Few get the kind of child that I got as a daughter. The first six months, her mother, my wife, praised her patience, which bordered on courage, almost did not sleep. And I want to talk about how the NASA’s baby food helped us in this story.
The story, in principle, is known - mom had little milk, and the child was extremely demanding on substitutes. That is, before we began to give her baby food NAN, the daughter absolutely did not recognize anything other than the mother's breast. Even the water and herbal teas necessary for the child’s body were given to her from a spoon, drop by drop.

Accordingly, there were problems with weight gain and with stools: either diarrhea, then constipation, of an incomprehensible origin of the rash, and the like “joys” that haunted us every time we tried to feed the poor child some regular test mixture.
So they suffered for six months, feeding almost every hour, in the hope that God would give, and Mommy’s milk will begin to arrive to the right extent. God gave, milk appeared, and my wife was breastfeeding for more than a year, but who knows how it would be if we were not advised baby food NAS, or rather sour milk NAS. Moreover, the acquaintance occurred in an informal, so to speak, atmosphere - we were advised by friends who have a similar problem with the child. In other words, the idea of salvation did not come from doctors. I do not want to say anything bad with this, but our doctors did not advise us to use the mixture. They simply made a helpless gesture and insisted on trying to breastfeed.
When we began to give our daughter baby food NAS, namely sour milk NAS,

I, frankly, worried. Because he was convinced that abroad could not help us with anything good. Therefore, I climbed into the Internet in order to find convincing evidence of the impossibility of feeding my dear daughter artificial food. But, fortunately, I found the opposite. And life has shown that the devils presented to us by the media as sensations are not so terrible.
First of all, I was surprised that the Nestle company, whose product is the world-famous baby food of the NAS, has been known in this world since 1867, that is, for nearly a century and a half. If it produced poor products, it would hardly have existed for so long, and even not really changing its profile. I was touched that the Nestlé mixtures saved the children when famine broke out in the thirties of the last century in Ukraine and the Volga region.

Still very moved by the fact that this mixture back in the seventies of the century before last saved the life of a child of one of the workers of the Nestlé factory: he could not drink either cow, goat, or mommy’s milk, and the mixture was suitable for him. I studied the composition of milk mixtures for a long time and came to the conclusion that they are not harmful. And if there are any unpleasant consequences, then this can be attributed to a large extent to the individual characteristics of the child’s body or the methods of preparation and storage of the product.
I gave my daddy the "go-ahead" for my daughter to drink sour-milk NAS. We began to give it as a supplement. And everything went back to normal: sleep, stool, baby skin. Therefore, I can only recommend this as the father of my first child: be attentive to your baby. Love him, listen to him. And then you will not be mistaken with the choice. Fortunately, that Nestle Nan baby food of excellent quality, and there is plenty to choose from.