Sushi diet. Calorie Sushi

Today, sushi and rolls are some of the most popular Japanese dishes. Many people prefer them because of the unusual taste and low calorie content of the dish. Some foodies even prefer to lose weight on land, arranging fasting days.

Sushi diet became popular in Russia in the late 90s, when Japanese restaurants began to come off everywhere, and almost all housewives learned the most basic recipes for making sushi and rolls. The peculiarity of the dish is that it contains foods enriched with minerals and vitamins. Seafood also has a lot of iodine, phosphorus, amino acids and other beneficial substances. They actively fight heart diseases, improve the condition of nails, hair, and affect brain activity.

The calorie content of sushi is low due to the composition. All dishes are based on rice. Rice is, first of all, carbohydrates, fiber. Rice has a lot of potassium, which neutralizes salts. All seafood is also low in calories. They are a source of protein. It is also known that seafood is the strongest aphrodisiac. Rice in combination with seafood can remove toxins from the body.

The next component of the dish, due to which the calorie content of land is low, and the benefits are indisputable - algae. Algae are a source of iodine, iron and calcium. Iodine also affects the activity of brain cells, minerals contribute to the development of the skeleton and the healing of the circulatory system.

Wasabi and ginger are also important in the dish. Wasabi is a shredded dry root. The wasabi tastes like horseradish. Without ginger and wasabi, sushi and sashimi lose their palatability.

Sushi, the average calorie content of which ranges from 90 to 160 calories per 100 grams, is certainly not only a tasty dish, but also healthy. Answering the question: โ€œAre sushi high-calorie?โ€, We conclude that the dish is low-calorie and with its help you can lose weight if you eat it no more than 1 time per week. Standard portions of the dish are small, so you can eat a small amount of the dish.

If you analyze the composition, then the calorie content of sushi depends on what foods are included in the dish. For example, sushi with tuna has 31 calories per piece, and in one piece of sushi with salmon, 38 kcal. The most high-calorie sushi with smoked eel (51 calories). Sushi with other seafood has an energy value in the range of 50 kcal.

Diet. Calorie sushi dishes.

Sushi is customary to eat 2 Japanese wooden chopsticks in small portions. The stomach as a result of such food intake digests food gradually, without overloading the body. The risk of overeating sushi is quite low, as saturation occurs instantly. Sushi is digested for several hours, therefore, the feeling of hunger will not come back to you for a long time. Also a positive feature of the diet is that it is quite diverse. There are quite a few types of sushi, sashimi and rolls, which means that you wonโ€™t get bored with food in this way.

According to the diet, various types of sushi should be consumed. For breakfast and lunch, itโ€™s supposed to eat about 10 rolls, for dinner, the number is reduced to 6. You can also try seafood salads, miso soups and much more. You can only drink green tea.

In a Japanese omelette, only 12 kcal, and the calorie content of mussel cream soup is 80 kcal, which is also not much. The highest calorie content in shrimp is 112 kcal. Avocado has only 10 kcal, so it is indispensable for any diet.

As nutritionists say, sushi is only healthy within reasonable limits. The consumption rate of the dish is individual for everyone. This is a rather heavy meal, so there are some contraindications to people with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers, etc.). Sushi is also contraindicated for those who are allergic to fish and soy. In no case should you continue the diet for more than 1-2 days. Fasting days are not a long-term diet.

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