A woman who has just given birth to a child is puzzled by a wide variety of problems. This is especially true if the child is the first. The young mother still does not have a good idea what to do with this tiny little ball of happiness, and her experiences are quite justified.
Not the last place among the exciting moments is the topic of nutrition. The pediatrician, who came to the ward for the first round, will be immediately attacked by mothers with lists of questions at the ready. What can I eat immediately after childbirth? Will habitual food harm a little man who has just been born? What foods can help improve breast milk quality? The importance of proper feeding of babies is now spoken everywhere, and it is not surprising that a woman is concerned about such issues.

Breastfeeding (GV) is vital for every baby. Only with mother's milk can a baby receive nutrients that are important for harmonious growth and development. Protective antibodies, vitamins, and various trace elements are transmitted from women to children. No high-tech blends can ever fully replace breast milk. That is why every young mother is puzzled by the question of how to properly compose a menu for HS.
What to cook for lunch to a nursing mother?
Modern pediatricians argue that there are no products that are strictly prohibited during lactation. The body of each child is individual, and it is difficult to predict in advance which of the usual dishes can cause an adverse reaction. There is only a small list of products, the use of which can lead to a child developing allergies or problems with stool.
Young mothers are quite naturally afraid of harming their long-awaited baby. They ask the pediatrician if raisins can be breastfed, fearing that this useful product will cause skin rashes. In fact, almost any food can give an allergic reaction, and it will not necessarily be from the list of prohibited foods. For example, the children of the southern nations have almost been eating oranges since birth, while in the northern countries this delicious fruit is not recommended for children under three years of age. This suggests that in most cases, products familiar to a particular region do not cause any undesirable reaction.

By trial and error, you can find out whether to include raisins during breastfeeding in your diet, as well as make your own list of allowed foods. Only those products that definitely cause an allergy in the woman herself should be completely removed. With a high degree of probability, the baby will inherit a vulnerability to the same food, which means that it is better to wait a bit with such experiments.
Products useful for lactation
The nutrition of a nursing mother should be tasty, satisfying and varied. Sour- milk products (for example, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) should be present on the table daily. But it is better to refuse whole milk in the first year of a child’s life. This is just the very product that most often causes allergic reactions in young children.

Red meat and fish, gluten-free cereals (rice and buckwheat), as well as fresh vegetables and fruits, must be added to the diet. Contrary to popular belief, you can eat not only green, but also red apples, but it is better to rid them of their peels first. Breastfeeding nuts will also be very beneficial as they are a valuable source of energy.
Dried fruits for mom - is it possible or not?
Many women in the cold season are concerned about the lack of vitamins in their diet. Overseas fruits seem too expensive, so young mothers turn their attention to more affordable options. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes - the shelves of local markets are crammed with them to failure. Can nursing mothers have dried fruits or not? Pediatricians say that they do not pose any danger to the child. Moreover, dried fruits are an excellent substitute for fresh fruits. Sweet and tasty, they do not deteriorate during long-term storage, and in terms of vitamin content they are slightly inferior to fresh fruits. You can cook compotes from them, add them to baked goods or use as snacks. The baby also gets its share of the beneficial substances that penetrate it through milk. Dried apricots and raisins, familiar from childhood, can become a favorite treat of a nursing mother for the entire period of lactation.

Breastfeeding Raisins
Not wanting to gain excess weight during the decree, many young mothers refuse to eat sweet food. However, the body still requires its own, and sometimes it is difficult to abandon old habits. In this case, raisins will come to the rescue. Nursing mothers do not need unnecessary worries, which can lead to the rejection of their favorite sweets.
Like any new food, raisins should be included in your diet gradually. You can start with compote, then add some berries to the porridge or other dish. After making sure that no negative reactions are observed in the baby, you can slowly increase the amount of product every day.

Raisins for breastfeeding are very useful not only for the baby, but also for the mother. This dried fruit is a recognized champion in calcium. Among other things, raisins favorably affect the heart and blood vessels, increase immunity, and also helps to cope with a bad mood.
When wondering if raisins can be breastfed, many are afraid to run into a poor-quality product that contains chemicals that are harmful to the body. In order to prevent this from happening, thoroughly rinse the berries in advance with running water. The part that goes into cooking is poured with boiling water, the rest is dried and stored in a closed container. In this form, raisins are completely safe and can be used in the diet of a nursing mother.
Dried apricots while breastfeeding
Dried apricots, like other dried fruits, have various beneficial properties. This is a mild laxative and diuretic, which allows you to gently cleanse your body of harmful toxins and toxins. Dried apricots are not contraindicated at all, its use will not be dangerous for mom or baby. Moreover, this dried fruit is necessary for anemia, because it helps to quickly raise the level of iron in the blood.

Like raisins, dried apricots should be introduced gradually. Pediatricians advise adding it to the diet after three months, when the baby’s colic and other stomach problems will be a thing of the past. It is best to use dried apricots after heat treatment, as part of compotes and cereals.
Breastfeeding Nuts
For a long time it was believed that eating walnuts contributes to the production of large quantities of breast milk. However, modern studies have not confirmed this theory. But I managed to find out that any nuts are quite a strong allergen. Enter them in the diet of a nursing mother should be very careful.

Nutritionists claim that hazelnuts, peanuts, and cashews are high-calorie foods. For a young mother, who is at full power for days on end, nuts can be a very valuable source of energy. They can be consumed in pure form or added crushed to other dishes. Unlike other products, after processing, nuts do not lose any of their beneficial properties.
Prunes for nursing mothers
These dried fruits will be indispensable for women suffering from constipation. Being a natural laxative, prunes gently remove all excess from the body without causing any particular discomfort. True, a similar action can affect a child. Experts do not recommend introducing this useful product into your diet earlier than three months after the delivery.
Other foods useful in lactation
Dried apricots, prunes and raisins during breastfeeding, undoubtedly, favorably affect the health of a woman and her baby. However, in addition to these products, there are many others that are no less interesting for nursing mothers. For example, dates contribute to the production of oxytocin in the body of a woman - a special hormone that helps to recover from blood loss during childbirth. Also, these dried fruits are rich in calcium and magnesium, which is extremely necessary for the body, which provides nutrition for two at once.
Do not forget about the rosehip, whose fruits contain iron and other useful trace elements. This berry will become an indispensable assistant to a nursing mother, as it is able to remove excess fluid from the body, preventing the appearance of edema. Allergic reactions to dogrose are rare, but do not forget about caution. This product, like many others, should be administered gradually and with small doses.

Summing up, it is necessary to highlight the products recommended for feeding a nursing mother:
- meat (preferably low-fat varieties);
- fish (hake, pike perch) - not more than 1 time per week;
- dairy products;
- hard cheeses;
- fresh fruits and berries;
- dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes);
- nuts.
Adhering to a simple diet when feeding a baby, a young mother will be able to avoid many problems. It is a question of both the baby’s state of health and the well-being of the woman herself. With all the recommendations, motherhood will be a joy and will become a source of inspiration for new achievements.