A cyst is a benign formation that often forms in the tissues of the organs of the reproductive system, in particular, in the cervical canal and the vaginal part of the cervix. Many women of reproductive age face a similar problem. Naturally, patients in the gynecological department are interested in any available information about the disease.
What are the causes of cysts on the cervix? What danger is associated with the appearance of such a neoplasm? What symptoms should I look for? What treatment methods can modern medicine offer? The answers to these questions are interesting to many women.
What is a cyst?

According to statistics, approximately 10-20% of women of reproductive age face such a problem as a cyst on the cervix. Causes, treatment, symptoms - this, of course, is important information. But first, consider the general data.
A cyst is a kind of tumor that forms as a result of a blockage in the duct of the gland. Inside the cavity, mucus and secretion begins to accumulate, as a result of which the gland increases in size. Such neoplasms can have different sizes. As a rule, they are located in the tissues of the vaginal part of the cervix or cervical canal.
Cyst on the cervix: causes, photo

As already mentioned, this is a fairly common problem. The causes of cysts on the cervix can be very different. You should familiarize yourself with their list.
- Mechanical injuries of the cervix . The causes of cysts on the cervix may lie in injuries sustained during childbirth or abortion. Tissue damage is often accompanied by blockage of the glandular duct, which subsequently leads to the formation and growth of a cyst.
- Menopause and other hormonal changes . Hormonal fluctuations affect the state and functioning of the tissues of the reproductive system. For example, during menopause, the mucous membrane becomes thinner. The glands are more vulnerable and produce more mucus in response to any, even the slightest, irritation. An increase in the amount of secretion increases the risk of cyst formation.
- Infectious diseases . Almost any infection that affects the organs of the reproductive system (including venereal) can provoke the appearance of such a neoplasm. Against the background of the inflammatory process, the secretion secreted by the glands becomes more viscous, which contributes to blockage.
Based on the reasons, the introduction of an intrauterine device, diagnostic gynecological curettage, metabolic disorders, diseases of the endocrine system, and any inflammation of the pelvic organs can be considered risk factors.
Classification of neoplasms, depending on the cause
Today, there are a huge number of ways to classify such a pathology as a cervical cyst. Reasons for the appearance are also taken into account. Based on this, such neoplasms are divided into several groups:
- traumatic - such cysts are formed as a result of tissue damage and their displacement;
- tumor - tumors are the result of the progression of tumor processes;
- parasitic - cysts that appear as a result of the life of various parasites;
- dysontogenetic - the development of neoplasms in this case is associated with the presence of congenital anomalies or anatomical disorders in the patient;
- retention - this group includes cysts, which are formed as a result of an increase in the volume of secretion produced by the gland.
Natobova cervical cysts: causes

Unfortunately, young women quite often face such a problem as neoplasms appearing on the genitals. And in some cases, patients leave the doctor’s office with a diagnosis of “nabotov cysts on the cervix.” Reasons, treatment, photos - these are the moments that are interesting to many women.
As you know, in the tissues of the cervix there are glandular cells that produce a specific secret. In some cases, obstruction of the duct of these cells is observed. Inside them, a secret begins to accumulate, as a result of which small, but dense, rounded structures of white-yellow color are formed. By the way, for the first time this phenomenon was described by the researcher Nabotov.
Why do these small cysts appear on the cervix? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find out the reasons. To date, there is information that such neoplasms often appear as a result of chronic inflammatory processes in the pelvic area. Risk factors include changes in the hormonal background, erosive processes in the uterine tissues, and sexual infections.
Nabotov cysts, as a rule, are small in size and practically do not affect the functioning of the reproductive organs. Symptoms are often absent - the pathology is diagnosed by chance during a routine gynecological examination. Of course, such a problem requires a more thorough diagnosis. However, in most cases, specific therapy is not necessary. Periodic gynecological examinations are recommended for patients - so the doctor will be able to notice any changes in the patient’s condition on time.
If the cyst rapidly grows in size, compresses nearby structures, including blood vessels and nerve endings, the doctor may decide on its surgical removal.
What symptoms are accompanied by pathology?

Many young women face a problem like a cyst on the cervix. Causes, treatment, possible complications are important issues. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with the symptoms.
In this case, the number and size of tumors is of great importance. A single cyst of a small size is unlikely to cause any serious deterioration in well-being - they are often discovered by chance during a medical examination.
If we are talking about large neoplasms, then the appearance of unpleasant, pulling pains in the lower abdomen is possible. Some patients complain of pain and discomfort during intercourse. Symptoms include the appearance of uncharacteristic vaginal discharge (in case of infection, they can acquire a yellowish or greenish tint, as well as an extremely unpleasant odor). In some cases, the growth of a cyst is accompanied by the appearance of bloody discharge.
List of possible complications
Many women are interested in the causes of cysts on the cervix, as well as possible complications that develop with this pathology. In fact, the neoplasm is rarely a serious threat. However, patients should monitor their health.

There is no risk of malignant tissue degeneration. But the probability of tissue infection is not excluded. The appearance and growth of a cyst is often associated with infectious and inflammatory diseases of the cervix, endometrium, etc.
It is worth talking about reproductive function. A small cyst alone cannot prevent fertilization or successful termination of pregnancy. Nevertheless, a large neoplasm is often associated with infections, endometriosis and inflammatory diseases - together, these factors can lead to infertility. In addition, due to the growth of the cyst, the cervix can become deformed, which can lead to complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
Diagnostic measures

As already mentioned, most often the doctor during a gynecological examination accidentally discovers a cyst of the cervix. The causes of the appearance and treatment of such a pathology are closely related. That is why in the diagnostic process it is important not only to confirm the presence of formations, but also to understand their causes.
In this case, colposcopy is informative - during the procedure, the doctor can carefully examine the tissues of the vagina and cervix. Be sure to conduct a study of smears on the microflora. It is important to determine the presence of bacterial infections, including chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. It is necessary to donate blood - a general analysis will make it possible to notice inflammation. Since sometimes the growth of the cyst is associated with hormonal disorders, it is important to conduct a blood test for hormones.
Ultrasound for the diagnosis of cysts
Ultrasound examination is a mandatory procedure for suspected cysts. This is a simple but really informative method. During the study, the doctor can examine the body and cervix, assess the quality of blood supply, notice any changes in the structure of the organ, see the neoplasm, fix its exact size, etc.
The examination is carried out as standard - the cervix can be seen using a transabdominal or transvaginal ultrasound probe . The procedure is safe and painless. The results obtained often help doctors not only to fix the presence of neoplasms, but also to determine the possible causes of cysts on the cervix.
Surgical treatments
It is immediately worth noting that the doctor makes the decision to undergo surgery only if the neoplasm is large and / or prone to rapid growth.
The operation is performed using endoscopic equipment. The doctor makes small punctures in the abdominal wall through which a special tool enters. The cyst is punctured, and then the mucous / purulent secretion is removed from its cavity.
Then the cyst cavity is treated with a special antiseptic solution - this prevents possible complications and re-accumulation of pus inside the neoplasm. The operation does not require long-term rehabilitation - after a few days the patient can return to her usual lifestyle.
Cyst Removal Methods
During endoscopic surgery, the doctor can clean the cyst cavity. But the neoplasm wall needs to be removed. For this, different methods are used.
- Moxibustion. For this purpose, chemical aggressive substances and special medicines are used.
- Radio wave therapy . The cyst is removed, destroying its tissue with high-frequency radio waves. This is a gentle treatment that is often prescribed to young women at the planning stage of pregnancy.
- Cryotherapy, or freezing . Tissues of the neoplasm are destroyed by exposing them to ultra-low temperatures (liquid nitrogen).
- Laser removal . This is a relatively new, but expensive procedure that allows you to remove cyst tissue using a laser beam without contacting the mucous membrane of the cervix.
Further treatment tactics
Drug therapy largely depends on the causes of cysts and the presence of concomitant diseases. If a sexually transmitted infection occurs, then appropriate therapy is carried out (for both partners).
If the cause of the appearance of neoplasms was a fluctuation in the hormonal background, then doctors recommend taking progestins, combined oral contraceptives. Additionally, anti-inflammatory drugs can be used. Sometimes various physiotherapeutic procedures are also included in the treatment regimen.
Treatment with folk remedies: how effective is it?

Now you already know about how and why cysts appear on the cervix (causes). Alternative methods of treatment exist, although they can be used only as an adjuvant.
Effective are decoctions of chamomile flowers, pharmacy, sea buckthorn, nettle, sage, plantain, string, rosehips. For the preparation of decoctions, these components can be mixed or used separately. Such home remedies are suitable for both oral and douching. Herbs help improve tissue trophism, relieve inflammation and irritation, strengthen local immunity.
Of course, it is strictly forbidden to do anything without the knowledge of a doctor. Despite the fact that a cyst on the cervix is rarely a serious threat, self-medication is not worth it.