Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the rectum and are often triggered by surgical intervention for cesarean section. Women face the problem already in the postoperative period and experience rather unpleasant sensations. Due to the fact that the disease requires compulsory treatment, sometimes cardinal, there may be problems with breastfeeding. That is why hemorrhoids after cesarean section must be controlled, use all drugs prescribed by a doctor and not let the disease go by its own accord.

Causes of the problem
Doctors admit that after cesarean section there is a big risk of developing hemorrhoid cones. This is due to the fact that during gestation, the vessels located in the rectum increase significantly. The problem is caused by the pressure of the fetus on the walls of the pelvic floor. Hemorrhoids after cesarean section is a consequence of the increased loads that the body experiences, and the characteristics of the blood vessels of a particular woman.
After a cesarean section, it is difficult for a woman to even get up for the first day, so she spends almost all the time lying down. This situation leads to stagnation of blood in the pelvis and, accordingly, overfilling of blood vessels. If the patient already had the initial signs of hemorrhoids, then its aggravation occurs.
Also, the likelihood of constipation after cesarean is much greater, which is associated with a small number of movements of a woman. This is also a factor provoking the development of hemorrhoids.
Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women after cesarean section
The problem can be detected within a couple of days after the birth of the baby. A weakening of the immune forces after surgery is also a provoking factor. However, the clinical signs in each patient may be different and depends on the severity of the disease, the presence of complications and other related factors.
In any case, hemorrhoids after pregnancy and cesarean section are manifested in the form of anal itching, burning and pain. A woman may complain of a constant feeling of heaviness in the rectum and discomfort, which only intensifies after going to the toilet. If you do not pay attention to the problem, then it progresses rapidly, and in addition to pain, the patient has massive bleeding, which can be dangerous.

Stages of hemorrhoids
The first stage is characterized by mild signs. A woman may experience discomfort and, for the first time after childbirth, observe blood impurities after defecation. But doctors associate this factor with vascular pathology, which become pathologically dilated after pregnancy.
In the second stage, bleeding becomes more pronounced. If a woman lifts heavy objects or performs other physical exercises, then the loss of hemorrhoid cones can be recorded. These nodes can be easily palpated by the doctor upon examination.
If you ignore the previous stages, then hemorrhoids after cesarean section goes to the next. In this case, prolapse occurs even during sneezing or coughing. However, you can adjust the bumps yourself and the treatment is possibly conservative. But you should immediately consult a doctor to receive appropriate treatment. Otherwise, the disease proceeds to the next stage, when the patient develops profuse bleeding and thrombophlebitis may develop.
How to treat
How to cure hemorrhoids after cesarean section is known only to a practicing proctologist. If the pathology is diagnosed, then it must be treated immediately. But for the doctor, the difficulty in prescribing therapy lies in the fact that a woman is breastfeeding a child, and in most cases does not want to switch to mixtures.
In this regard, it is categorically impossible to prescribe medications for yourself and use any methods that supposedly can help. Only a doctor can choose such medicines that will be not only effective for a woman, but also safe for the baby. It is known that the baby is very sensitive to changes in the composition of breast milk and may produce an undesirable reaction in the form of a rash, redness or indigestion.
In addition, an integrated approach requires hemorrhoids after cesarean section. The treatment prescribed by a specialist usually consists of various kinds of medications and procedures. It can be:
- rectal suppositories;
- ointments, creams;
- baths.
However, tablets are also on the list of recommended drugs. But the doctor treats their choice very responsibly. Pills, unlike candles, act systemically.

The choice of medication
A fairly common problem is hemorrhoids after cesarean section. How to treat the disease, only a proctologist will tell you, which takes into account the special situation of women. In this case, rectal suppositories will be effective, but completely safe. Among them, the most popular are:
- "Hepatrombin";
- "Relief";
- Natalsid.
Usually, candles should be inserted once a day, at night. The course can last up to ten days or until the patient's well-being improves significantly.

In order for the medicinal components of the suppository to penetrate the intestinal mucosa as best and as quickly as possible, experts recommend that microclysters be preplaced. It is known that the effect becomes minimal when the medicine is mixed with the masses of feces in the gut. In addition, the use of rectal suppositories in many provokes a desire to go to the toilet, which in this case cannot be allowed, otherwise the action of the candle on the problem will not happen. However, if the natural act of defecation was no more than six hours ago, then such requirements would be unnecessary.
Treatments for Relief
Proctologists often advise taking warm sedentary baths with the addition of potassium permanganate to alleviate the condition, relieve pain and discomfort. Do not be zealous, the water should be slightly pink, otherwise you can get a burn. It is proved that such a procedure has the following effect:
- antiseptic;
- prevents the attachment of a secondary infection;
- reduces pain;
- reduces itching and burning.
The duration of the procedure should be about 15 minutes.
From grandma’s pantry
Our grandmothers knew very well whether hemorrhoids could occur after a cesarean section. At the same time, folk wisdom has accumulated many recipes that are successfully used now. At the heart of almost all treatment methods are medicinal herbs that have:
- anti-inflammatory;
- hemostatic;
- analgesic effect.
Decoctions of plants are recommended for the preparation of therapeutic baths, and they must also be taken orally. But it is worth considering that some herbs have their contraindications, so their intake should be agreed with the doctor. Although the effect of such therapy is not immediately apparent, it will certainly be. Among medicinal herbs for the treatment of hemorrhoids after cesarean section, the most effective and safe are considered:
- chamomile;
- Highlander bird or snake;
- sagebrush;
- Bay leaf.

In addition to decoctions of herbs, you can use natural oils. Doctors usually recommend the following:
- camphor;
- fir;
- sea buckthorn;
- castor.
Oil is necessary to soak a homemade swab and insert into the anus. Such treatment leads to the healing of skin cracks, anesthesia and stopping rectal bleeding.

Hemorrhoid Complications
Rectal veins after caesarean section can lead to complications. If bleeding develops, a similar situation threatens the development of anemia, which negatively affects breastfeeding. A bacterial infection may join, which is fraught with the appearance of an inflammatory process. As a result, you will need to take antibiotics and, as a result, stop breastfeeding.
Preventative measures
Can there be hemorrhoids after cesarean section? Of course yes, but you can and should prevent the problem. For this, even before planning pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. If the doctor detects a problem, then prescribes treatment. Therefore, by the time of birth, you can achieve a stable remission.
Also, a pregnant woman is advised not to stay too long, but to lead an active lifestyle. In order to prevent stagnation, it is important to eat well and regularly walk in the fresh air. Proper nutrition not only helps the pregnant woman provide the developing fetus and her own body with the necessary energy, but also relieves constipation.

Patient Reviews
Many women experience cesarean section hemorrhoids. Those who do not pay attention to this problem, after suffering from heavy bleeding, acute pain and the inability to lead a normal lifestyle. But many patients who were treated using the drugs prescribed by the proctologist were able to get rid of the problem without refusing to breast-feed and without experiencing problems in defecation.
It is worth highlighting the positive responses about rectal suppositories. They do not harm the health of mother and baby, but at the same time they quickly relieve the problem. Folk methods have also worked well. Medicinal herbs and oils eliminate pain, promote tissue regeneration and do not harm the health of women and children.