Those who were on a diet know very well that the most difficult thing is not to break loose. Weight is reduced slowly, and all around eat sweets and hamburgers, buns and cookies, while convincing you that you look so good that you ruin your stomach, that it's time to quit these nonsense and start eating like everyone else. You can give up and give up, but it is better to remember that there is a cheat. What it is? A specially designated day when you can afford everything that is so lacking. It can be cola and rolls, milk chocolate and cakes, pasties and much more. However, the next day you need to return to your diet again. How to do it right, let's talk together.

How it works
Indeed, many people here have not yet heard of such a thing as “cheating”. What is it - we already said: the planned "breakdown", which you are waiting in advance to get the desired goodies. Such a planned violation of the diet has very important functions, as a result of helping you stay fit and, moreover, go to your results. The translation of the word cheat is interesting. What is it - easy to find out by looking into the dictionary. It turned out from a combination of two English words: cheat (cheat) and meal (food). That is, the meaning is clear: you are changing the selected system, diet, but this is very important.

The physiological function of cheatmeal
You go on a strict diet, limit yourself in everything, and, of course, hope that you quickly get rid of the hated kilos. The first few weeks (months), the weight actively melts, and then stops. Why is this happening? Because our body very quickly gets used to diets and fasting, dietary changes and healthy food. This habit is manifested in the fact that the body and the consumption of substances are rearranged according to the amount of their intake. Thus, the body ceases to respond properly to the diet, and you do not see any return from hard work.
Of course, behind this are the physiological characteristics of our body. You begin to eat right, consume fewer calories, and the level of leptin, which is called the hormone of saturation, also decreases. That is, the feeling of hunger is growing. The strong limitation is to blame for this: the body may experience a lack of proteins and vitamins, which is why it starts again a feeling of hunger. However, it is not iron will that comes to the rescue, but cheatmeal. What it is? A high-calorie diet that people with a large body weight can afford once every 4 weeks, and people take it easier - once every one to two weeks. So you will avoid adaptation to a low-calorie diet and arrange a “swing” that will contribute to weight loss.

Psychological function
The cheat-mile day should be pre-registered in your diary. In the life of everyone who adheres to a diet, there are many temptations that are difficult to resist. To achieve the desired result, you need to sacrifice something, and this every day brings less and less joy. It’s much easier to endure restrictions if you know that soon there will be a day when you can please yourself with treats. If such a planned “breakdown” is not provided, then soon you will start to drag one candy or cookie and soon bury the result, since the absorption of sweets will become systematic, which will end your diet. Chitmil is a full meal, tasty and desirable, it is moral satisfaction and a kind of reward for work. Thus, you protect your nervous system from breakdowns and avoid the absorption of high-carb foods.

When is cheatmeal needed
Not always and not with every diet it is necessary. By the way, experts distinguish between two types of boot days: refid, cheat code. The first involves the intake of carbohydrates, and the second - fats and proteins. First of all, such measures are necessary for low-carb and low-calorie diets. Such downloads are very useful when the weight is up and does not move for a long time. It is especially important to conduct a cheat, if you do not have the strength to train, your body temperature drops. If the risk of a breakdown is high, then it is better to conduct an extraordinary cheat.

If you know that you have weak willpower, and once you touch the cake, you won’t stop without destroying a good dozen, it might be worth looking for options for a less rigid diet. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect. Once you try to deceive the body, you will again return to your usual way of life. Therefore, first get acquainted with how to do cheats. Otherwise, he may go into overeating, then in a prolonged period of relaxation of the regime, and so on until the diet comes to naught.
Chitmil for problems with the gastrointestinal tract
Gastritis and cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other problems with the digestive system - this is an occasion to consult a doctor, and not to choose the first diet that comes across. Especially against the background of prolonged abstinence, the "gluttony window" causes big problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so you need to be very careful. Discuss with your doctor which product you can add to your diet and in what quantity. That's right: you must know in advance when and what you will add to your diet, and plan any innovations ahead.

Chemmeel was born in bodybuilding. Athletes need such "windows" in hard mode to physically and psychologically withstand it. It must be remembered that cheating is not a day of gluttony, but one meal. The rest of the regime remains the same. You just get a delicious supplement to it. It is undesirable to start the day with a cheat, it can lead to the fact that you eat much more. The optimal time is 16-17 hours. After the usual afternoon snack, you will not be too hungry, and there is still enough time before bedtime to digest food. Do not forget to stock up on Mezim or other enzyme preparations.

Try to enjoy your meal. Do not eat the coveted hamburger or cake on the run. Better have a nice dinner and taste the dish properly. After cheating, you should not resort to compensating fasting. This is a well-deserved reward, after which you will find a regular meal, next on schedule. It is not limited in calories, but there should be reasonable boundaries.
Chitmil after training
If you are seriously engaged in sports, then small cheat-mills can be arranged even during the drying period, between workouts. For example, without prejudice to the figure, carbohydrates can be eaten immediately after training, this “carbohydrate window” lasts for an hour. Such food, especially together with proteins, after training helps to restore energy in the athlete. With proper use, cheatmeal can boost metabolism and achieve good results. However, the most important thing is not to break loose and not turn one meal into a weekly gluttony, which is very difficult to get out of.