In the biblical myth of the ancestress Eve, who tasted the forbidden fruit, the apple is a symbol of life. Apples are endowed with colorful epithets and amazing properties in folk tales and traditions: bulk, ruddy, โrejuvenatingโ. Nutritionists also do not ignore a delicious fruit, recommending not only to regularly include apples in the diet, but also to arrange an unloading day on apples periodically - an easy and quite pleasant way to rid the body of excess calories, cleanse it of toxins and lose an average of 200-300 grams weight.

Apple fasting day has become one of the most popular ways to get rid of extra pounds. Apples are considered the most preferred fruit for weight loss: they are generally available, are a product with a relatively low calorie content and contain pectin, which prevents the rapid absorption of fats and carbohydrates. In addition, due to the high fiber content, one fruit eaten causes a feeling of fullness. Practicing unloading day on apples for a long time, talking about its effectiveness - it is possible to maintain weight in terms close to desired. However, only if the rest of the time you donโt lean on cakes, chips, hamburgers and other dishes that are incompatible with the slenderness of the figure. Fasting days help to normalize the intestines, activate metabolic processes, improve the condition of the skin and are a preventive measure that prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

On a fasting day on apples, if you follow its classic version, you will have to abandon the usual diet and eat 1.5 - 2 kg of ripe fruits. Moreover, the nutrition schedule should be divided into 5-6 receptions: the more often food enters the body, the faster metabolic processes pass, and, therefore, weight decreases faster. To hold out all day on apples alone will be easier for those for whom they are among the favorite foods. A third of the daily allowance may be baked apples. The meager ration of the fasting day will give rise to an appetite more than once to remind myself, but do not give in to provocations. You can fool your wild appetite if you slowly, in small sips, absorb water (mineral water without gas, boiled) or green tea.
To achieve a positive effect, several important points must be taken into account.
While healthy people can, without the slightest fear, spend an unloading day on apples that have diseases of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, heart, liver, you should first consult a doctor.
The path to harmony lies through constant, from time to time repeated restrictions, so fasting days should be an integral part of the way of life and repeated with a certain frequency - at least once a calendar month. Recommended rate - 1 time per week.

An unloading day can be any day of the week - day off or work. However, it should not coincide with the conduct of any important events requiring energy and concentration.
The fasting day for pregnant women has its own peculiarities: it is recommended to eat 5-6 apples during the day, washing each half with a glass of kefir. To conduct this option of a fasting day, the consent of the doctor is necessary. As a rule, it is recommended that the body be unloaded if the expectant mother is tormented by toxicosis.