Many are interested in the question of what is the product of “Iranian saffron”. The cream is an ideal tool for caring for the intimate area. Prevents and eliminates many pathological processes that can seriously damage the female reproductive system and overall health. Such ailments include violations of the mucous membrane of the vulva and skin.

It is not excluded the appearance of itching, ulcers, cracks, painful spots, roughness and keratinization of the epithelium, peeling, atrophy or hyperplasia of the vulva, in which the mucous membranes whiten and thin. Symptoms can be very diverse and quite unpleasant.
Women for a long time try to recover on their own with the help of various medications. But some of them have only a temporary effect, while others do not help at all.
Therefore, funds with a unique composition, which have no analogues, are so popular.
Cream Description
The full name of the drug is “Iranian Saffron Vulva Leukoplakia Cream”. This is the best drug that perfectly heals the mucous membranes and adjacent tissues in the intimate area. It is an outstanding achievement of modern technology, a breakthrough in medicine.
“Iranian saffron leukoplakia” is a cream that contains indispensable substances that significantly accelerate biosynthesis in the structure of cell molecules. Metabolism improves, energy metabolism normalizes, and cellular nutrition improves. In addition, microcirculation in the dermis is significantly activated, the processes of atrophy in the tissues are blocked.

How does he act?
Due to the high bioavailability of the healing components, the structure of the skin and mucous membrane is rapidly updated, and cell regeneration is accelerated. Substances that are biologically active are effectively delivered to the superficial and deep layers of the dermis. Moisture is also delivered to the skin. All this is possible due to the careful selection of ingredients. This is a unique means of "Iranian saffron" (cream).
Mucous membranes age slowly under the influence of a cream, free radicals do not accumulate, since the harmful effects of the environment are neutralized. There is a restoration of reproductive balance.
Does the drug have analogues?
The cream "Iranian saffron" has no analogues, since its properties are unique. Thanks to its action, softening, nutrition, moisturizing, protection, healing and regeneration of the mucous membrane of the vulva occur. This also applies to skin tissue. Not only vulvar leukoplakia is treated, but also kraurosis, bartholinitis, vulvitis, urethritis and many other diseases. The epithelium and tissue trophism is restored after chemotherapy, surgery, biopsy, cryotherapy, laser destruction.
There is a protection from various diseases of the vulva, but most importantly, the cream does not allow oncological processes to develop. Psoriasis and lichen planus are rather unpleasant, but Iranian saffron (cream) can significantly improve the condition. Atopic eczema also responds well to treatment.

The practice of applying the cream is quite lengthy, it has unrivaled benefits. A wide range of beneficial effects on the layers of the epithelial cells and the dermis adjacent to it.
A few days after the start of therapy, the discomfort becomes less. With itching, burning, swelling, crawling, tingling, backache, pain, dryness, tightness of the vulva, the cream "Iranian saffron" is shown. The vulva will instantly become healthier.
After a week, wounds, ulcers, erosions, abrasions, cracks actively heal. Twenty days later, the manifestation of tissue regeneration processes that were damaged was recorded, after which they return to a healthy state.
The mucous membranes of the female genital organs become elastic and pink again, a specific smell is no longer observed. Increased sexual sensitivity and overall well-being are not excluded.
This is confirmed by the instruction. Cream "Iranian saffron" can be used for prevention? About it further.
Cream "Iranian saffron" for prevention

Cream "Iranian saffron vulva leukoplakia" is used as a preventative measure by healthy women. This is important to do after 45 years. For those who have long sedentary work, such activities are especially needed. This will prevent age-related degenerative changes in the mucosa (dryness, thinning) and various diseases. Stimulation of cellular and tissue immunity occurs, which serves as an excellent barrier to infection, the body is protected thereby, women's youth is extended.
Cream "Iranian Saffron": composition
What exactly is the “Iranian Saffron” cream made of? Instructions for use indicate that for the manufacture of this miraculous cream "Iranian Saffron Vulva Leukoplakia" you need the best saffron from Iran, which is called "Red Gold".
It is wild, grows in deserts. It is quite expensive. Saffron contains active substances that heal wounds and ulcers, as well as other skin lesions.
Soothes, relieves inflammation, rejuvenates. It has a pronounced anticarcinogenic effect. Saffron stigmas contain the following beneficial ingredients:
- crocetin;
- picrocrocin;
- gentiobiosis;
- safronal.
They are not in other plants.
Cream Secrets

In the preparation, only the stigma tops are used, and this can significantly affect the effectiveness of the drug in a positive way.
How to get cream "Iranian saffron"? Its composition is unique.
The most modern methods (the method of low temperatures) extract the maximum of useful substances from the upper parts of saffron stigmas. This is how extraction from the starting plant material takes place.
Obtaining saffron glycosides, acids, and other indispensable, and therefore unique components that have high purity, is a laborious process. They have the ability to quickly penetrate through the lipid films of the skin and mucous membranes. There, these substances are involved in the conversion of damaged cells to healthy ones. Normal cells begin to grow, the natural mode of their work is restored. The ingredients have a high penetrating ability, so in the deepest layers in the intimate zone of a woman, the inflammatory processes subside, a feeling of comfort appears.
Cream "Iranian Saffron": reviews

Many women have tried this cream on themselves. Problems of the female sphere are not uncommon now. Improvements become noticeable the very next day. The mucous membrane becomes well hydrated. When applying, there are no unpleasant sensations, side effects also practically do not occur. Cream "Iranian saffron" can be used as a prophylactic. Reviews confirm this. This is especially true for women during menopause. They are more susceptible to changes in the mucous membranes, including cancer.
If the cream is used regularly, then you can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer. But it is better, of course, to consult a doctor if any abnormalities occur.
After the onset of recovery, it is better not to stop using the cream to consolidate the effect. It must be applied to the mucosa with a thin layer 1-2 times a day, but preferably at night. This will allow him to absorb more effectively. It is better to wear underwear from natural fabrics so that all irritations go away faster.
With leukoplakia, very unpleasant symptoms occur. Traditional treatment with corticosteroids, natural oils does not help. And only a week after the start of the use of saffron cream, the result is manifested.
Itching, peeling, redness, swelling go away. The product has truly unique qualities. In this, it differs from many other drugs. The only drawback is its rather high cost.

Cream "Iranian saffron" can be purchased for about 700 to 1400 rubles. You can find it on the Internet. On some resources, the price is sky-high - 4000 rubles. Not everyone can afford it. The kit includes lotion and cream. The tool has a very economical expense, it lasts for a long time.
We examined the product "Iranian saffron" (cream). After acquaintance with such a valuable tool, many women will have a desire to purchase it for themselves and for their friends. You should not pay much attention to the price, because for good quality you have to pay dearly. But there will be no problems in the female sphere. Even the slightest symptoms of the disease will be immediately stopped. Also, for prevention, you can use the drug.