Uterine bleeding is a serious health problem in the female body. With this symptom, the patient should immediately visit a gynecologist. The doctor in this case should identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment to eliminate it. Sometimes the patient needs to clean the uterus with bleeding.
Uterine bleeding: causes
The reason for this type of violation in women in the genital area are:
- gynecological diseases of various kinds;
- pathological deviation due to pregnancy;
- deviations after childbirth;
- impact on the genitals of mechanical injuries;
- severe disturbances in the work of the hematopoietic system of the body.
What to do?

With uterine dysfunction, it is dangerous to ignore the symptoms and prolong the time. First of all, a woman should pay attention and sound the alarm if:
- bleeding appeared in the middle of the menstrual cycle;
- discharge is abundant and lasts more than 7 days;
- there is severe weakness, fatigue, chronic malaise;
- there are pains in the form of cramps in the lower abdomen, extending to the lumbar region;
- the presence of reduced hemoglobin for no specific reason.
If these symptoms are present, the doctor prescribes a set of measures, depending on the condition of the patient. The main task is to stop the blood loss and prevent the onset of serious consequences. Then, the specific reason that served such a pathology is already revealed. The simplest is the medication method of treatment, but it is used in simple cases. In some cases, a woman needs to clean the uterus with bleeding in order to avoid serious consequences up to death.
Diagnosis of the disease
Upon examination, the specialist must identify the psychosomatic state of the patient, whether the family has hereditary diseases of this kind, what are her working and living conditions in general, as well as the level of physical activity recently. To prescribe competent treatment, the doctor examines the patient, narrower specialists are involved to obtain a complete picture of the state of health and to identify the causes of this ailment.
A number of diagnostic procedures

In order to determine the exact cause of the disease, the following activities are carried out by the gynecologist:
- Inspection of the vaginal cavity by a gynecologist.
- Taking smears from the urethra and vagina for microscopic examination of biomaterial on the flora.
- Visual examination by colposcopy of the cervix for the presence of neoplasms.
- Taking a tissue biopsy in the presence of erosion in the cervix.
- Examination of the uterine endometrium by ultrasound, radiography.
- If necessary, the uterus is cleaned with bleeding to study endometrial tissues.
- Blood sampling for analysis to identify at the time of treatment of the hormonal status of the patient.
Disease treatment
Given the diagnostic tests, the doctor selects the optimal treatment. The treatment approach should be based on the elimination of dysfunctional abnormalities and the full restoration of the patient's reproductive system.

The menstrual function in the body of a woman is an important manifestation of the full functioning of the body as a whole. To establish the work of female reproductive organs, a doctor may prescribe:
- symptomatic hemostatic drugs;
- hormonal drug therapy;
- vitamin complexes;
- aromatherapy and physiotherapy courses;
- acupuncture;
- course of hirudotherapy;
- surgical effect - cleaning the uterus in case of bleeding in order to take a biopsy for histological examination.
When prescribing hormonal drug therapy, the patient should be patient. Such therapy is usually carried out for a long time (up to 3 months). Then a break is made and an additional examination is carried out, which will help evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
Self-medication is dangerous
Absolutely any uterine bleeding should not be tried on its own, it requires a visit to a doctor. Only a professional is able to identify the cause of the disease and most competently build a treatment strategy. The gynecologist takes into account the analyzes, ultrasound results, examination results, recommendations of other narrow specialists.
If severe bleeding after cleaning the uterus does not stop during the first 2-3 hours after surgery, then the doctor takes measures to stop it. Therefore, it is important to be in a medical facility for the first 5 hours after the procedure.
It is important to know that ignoring the symptoms, untimely treatment can trigger the appearance of cancer.
Is it possible to do without surgery
Menopausal women often undergo curettage for examining cancer. Young girls who have testimony are also subject to this procedure.

Is it worth it to clean the uterus with bleeding? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, a competent doctor should deal with this issue. The procedure is prescribed if previously tested methods of treatment did not help to completely get rid of the disease. The cause of the disease in young girls usually becomes internal endometriosis, which is eliminated by curettage. After this manipulation, patients are prescribed medication in order to prevent relapse. If the gynecologist decided to appoint the patient a curettage procedure, then do not rush into a panic. Unfortunately, often only surgical intervention can cure gynecological diseases.
Uterine curettage procedure: features and nuances
Many who are facing the procedure are asking questions about how much bleeding goes after cleaning the uterus, what are the consequences, etc. Curettage of the uterus is a gynecological procedure that is performed using special tools or a vacuum system. The purpose of its implementation is not only removal of the upper layer in the uterine mucosa, but also taking samples for histology. Currently, in conjunction with this manipulation, hysteroscopy is performed - examination of the uterine cavity. This makes it possible to see the unaffected areas and carry out the procedure more carefully.

There are times when it is necessary to carry out emergency cleaning of the uterus with bleeding that threatens a person's life. Along with emergency cases, there are scheduled operations. In a planned manner, it is customary to carry out a similar surgical intervention before the onset of menstruation. This is done so that the cleaning of the uterine cavity coincides with the rejection of the mucosa for physiological reasons. But in the event that the operation is to remove the polyp, it should be prescribed immediately after menstruation, then the endometrium will be the thinnest, and the doctor will be able to see the most accurate position of the polyp.
When is the best procedure
Carrying out curettage at the beginning or middle of the cycle will lead to complications such as prolonged bleeding. This reaction of the body is caused by the fact that the growth of follicles in the ovaries occurs simultaneously with the growth of the uterine mucosa. Accordingly, when removing the uterine mucosa much earlier than the due date, the hormonal background created by the ovaries contradicts the fact that the mucous membrane is absent and does not allow it to grow fully. The hormonal background will return to normal only after the synchronization between the mucous membrane of the uterus and the ovaries occurs again.

Why, according to reviews, it is better not to clean the uterus with bleeding without evidence? Everything is simple: the scraping obtained in this case will be almost not informative, because the mucous membrane undergoes necrotic changes during this period.
How is uterine curettage
This surgical procedure is performed on a gynecological chair. How to clean the uterus with bleeding? The process itself is quite painful, so they spend it most often under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is an average of 30 minutes. Without anesthesia, curettage is done only in individual cases, for example, after childbirth. The cervix at this moment is expanded by itself.
Now anesthetists agreed that the most suitable in this case is anesthesia, which puts the patient into a shallow sleep. With such anesthesia, pain during the manipulation will be absent, and upon completion, the person will quickly come to his senses.

The procedure begins with the introduction of a dilator into the vagina, which allows you to straighten the walls and see the cervix. Next, the doctor needs to expand the cervix. Using a special tool, the doctor holds her and inserts a probe into her channel.
When the doctor has achieved sufficient expansion of the cervix, he conducts hysteroscopy, which allows you to more accurately see the condition of the uterine mucosa. Next, the gynecologist conducts curettage using special tools. In general, the whole procedure takes about 40 minutes.
Why should you choose a clinic and a doctor seriously?
The cost of cleaning the uterus with bleeding in Moscow averages from 7 to 30 thousand. It all depends on the clinic and the experience of the doctor. If possible, this surgical intervention should be performed only in a proven clinic with an experienced doctor. This is due to the fact that if it is unprofessional to conduct this operation, you will have to do it again.
Features of the postoperative period
After the curettage of the mucous membrane, the uterus contracts. Physiologically, this process helps stop bleeding after cleaning the uterus. With the planned competent surgical intervention, the full restoration of the functions of the female genital organs occurs as quickly as during normal menstruation.
Immediately after the procedure, the patient may feel general malaise, drowsiness, weakness, headache - all this is nothing but the consequences of anesthesia. In the first hours, vaginal discharge of blood clots will be observed .

In some, the postoperative period is characterized by symptoms such as:
- Severe pain in the lower abdomen, lower back. This pain can last several hours or several days. She feels like pain during menstruation. With such complaints, the patient is advised to take an anesthetic.
- Bloody copious discharge. This phenomenon is the norm if it lasts no more than 10 days. If, on the contrary, they quickly ended, then this is not a very good sign, which indicates that a cervical spasm has occurred, which leads to the accumulation of blood clots in its cavity.
The results and consequences of cleaning the uterus with bleeding are the normalization of the hormonal background of the female body and the restoration of the menstrual cycle.
After cleaning, a womanβs menstruation usually occurs with a delay of 4-5 weeks. This is absolutely normal, there should not be cause for concern. If menstruation does not occur within 2, a maximum of 3 months, then you need to visit a gynecologist.
Possible complications after surgical manipulation
If uterine cleansing is done, should there be bleeding? Yes, of course, this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, but it is important to understand that if it is very plentiful and long, then you should definitely contact a medical institution for help. After all, large blood loss can lead to very bad consequences, even death.
Cleaning the uterus with bleeding increases the chances of infection entering the body, which often causes endometritis. If possible, the doctor prescribes to take a course of antibiotics.
Another rather unpleasant complication is the hematometer. It represents blood clots that have accumulated in the uterine cavity. Cervical spasm is the cause of this ailment. To avoid this, the doctor prescribes drugs of the antispasmodic group.
A rare but very unpleasant complication is perforation (rupture) of the walls of the organ. Injury to the uterus is possible due to illiterate, unprofessional actions of a doctor who overdid when removing the endometrium. With perforation of the uterus, a woman requires urgent surgery.
In extremely rare cases, a woman's ability to conceive decreases or disappears altogether.