contains up to 1.5 mg of iron. At the same time, in order to increase the level of organic protein in the blood, it is recommended to give preference to blackcurrant. The berries are rich in vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron in the body.
- Raspberry. Contains 0.7 mg of trace element. In addition, raspberries contain a large number of vitamins and minerals.
- Blackberry. Contains 0.62 mg of iron. In winter, it is recommended to use berries in the form of jelly.
- Strawberry. Rich in ascorbic acid, which helps the body absorb iron. There is a little trace element in strawberries - 0.42 mg.
- Grapes The most useful is raisins. Dried grapes contain 10 times more iron than fresh grapes. And this is 3 mg. It is recommended to use raisins in their pure form or add it to desserts and cereals.
Together with berries, it is advisable to eat nuts. To increase hemoglobin, it is recommended to include cashews in the daily menu.

Iron-containing vegetables
Other plant foods are an excellent source of iron (like fruits). What vegetables increase hemoglobin:
- Beet. It can be used both in raw and heat-treated form. It is possible to normalize the level of hemoglobin in a short time if you drink a glass of beet juice every day.
- Carrot. It is recommended to use it fresh, for example, add it to all salads. A shock dose of iron can be obtained by drinking only 200 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice per day. At the same time, it can be mixed with beetroot in a ratio of 1: 1. Carrots also contain vitamins and minerals that promote the best absorption of iron.
- Tomatoes Tomatoes have a positive effect on the composition of the blood, they saturate it with useful components and contribute to an increase in hemoglobin level. At the same time, tomatoes can be consumed not only fresh. Useful properties of the product practically do not disappear after heat treatment.
- Potatoes. It is recommended to give preference to red tubers, as they have more iron. The most useful is potato juice. It must be consumed daily half an hour before a meal.
- Zucchini. They contain not only iron, but also vitamin C, which contributes to better absorption of trace elements. It is recommended to squeeze the juice from the zucchini and mix it in a 1: 1 ratio with potato or carrot. Such a drink is an excellent source of iron.
Thus, vegetables and fruits that increase hemoglobin in the blood can be consumed both in fresh and heat-treated form. It is recommended to prepare juices from them. They are rapidly absorbed from the intestines and have a positive effect on the body.

Hemoglobin Enhancing Products
In order for the indicator of organic protein to be normal, women need to consume at least 18 mg of iron daily, for men - 10 mg. At the same time, not only vegetables and fruits should be included in the diet. Raising hemoglobin with animal products is also possible.
The diet must include:
- liver (pork, chicken, beef);
- beef;
- lamb;
- pork
- chicken meat;
- turkey poultry;
- heart (beef and pork);
- language.
In addition, the following products are rich in iron:
- mussels;
- oysters
- sardines;
- yolk of chicken and quail eggs;
- pistachios;
- spinach;
- peas;
- lentils
- cereals: barley, buckwheat, millet, oat;
- peanut;
- cashew;
- Pine nuts;
- corn;
It is important to know not only what foods and fruits increase hemoglobin. You should regularly eat foods rich in vitamins C and B6. Thanks to these substances, iron will be better absorbed in the body.

Sample menu
It is important to consume not only vegetables and fruits that increase hemoglobin. The diet should be both diverse and complete.
You need to eat 6 times a day. At the same time, the total serving size used for 1 time should not exceed 200 g.
The following foods are best suited for breakfast: fish and meat (boiled), vegetable stew, porridge (buckwheat, rice or oat), bread rolls, a boiled egg (chicken or quail), freshly squeezed juice. In the morning, you need to eat one or two dishes.
During lunch, you can eat fried fish, beets, carrots, stewed cabbage or tomatoes. During this period, it is best to drink food with milk.
Lunch should be hearty. You need to eat the first and second dish, as well as dessert. For lunch, they are best suited: soup (any, but on meat broth), liver (fried or in the form of paste), cereals, vegetable salads, fruits, cheese, juice.
During the afternoon snack, it is recommended to give preference to berries. In their absence, to fruits.
For dinner, it is advisable to eat a dish of meat or fish. As an alternative, stewed vegetables and cottage cheese casserole can serve.
Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink daily a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Doctors Recommendations
Most patients are only interested in what fruits increase hemoglobin, what else you need to eat to normalize the level of organic protein in the blood. Practice shows that it is not always enough just to make adjustments to the diet. It is necessary to consider some nuances.
Doctor's recommendations:
- From the menu, you need to exclude pasta, wheat bread and alcohol-containing drinks. This is due to the fact that they interfere with the absorption of iron. The trace element is oxidized in the digestive tract, due to which hemoglobin from it can no longer be synthesized. As an exception, it is permissible to consume 50 ml of red wine at dinner.
- Food must be fractional.
- It is important to know not only which fruits increase hemoglobin in the blood, which foods, vegetables and juices should be preferred, but also that the iron from them is not fully absorbed, but only partially. In this regard, doctors recommend additionally taking preparations containing a trace element. The most effective are the following: Ferrum Lek, Sorbifer Durules, Tardiferon, Irovit, Heferol.
It is not forbidden to apply to alternative medicine methods. For example, a decoction based on red clover helps to increase hemoglobin.

Duration of diet
Clinical nutrition must be followed for several months. The average duration of a diet is 6 months. As a rule, during this time the hemoglobin level is normalized. If you combine diet and medication, positive dynamics can be achieved in 1-2 months.
Increased hemoglobin
This condition is also dangerous. Blood viscosity increases, and therefore there is a risk of thrombosis.
Next, we will talk about what kind of fruit is possible with increased hemoglobin. Green fruits should be included in the diet. They contain a minimal amount of iron.
Prevents the absorption of trace elements calcium. Accordingly, to reduce hemoglobin, it is necessary to use cheese, feta cheese, condensed milk, milk chocolate, cottage cheese, wheat bread, pasta, yogurt, yogurt, boiled shrimp and crab, butter as often as possible.
The state of human health directly depends on the level of iron-containing protein in the blood. Hemoglobin is responsible for the delivery of oxygen to all body tissues. With a deficiency of the latter, hypoxia develops. As a result, the work of all organs and systems is disrupted.
At the doctorโs appointment, most patients are interested in what fruits increase hemoglobin in the blood, what you need to eat to normalize the level of iron-containing protein in the liquid connective tissue. It is important to understand that not always strict adherence to the diet leads to the rapid onset of a positive result. In almost all cases, it is necessary to take iron-based medications.