No wonder the contradictory nature of female nature is often joked that a lady born with curly hair seeks to achieve their perfect smoothness by any means, and the owner of beautiful straight hair will definitely torment them with daily styling using a curling iron to boast of beautiful curls. The situation with the figure is about the same: girls are rarely satisfied with what nature has awarded them. They are trying in every way to change the situation given to them from birth and either are on a diet to lose excess, or zealously lean on high-calorie cocktails and dishes to gain the desired mass. What needs to be done in order to quickly gain weight at home for a girl? You will find out about this by reading this article!

Reasons for Weight Gain
There may be several reasons for weight gain:
- The main one is excessive thinness, which the girl does not like at the psychological level, prevents her from accepting her body.
- The second most popular is medical indications for weight gain. Such a need may arise with sudden weight loss, for example, due to stress.
- Also, the desire to gain weight can be dictated by the lack of muscle relief, which cannot be achieved without the correct balance of fat and muscles in the body.
- Many girls can begin to gain body weight in connection with fashion trends.
- Some may want to become the owner of extra kilos, unusual in nature for the body, to please the partner if he likes the ladies in the body.
In any case, it is desirable to produce mass gain in connection with medical indications, since the body may not be ready to change the constitution of the body.
The psychological basis for weight gain
Many girls suffer from excessive thinness and from childhood are attacked by others. Especially strongly the situation with non-appearance is exacerbated in adolescence. A girl can be happy with everything until one of her classmates tells her that she does not look attractive enough. The angularity and plane of forms, which is actually the highlight of the girl’s figure, will begin to excite her, and she will try to change herself in every way to please someone else’s opinion. You can try to solve problems of such a plan with a specialist. Turning to a psychologist, you can find the answer to the question, which was the reason for the desire to gain extra pounds. People can give advice on how a thin girl can quickly gain weight, but a smile will be the best answer to all these tips, which will show that the girl is confident and loves her figure. Such a position will not leave advisers even a chance to think that you are not the owner of perfect bends.

Weight Gain Medical Indications
Girls who were born with insufficient body weight, most likely, have repeatedly tried to gain extra weight. But to do this is not at all simple if the constitution of their body implies fragility and thin-bonedness. Many women struggle with their bodies all their lives, eat calories and in large volumes, but never gain the desired centimeters on their bodies. Another thing is if weight was lost as a result of stress or a prolonged diet. Dystrophy is one of the terrible diseases of the early 2000s when "heroin chic" came into fashion. Exhausted models with bulging ribs looked at the girls from magazine covers. Many very young beauties brought themselves to exhaustion, wanting to achieve the ideal of generation. Now this problem has almost disappeared, but there are still too enthusiastic ladies who do not know the measures in losing weight. In order to return the body to the state that they had before the diet, they need to make a lot of effort. Underweight can cause infertility, malfunction of all internal organs, brittle bones and nails, hair loss and menstrual irregularities.

What weight is considered normal?
For each person, his normal weight is calculated individually. A simple formula: growth in centimeters minus one hundred and ten approximately speaks of kilograms that are peculiar to this person. In general, on the Internet you can find many sites that host a body mass index calculator: you need to add your height, gender, age to it and get an approximate weight of your body. Another thing is that each person can feel comfortable in weight, which is more or less than normal. Therefore, it is difficult to talk about normal weight: you need to rely on your feelings and only partially adhere to medical indications.
What rules should be followed?
"How to quickly gain weight girl?" - The question is very popular. Here we need a system. It is necessary to pay attention:
- change in eating habits;
- regular exercises in the gym;
- lifestyle changes.
If you change only one of the points or start changing your body haphazardly, the weight can stand still or even begin to decline.
What should i avoid to gain weight?
To understand how to gain weight, you need to analyze your lifestyle, daily routine and the usual things that are repeated day after day. One of these persistent things can be a bad mood. Scientists have long proved that negative emotions, stresses, a depressed state interfere with weight gain, and a positive attitude to life, on the contrary, can positively affect a change in figure. Smoking can also cause weight to stand. A smoker can replace meals with a cigarette, and nicotine also increases metabolism. It is necessary to avoid cardio loads that contribute to weight loss: running, exercise bikes, treadmills and more - all this must be excluded for a girl who wants to gain extra kilograms.

Muscle gain
Building your body is a painstaking and very difficult process. A beautiful relief figure consists of body fat and muscle mass. If the goal is precisely an increase in muscle mass, then you need to fight body fat and direct them to building muscle. Otherwise, the desired result will turn into a mountain of ugly folds on the body.

The first thing to do is to eliminate alcohol and smoking, which destroy muscle. Next, you need to calculate the daily calorie content: the number of calories you usually consume, plus the number of calories you will spend in training, plus additional calories for weight gain. It is also important to learn to eat at least six times a day and not to forget about snacks. All this needs to be connected to classes in the gym on weight training machines, gradually increasing the load. You need to monitor the amount of protein consumed, since they are the main building material of muscles, and get them with food or protein shakes. Otherwise, with insufficient nutrition, the muscles will burn out, and the effect will be exactly the opposite of what is desired.
How to quickly gain weight for a girl in a week?
A large weight gain in such a short period as seven days can be fraught with problems with the body. It is important not to gain more than five hundred grams per week. In order for the weight to grow gradually, in the framework established by the medicine, you need to consume daily 500 calories more than your usual diet. No need to try to artificially increase the daily calorie intake by more than 500 kilocalories, since the fat layer can start to look ugly on the body, cellulite will appear. Gradual weight gain, combined with moderate physical exercise, will turn excessive thinness into appetizing beautiful forms.

Weight gain per month
You must understand that even a month is not enough time to build a beautiful body. But gaining extra kilos during this time is quite realistic. In order to build a dream body in 30 days, you need to give preference to nutritious healthy food. Fast food is very high-calorie, gaining weight on it is not difficult, but how much weight will it be? Health may deteriorate, rashes will appear on the skin, hips will be covered with an “orange peel”. Of course, they do not dream of this when they think about how to gain weight a thin girl at home.

It is necessary to establish such a diet in which fats, proteins and carbohydrates are balanced. You must adhere to the rule so that these three components are as useful as possible:
- Fats should be unsaturated. Yes, lard is very high in calories, and it will be able to quickly gain weight, but in large quantities it will negatively affect the work of the heart, it can clog blood vessels. Foods that contain healthy fats include avocados, red fish, nuts, and more.
- Carbohydrates are better to choose the so-called long. These are cereals, pasta from durum wheat, and peeled fruits. Despite the fact that sugar and sweets containing it also belong to carbohydrates, they are very quickly digested by the body and adversely affect the work of internal organs, the appearance of the skin and teeth.
- When gaining weight, you need to lean on proteins, but do not get hung up on chicken breast and low-fat cottage cheese. Eat five percent dairy and dairy products, red meat, fish, eggs, and to get the missing protein, drink protein shakes.
How to gain weight 5 kg girl?
If you need to gain such a small weight, then this will not be a problem. With three balanced meals and snacks during the day, the weight will move from the “dead center” and will inevitably begin to grow. Here's a sample menu to keep up with throughout the day:
- Breakfast: at the first meal it is better to eat more - cottage cheese pancakes with sour cream or porridge boiled in milk with butter, a sandwich with butter and cheese, boiled eggs, fried eggs with tomatoes - the imagination is limited only by understanding whether it will be useful for my body?
- Snack: eat natural yogurt, have a snack with fruit, drink a cup of coffee with a couple of sandwiches with avocado and red fish or make cheese slices and treat yourself to cheese with honey - the combination is very unusual, but tasty and healthy.
- Lunch: it will be good to cook vegetable soup with cream or on meat broth. You can eat fish or meat steak with a vegetable side dish - vegetables can be either baked or fresh, cut and seasoned with vegetable oil.
- The second snack: drink a glass of fermented baked milk or kefir, eat a couple of eggs, make yourself one or two sandwiches with brown bread and cottage cheese, or snack with a handful of nuts and dried fruits.
- Dinner: it is better to cook fish or meat for an evening meal, and to make vegetables or cereal porridge for a side dish. A good dinner can be an egg casserole with vegetables or cottage cheese casserole. You can make pasta by taking pasta from durum wheat and mixing them with creamy, but not very greasy gravy.
- Late dinner: before going to bed, do not be lazy to drink a protein shake, which can be made from cottage cheese, bananas, milk with the addition of berries or replace it with a purchased mixture, which will save a lot of time. You can buy it at specialized sports nutrition stores or at a pharmacy. You can also buy protein in a sports store and breed it with water or milk.

Weight gain with medication
If all of the above methods did not work, and the question of how to gain weight for a girl is still acute, then you can resort to taking medications. It is important to remember that they cannot be assigned to yourself. You need to undergo a full examination by a specialist who, based on the tests taken and the examination performed, will prescribe the drug that can solve the problem in your case. The most popular medicines for weight gain are Dufaston, Oxandrolone, Nutrizone. But their effect is based on the effect on the hormonal background of a woman, therefore it is better to turn to them in the case when using the power to gain the desired kilograms failed.

Thus, we figured out how to gain weight for a girl, we realized that you do not need to lean on fast food, soda and sweets. It is necessary to establish a diet, slightly change the lifestyle, and also connect moderate physical activity, and the weight will creep up.