The health of a woman after 60 years requires attention and responsibility. Age-related diseases and various problems appear, the well-being and appearance worsen, but this is not at all a reason to shut oneself in and grieve over the bygone youth. After retirement, you should pay more attention to your beloved, monitor your health and follow all the doctor's recommendations. Then this period will not be overshadowed by any significant problems. So, how to restore health after 60 years?
Proper nutrition
Women's health after 60 years largely depends on proper nutrition and movement. The set of tools for a healthy diet has not changed for many years, but many still bite hamburgers and abuse flour. It's time to take a closer look at your diet. The recommendations listed below can be safely used if you are not prescribed any special diet. Otherwise, you should first listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist, nutritionist or therapist.
It is advisable to drink clean water more often. Unlike coffee and carbonated drinks, water does not leach calcium from bones. The day you need to start with a glass of water on an empty stomach, you should drink water fifteen minutes before eating and another hour after it. This advice applies not only to women after 60 years, this habit will be useful to all representatives of the weaker sex.

It is worth consuming less fried, spicy, smoked and salty, less meat and more fish. In general, it is desirable to reduce the consumption of meat products to a minimum, preferring poultry or dietary beef. You need to eat often, but in small portions. Vegetables, fruits and dried fruits have a good effect on health. It is advisable to include low-fat cottage cheese, cheeses, cream, yogurt, cabbage, nuts, sardines and salmon in your diet.
Every day you need to drink a teaspoon of flax oil, it can also be added to various dishes: salads, cereals or soups. This product favorably affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. You also need to know that salt and sugar remove calcium from the body, which is so necessary for bones in adulthood. You need to be careful with the use of these additives. It is better to drink tea without sugar (or replace it with natural honey), and salt the food to a minimum.
Beautician Tips
Many women sigh sadly, stop monitoring themselves when wrinkles and signs of wilting become more clearly visible in the mirror. But this is a very big mistake, because you need to continue to care for the skin. So it will look better and shine from the inside.
Creams should be selected with a mark of 60+. The composition should include substances that increase skin elasticity and smooth wrinkles, components, regenerating cells, brightening substances that protect the skin from harmful solar radiation. It is necessary to apply the cream to the neck and décolleté.
To maintain skin tone, you should take a contrast shower daily. You can wipe your skin every morning with a cube of ice from brewed herbal tea. It is useful to make such a compress for the face and neck. After washing, dip a small towel in hot water, squeeze it and put it on your face and neck for two to three minutes. Then wet the towel with cold water and also apply to the face and neck. So repeat several times in a row. Instead of ordinary water, you can use infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, chamomile and linden.
But the recipe for an excellent scrub, which is suitable for aging skin. It is necessary to grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, mix with low-fat kefir and wipe the face several times with this composition. The skin immediately noticeably younger, it becomes smooth and fresh. For mature skin, these masks are suitable:
- Mix oil in a ceramic or glass container (it is better to take olive), honey and cottage cheese to a homogeneous consistency. Apply on face and neck for twenty minutes.
- Kefir or natural yogurt without additives to apply on the face, neck, neckline, wait 15 minutes. You can cover yourself with a damp, warm towel.
- Mash banana and apricots with a fork, mix with fresh cream, apply evenly on face and neck. Hold the mask for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water.
- A tablespoon of oatmeal or cornmeal and one egg white are well beaten with a mixer or whisk. Spread the mixture evenly over the skin and leave for twenty minutes. Rinse off carefully, without stretching the skin: first with a damp cotton pad, then wash with slightly warm water and rinse your face with cool.
Sport and exercise
A mobile lifestyle is the best prevention of osteoporosis, and sport also activates the metabolism in the body and improves the functioning of the ankle, knee and hip joints. After 60 years, the layer of subcutaneous fat decreases, but internal fat deposition increases, which is very detrimental to all organs and systems of the body.

If you exclude sports, by the age of seventy only half of the total muscle volume will remain, that is, any physical activity will be very difficult. But muscle weakness does not threaten if, at the age of 60, at least half an hour a day do gymnastics. Beginners can visit the pool four or five times a week, but experienced athletes can even use strength training. True, dumbbells and barbells will have to be abandoned. So you can maintain the overall tone, avoid harm to the bones and train the heart. It is good at this age to engage under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will accurately determine the load standards.
During sports, endorphin is synthesized - the hormone of happiness, which is a powerful stimulator of the immune system. But serotonin - the main hormone that regulates the psychological state and mood of a person, can be obtained from figs, dates, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, hard cheese, sesame, bananas, pears, almonds. After training, it is especially useful to eat cottage cheese with a banana.
Hormonal background
After fifty years, the hormonal background changes. Menopause increases the predisposition to various diseases and generally worsens the state of health. Blood pressure rises, tides add discomfort, a feeling of dryness and unpleasant irritation in the vagina appear. If menopause is very worried, then you should definitely consult a gynecologist so that the doctor prescribes hormone replacement therapy with estrogens.
True, many women after 60 years old do not want to take pills, while others cannot afford quite expensive therapy, so phytoestrogen replacement is suitable. Plant estrogens are found in soy, potatoes, cherries, ginger, licorice, raspberries. The use of these products in sufficient quantities will forget about a variety of problems, often arising from menopause.
Sex life
Health after 60 years allows you to make love, especially since sex definitely prolongs life. But the point is desire. In men, the peak of sexual desire falls on 25 years, and then decreases. In women, desire grows more slowly, culminating in years to 35-40. After retirement, a woman often opens up completely new desires for herself, and it is good if there is a spouse or lover nearby with a similar temperament.
Sexologists remind older couples to use extra lubrication. An act of love due to age-related decrease in sensitivity can last up to an hour or two, and the mucous membranes become drier, so sex can be painful. In addition, during intercourse, the pulse quickens, blood pressure rises and the risk of cardiac arrest increases, so you need to be careful.
Older people are advised to devote more time to their partner, do something together and go somewhere. Common experiences bring people together. And sexologists say that people aged are happier than young people. There is already housing, some kind of income too, no need to make a career, and children have grown up. It remains only to deal with yourself and be happy.

Attitude to life
The health of women after 60 years is highly dependent on the psychological state. Gradually, the wilting and loss of loved ones unsettle. It’s hard to accept and accept, but you definitely don’t need to lock yourself in and save up negative. It is important that someone is always there for this long period. The feeling of loneliness will pass over time, you only need to talk openly about your feelings and worries, especially with those people who also lost relatives, friends or relatives.
Attention must be paid to the duration of such a crisis. If anxiety and devastation are constant companions for more than six months, then you should consult a psychologist to cure hidden depression. Such prolonged experiences will not help maintain the health of a woman after 60 years. But when you exit the crisis, you can always expect a positive result of rethinking your life.
Which tests to take
How can a woman keep her health after 60? You need to regularly visit a medical institution and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of all organs and systems. The therapist will definitely prescribe a general blood test, and the remaining recommendations and directions for additional tests or to specialists of a narrow profile will give after receiving the results.
Sugar rate
The risk of diabetes in women after 60 years is increased due to a decrease in glucose tolerance. After fifty, for every subsequent ten years, fasting blood sugar rises by 0.055 mmol / L, and glucose concentration rises by 0.5 mmol / L two hours after a meal. The blood sugar norm for women after 60 years is in the range from 4.6 to 6.4 mmol / L. Deviations from the norm can lead to very serious consequences: diabetes mellitus, accelerated metabolism, diseases of the heart and kidneys, stomach and so on.

Norm of cholesterol
In women after 60 years, i.e. after the onset of menopause, cholesterol growth begins, and before that, the level remains stable. Cholesterol is an important, but also a dangerous part of the human body. Without “fatty alcohol”, vitamin D would not be produced, the digestive system would not function, and the hormones responsible for reproductive function would not be synthesized. Norm: total cholesterol in women after 60 years old is 4.4-7.70 mmol / l, LDL-cholesterol is 2.60-5.80 mmol / l, HDL cholesterol is 0.97-2.40 mmol / l .
Arterial pressure
This is one of the most important indicators of health. With age, the norm changes, but it should be noted that about 80% of older people do not suffer from deviations in blood pressure. The reasons for high or low blood pressure are a sedentary lifestyle, lack of sport or excessive stress. The pressure drops are indicated by dizziness and general malaise. In women after 60 years, pressure is most often fixed at around 144/85, but there are times when the indicator corresponds to the norm of a healthy person - 120/80.

Norma ROE
This type of analysis is used in the diagnosis of infectious inflammation and autoimmune diseases, including oncology. ROE is an abbreviation for "erythrocyte sedimentation reaction", doctors also call this analysis of ESR. The norm in terms of two to fifteen mm / hour. Some foreign experts from Western medical institutions and institutes consider the norm from zero to twenty mm / hour.
Blood and urine creatinine
The health of a woman after 60 years largely depends on proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, and regular medical supervision. Therefore, it is important not only to take basic tests from time to time, but also to conduct additional studies. Deviations from the norm of creatinine can indicate errors in the diet and too much physical activity.
The analysis is complex, that is, they take both blood and urine for research. Only in this way you can see the approximate state of the body. The norms of creatinine in women after 60 years are as follows: the general norm is 50-98 micromol / l, clearance - from fifty to one hundred and ten micromol / l. The lower the muscle tone, the lower the creatinine in the blood. In urine, the ratio of nitrogen to creatinine is normal as follows: nitrogen - 6-26 mg / dl, creatinine - 0.50-1 mg / dl.
Hemoglobin rate
Hemoglobin provides oxygen saturation of the blood. The health of a woman after 60 years is very dependent on this indicator. The norm in older women is in the range from 11.6 to 16.2 g / dl.

Norm TTG
The main task of the regulator of the balance of hormones in the thyroid gland is to stimulate the production of biologically active substances. This is the basis of the entire hormonal system. The main function of this hormone is the regulation of hormonal and reproductive activity in men and women. The norm for women after 60 years is considered to be from 0.40 to 4 IU / liter of thyroid-stimulating hormone.
Eye pressure
High blood pressure often causes vision problems and discomfort. For older women, a pressure of 10 to 23 mm is considered the norm. Minor deviations will not cause vision problems, but can affect the functioning of the eye. Vision may deteriorate a little right after waking up or on a busy day, but this is normal. It should be noted that the norms of intraocular pressure are conditional. For every woman, it can constantly change after forty years.
Age-related diseases
The health of a woman after 60 years (tips on various areas of life are given above) greatly undermine age-related diseases. Washout of calcium, menopause and lack of physical activity lead to an increase in osteoporosis, bone fractures become dangerous, brings inconvenience and other common phenomenon - involuntary urination due to weakness of the sphincter of the bladder.
How to restore a woman’s health after 60 years? All unpleasant phenomena are easier to prevent than to cure. Unfortunately, age-related diseases are practically not amenable to therapy, so only supportive treatment remains possible. Therefore, it is so important to know in advance how to prevent many deviations.
Osteoporosis and bone fractures
Prevent osteoporosis will help only physical education. No dietary supplements, cottage cheese and milk, biocalcium or other drugs will not improve the condition. Calcium simply will not be absorbed by the body, but only excreted naturally. Exercise should be practiced daily, gradually increasing the load. This will help make the bones strong and saturate with enough calcium. Be sure to take a multivitamin.

Involuntary urination
Weakness of the sphincter is a fairly common occurrence that undermines the psychological state and health of a woman after 60 years. The advice of a specialist (urologist and gynecologist) will help prevent this deviation. Doctors warn that older women are also characterized by other unpleasant diseases of the intimate sphere, namely, prolapse and prolapse of the rectum and vagina. Prevention of these phenomena is special gymnastics to strengthen the pelvic floor.
Here is a suitable set of exercises to ensure the health of women after 60 years of age (advice from gynecologists and urologists):
- Squeeze the sphincter of the anus for five seconds, then relax for ten seconds. Repeat two times. With each subsequent week, you need to increase the number of repetitions by one (maximum 10-15).
- Squeeze the entrance to the vagina. For control, you can enter your finger not very deep into the vagina to feel the degree of compression. Compress for five seconds, repeat twice. Gradually bring the number of repetitions to 10-15.
- To draw in a stomach, but not with air, but with muscles. Hold for five seconds, do two repetitions. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 10-15 times.
Infections, hormonal disruptions, various diseases and a lack of vitamins can lead to the development of diabetes. Unfortunately, many women ignore the symptoms of the disease during menopause, attributing everything to hormonal adjustment. You need to know the main signs of diabetes:
- increased sweating;
- pain in the legs and heart;
- skin problems
- a sharp increase or decrease in weight;
- fatigue and drowsiness;
- dry mouth
- decreased muscle tone.
To avoid the rapid development of this disease, doctors recommend that during menopause they are much more responsible about their state of health, regularly take tests and receive quality medical care. It is advisable to drink multivitamins, undergo hormone therapy and develop a balanced menu - this will allow you to maintain a good woman’s good health after 60 years.

Expert Advice
Further, individual tips will be given to help you stay healthy and well-groomed at any age.
- Feasible physical activity. Moderate daily gymnastics is recommended to improve blood circulation, increase muscle tone, stimulate the functioning of all organs and systems.
- Weight control. It is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet, eat food with a sufficient content of nutrients. Obesity is a risk factor for the emergence and development of many dangerous diseases.
- The right way of life. It is necessary to engage in feasible sports on the street more often and maintain a positive mood. Of course, you should visit a doctor once every 6 months.
- Watery discharge. Any atypical discharge should be a good reason to visit a gynecologist. In old age, this may indicate the presence of pathologies - polyps, myomas, and cancerous tumors.
Now we know what norms are set for various indicators, how to properly monitor the state of health, what are age-related diseases and the most common problems in women after 60. Photos of elderly women who are happy about life and who can finally deal with themselves (and, of course, grandchildren) , confirm that old age is not the end of life, but a new stage with its positive moments.