Slimming stories are so much alike! Tears, despair and a vicious circle are eventually replaced by hard work, effort, discipline and will, which lead to victory not only in the fight against extra pounds, but also apply to any area of ​​human life. There are no magic wands; man is the blacksmith of his life. All methods of losing weight are reduced to the need to reduce caloric intake and increase the level of activity of the body. At the same time, lightning-fast results usually do not bring any effect, only those that have a long extension in time work. Let us turn to the experience of those who have lost weight, how they achieved results and what it cost them.
The inquiring mind of foreigners does not sleep. What only weight loss stories you will not find on the Internet.

Urine of pregnant women: minus 20 kg in 5 months
British Cheryl Paloni, by injecting herself with the urine of pregnant women, lost 75 cm in 5 months (which is equivalent to 20 kilograms). In the urine of pregnant women, there is a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, which increases metabolism: more energy is spent, calories are burned more intensively.
Sex seven times a day - loss of 45 kg per year
Believe it or not, the most magnificent lady in the world weighing 317 kg per day burns about 500 calories due to having sex with her husband. The poor fellow weighs 64 kilograms, but love (or commitment) is above all.
Food through a dropper - 800 calories per day

Sudden weight loss by installing a dropper in the nose. One of its ends ends directly in the esophagus. Food enters the body through the nose through a dropper tube - the calorie content of the nutrient mixture of proteins, fats and water is 800 calories. This method was invented by a doctor from Florida, Oliver di Pietro, who claims that with this highly controversial method, everyone can lose up to 9 kilograms in 10 days.
Another reliable story: how to lose weight at 8,700 feet above sea level in a week
For the experiment, 20 middle-aged overweight men drove for a week to a house at 8,700 feet above sea level. The case took place on the elevation of the Zugspitze in Germany. They ate everything they wanted, and except for leisurely walks, they did not engage in physical activity. Over a week in the mountains, patients lost an average of 3 kg, another month later - 2 kilograms, already at home. Scientists say that at a high altitude, a person eats less, since he needs fewer calories.
Since after half a year the body adapts to life "on top", it accordingly ceases to lose weight, so a week is the maximum time for this method to lose weight.
But these curious and sometimes time-consuming factual data are still optional. They should not become the main methods of losing weight and losing weight. Below we present really working ways to lose weight, which have been tried by many women and men who have shared their weight loss stories.

Maximum protein, minimum fat, bran and move more often
Tatyana, who is studying as a doctor, speaks of the Ducan diet as a method thanks to which she managed to lose 30 kg in a year, and in just three months - 21 kilograms. In August, she weighed 93 kilograms with a height of 174 cm. With a Ducan diet, the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 4: 1: 1.
Tatiana adhered to the following diet: maximum protein, minimum fat, bran as carbohydrates, she also moved, training muscles with the help of fast walking. She lost weight according to a book that described the real stories of losing weight of people, and made a menu based on protein products with zero fat content, including dairy.
Three months later, by November, Tatyana's weight had dropped to 72 kg (a huge loss of 21 kilograms!). However, she realized that she did not need harmful foods in order to eat properly. She happily enriched her diet with fruits, and a year after the start of a new life, her weight was 63 kg, she wants to lose another three kilograms.

Reducing caloric intake to 1200-1400 kcal
Irina shares that she lost almost 50 kg - from 106 kg in 2008. She did not limit herself in the products, but applied a moderate decrease in the daily caloric intake to 1200-1400 kcal, reducing the proportion of fats and fast carbohydrates. She also went in for sports, giving herself physical activity, swimming and doing water aerobics, in addition, she took vitamin and mineral complexes. In the first six months, she lost 37 kg.
Irina liked the process of getting in shape so much that she decided to seek professional help at a fitness club, where, under the guidance of a nutritionist and personal trainer, she lost another 10 kg and began to weigh 59 kilograms. For Irina, it was the structure of the body that became important. Her fat mass first decreased by 40%, then by 25%, while she noted an increase in muscle mass. Body quality got better.

As a result, Irina won two fitness contests. Today, from the point of view of an expert, she talks about her system, claiming that the achieved result lasts for the fourth year, and it was not fast diets that led to it, but a combination of a balanced diet and proper drinking regime, physical activity and good mood.
Many women adhere to a balanced diet, not rushing to extremes with severe restrictions on themselves in certain foods. And this path is the most correct, although not the fastest.
Mindfulness and weight loss

Journalist Tonya Samsonova told her real story of successful weight loss - in six years she lost weight by 40 kilograms, 30 of which she managed to lose in 3 months.
Tonya believes that weight gain comes from problems within a person, from a lack of purpose, from an unwillingness to do something, to strive for something. Instead of enthusiastically doing some useful work, the “lost man” reaches for chocolate
Tonya gained 30 kg in three months, and then dropped them in the same three months. According to Tony, weight should not prevent a person from living, he needs to feel comfortable in order to enjoy life, then everything will be on the shoulder and any work will go well. You need to look at the reaction of people around you, if they don’t perceive you in this weight, you need to change it, ”Tonya confesses.
After the birth of her second child, Tonin's weight increased by 20 kg, but the woman easily got rid of them, as she was busy with work and did not despair. After the birth of her third child, she did not understand what to do - in 2011, she could not understand in which area she worked, where to apply her efforts, and it was hard for her.
Helped "kick" from life. It was urgent to make certain documents. On the advice of a friend, Tonya began to run so that a state of depression left her - the routine of physical effort makes it possible to solve problems, brain activity intensifies. Running for Tony has become an effective way to bring thoughts into working condition.

Tonya emphasizes that when there is a lot of work, you need a rhythmic lifestyle (you won’t be able to escape to alcohol and movies in the evenings). That is why it is necessary to run, sleep, go to the gym or swim - the brain at this time is resting.
At the same time, Tonya advises drinking black coffee and reducing the calorie content and the quality of the diet: enough boiled chicken, vegetables, cereals. During the workout, I burned about 1000 calories - this was her daily goal.
For three months, Tony’s weight from 92 kilograms dropped to 62 kg, then to 58. Today, she has set an ideal weight for herself between 56 and 58 kilograms. She emphasizes that it is important to stay within the framework of an adequate attitude to yourself, otherwise you are guaranteed an eating disorder. You can not focus only on your weight, as it takes all the time of life.
Her friend Dmitry also told his story of weight loss, before and after the diet, he looked something like the person in the photo below.

Dima lost weight with Tonya and recorded his results in the table - because only thanks to the measurements made, you can evaluate the result. He lost 20 kilograms in 3 months, thanks to systemic training and diet, and most importantly - discipline.
Natalia's weight loss story, 33 years: minus 20 kg in 8 months
Natasha became pregnant at the age of 21, for the entire pregnancy from 52 kg she recovered by 15 kilograms.
She went on diets, then threw them, rode a lot on a bicycle and went around, tried diets from onion soup. I earned myself amenorrhea (menstruation came once 4 months).
Meanwhile, weight grew, time passed, the birth of a second child placed priorities in Natasha’s head. Of course, during pregnancy, she did not recall diets in an effort to give birth to a healthy baby.
The weight after pregnancy was 72 kg with a height of 162 cm. This was on May 6, 2012. By the end of the year, Natasha had lost 20 kilograms. She tells her real story of losing weight with a description of the methods, here is how she did it:
- in the morning 15 minutes after sleep, she got up on the treadmill for half an hour (starting at 10 minutes);
- every morning after jogging I rocked the press;
- twice a week, Natalia studied according to the Japanese Tabata system;
- during physical exertion she made film wraps with pepper on her waist;
- Natasha reduced the portion size, limited herself in fried foods, and also minimized cereals and potatoes, eliminated alcohol and sweets, after 18 hours she did not eat.

She admits that the first ten days were pretty hard, then it got easier. Natalia also advises drinking green tea with lemon in order to speed up the metabolism.
On the sixth of June, Natasha’s weight was 67 kg, on July 6 - 61 kg, on August 6 - 55 kg, after another month and a half she made herself happy when she saw the treasured 51 kg on the scales. The total number of kilograms dropped was 21 kg.
Now Natalya maintains her weight, regularly controls it, and, if necessary, occasionally dines with cottage cheese with a spoon of honey - for unloading, in her opinion, this is the best way.
Modern trends: thinness - a sign of performance?
In successful, developed, and well-fed economies (where one person’s salary is enough to support a whole family), it’s much easier not to look thin. A successful business woman is not an anorexic nymph. An important person must be visible and occupy a certain space. The stately queen never seemed small, a beautiful woman - large and calm.
Where people live modestly, they often do not think about how to lose weight: weight loss stories are caused by life, because thinness is a sign of the absence of excessive wealth. But there is also another side to the coin. Grace is evidence that you are efficient. Work is the meaning of life, the pursuit of money. Thin - quick, active, and at 30 and at 50 you must show that you are strong and energetic, you can work effectively. The image of a beautiful thin woman is, first of all, a symbol of youth and inexhaustible energy, and, secondly, of beauty.