Why do we need proteins and which foods have more proteins

Protein is one of the most important components of human food. It is thanks to the protein that muscles grow and renew, enzymes are produced and many other processes occur in the body. Therefore, protein intake is vital for every person. In this article, we will look at which foods contain more proteins, and you can choose the right ones for your diet in order to fully supply your body with them.

A small child, with a lack of protein in the body, will grow and develop much more slowly than peers. If a person is actively engaged in physical activity, then it is very important for him that a sufficient amount of protein enters the body. The absorption of amino acids is fast enough, the protein immediately enters the bloodstream. The need for amino acids for each organism is different. It depends on height, weight, body condition and stress.

There are irreplaceable proteins, naturally, their consumption by man is obligatory. There are also essential amino acids that are produced in the body. Proteins are also divided into: complete and inferior. High-grade proteins are found in animal products, inferior - in plant. The average daily norm of protein is 100 grams, it is usually divided into three doses.

Consider foods with a lot of proteins. Meat eaters can saturate their body with protein by eating beef weighing at least 250 grams. Vegetarians have a harder time, since plant foods contain defective protein. Mostly legumes, sprouted grains, and cottage cheese help them.

Here are foods that have a lot of protein:

Eggs are a highly digestible product. Contain about 17% protein. If you eat two medium chicken eggs, the body will receive about 17 grams of protein. Eggs are good to eat after exercise. They will help to slightly increase muscle mass, while they have a small calorie content, which does not contribute to the accumulation of fats.

Cottage cheese contains 14% protein. It is advisable to eat it with yogurt or kefir. For sweetness, you can add sugar, in addition, it helps the protein to absorb better. It is preferable to eat 1% cottage cheese, as it is low-calorie and contains a large amount of calcium, in contrast to the non-fat analogue.

But these foods are not all vegetarians eat, and because they are most in need of protein intake. Let us now consider which foods contain more proteins so that vegetarians can safely eat them.

Soy contains 14% protein. This is one of the most basic sources of amino acids of plant origin. Now soy is a product that perfectly replaces meat with vegetarians. All analogues of meat products are made from it. Brussels sprouts - one of the main products of vegetarians. It contains 9% protein. Cereals are another major source of protein. They contain approximately 12% of it. Lentils are a healthy product. It contains 28 gr. protein, a little fat, a lot of fiber and vitamins gr. AT.

Which foods have more protein than the ones we’ve already reviewed? First of all, it is cheese. It contains 30% protein. But in case you are losing weight, then be careful when consuming it, as the cheese is very high-calorie. Poultry contains approximately 20% protein. This meat is perfectly absorbed by the body and low in calories. Therefore, it is recommended that birds be included in diets. In the liver and fish, the protein content reaches 25%. The most amino acids are rich in salmon, anchovies, tuna, sardine, mackerel, mullet and pollock.

Protein is very important for the body. If it does not enter in the right amount, then the body begins to deplete itself, stretching its own amino acids. This leads to exhaustion, especially muscle. We examined above which foods contain more proteins. Both the meat-eater and the vegetarian will find for themselves products that will provide their body with amino acids as fully as possible.

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