Every year, the seafood market is replenished with diverse varieties of fish. These include a terrifying catfish, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in official and alternative medicine. Distantly, it resembles dangerous eels and moray eels. It is about this unusual and bright fish that will be discussed in today's material.

The catfish is a representative of percidae, its main habitat is the northern waters of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, where the temperature does not reach 14 ° C. Its appearance is quite frightening - sharp conical fangs protruding from the upper jaw, and a long body. From here she got an unusual name. This marine predator is colloquially called the "sea wolf." The type of Catfish, the benefits and harms (photo in the article) which doctors have always been interested in, is divided into five subspecies:
- widow (blue catfish), swims in the Norwegian, Barents and Atlantic seas;
- spotted - the habitat is similar to the previous species;
- Far Eastern - inhabits the shores of Asia and Norton Bay;
- acne - found in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean;
- striped - prefers the northern waters of the White, Norwegian, Northern, Barents and Baltic Seas.
Cold-blooded individuals do not belong to active predators, they do not know how to develop high speed, and they need large teeth for crushing thick shells of mollusks. It feeds on small fish, jellyfish, crustaceans and echinoderms. This species of perch reaches up to 30 kg of weight. Adult females are able to lay up to 40 thousand eggs.
Today its population has significantly decreased, so many scientists are actively recreating the conditions for artificial breeding. Its nutritious and very tender meat is a real delicacy. It comes to the implementation most often in a frozen state without scales and a head. By the way, catfish make small accessories from leather.
Nutrient content

Among the valuable active components, a significant amount of antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins should be distinguished, which have a beneficial effect on the quality of our skin, the work of internal organs and mood. The composition contains a large set of easily digestible protein, for this reason fish meat is recommended to be consumed by professional athletes.
In addition, catfish (photo can be seen in the material) is rich in a complex of beneficial amino acids (aspartic, glutamine, lysine), they are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The presence of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in the pulp leads to high utility. These trace elements form the basis of the human skeleton.
And magnesium is still involved in fat, protein and energy metabolism. Consuming a "sea wolf" at least once every two weeks, you get almost the entire set of vitamins, such as A, B, E, D, PP.
The energy value
Among the main features, in addition to high protein content, include low calorie content. Catfish, the benefits and harms of which are well known to nutritionists, is classified as fatty fish. She has a hearty, tender, boneless and sweet meat with a low calorie content. There are about 126 kcal in a 100-gram serving, while carbohydrates are completely absent, and a low amount of fat predominates - 5 g.
Healing properties

A catfish is useful, a photo of which clearly shows its appearance, for persons with thyroid gland disorders. Due to the content of omega-3 fatty acids, it is indicated to consume it for those who are at high risk of developing cardiac and vascular pathologies. Predator meat helps eliminate dangerous cholesterol and strengthens muscle tissue. Traditional medicine and practitioners recommend it to patients during the rehabilitation period.
Due to the huge amount of potassium in its composition, fish can and should be consumed by people prone to swelling and high blood pressure. Many nutritionists advise including meat in their diet, especially during diets, when the body does not receive all the substances necessary for life. You will not only establish metabolic processes, but also normalize the water-salt balance, strengthen bone tissue and improve blood circulation.
Harmful effects

Sea fish is considered a strong allergen, even after heat treatment the level of antigens does not decrease. In this regard, the consumption of "sea wolf" should be limited or removed from the menu for people suffering from allergies. Young children should not give it. It is not recommended to use for persons with a violation of the pancreas. Official scientific sources report that catfish fish is also contraindicated during the period of gestation.
The benefits and harms of pregnancy are still being studied. Clinical studies conducted by American experts confirm the negative effect of meat of this individual on the baby’s nervous system. Therefore, in order to avoid side effects, it is advisable to exclude fish during pregnancy and lactation.
Choose a fish

Many people know that seafood accumulate all toxic substances. In order not to get serious intoxication and not become infected with botulism, you should responsibly approach its choice and know the basic rules. The first sign of freshness is a clear look. If turbidity prevails in our eyes, this suggests that the catfish is not the first freshness spotted.
The benefits and harms of fish are equally recognized by many doctors. But in order to really get the most pleasure and benefit from drinking, you should be vigilant. The meat of a fresh individual is resilient, when pressed quickly restores its shape. Be sure to look at the color of the pulp. In non-rotten fish, it is light with a characteristic odor.
Experts do not advise buying a carcass that lies on ice, this indicates a re-freezing. Such a product is not of high quality and is often hazardous to health. Better take a fresh catfish, cut into portions and freeze. This will extend the shelf life by two months.
How to cook?
Catfish, whose benefits are obvious to everyone, is very popular and in demand among gourmets. However, many housewives do not know how to cook it. As previously mentioned, the meat of this marine predator is tender and juicy, which allows you to create various delicacies. The carcass is tasty in fried, smoked, salted, baked and boiled form. Meat can be steamed and grilled, added to salads, snacks, used as a filling for pies and served with any side dish.
The subtleties of cooking
So that during cooking your fish does not fall apart and does not turn into jelly, you need to know some of the nuances that we want to share with you:
- When stewing or frying, the carcass should first be cut into medium pieces, then roll in flour or batter. You can turn the fish over when the piece is well browned and a crust forms. To prevent the meat from turning into porridge during cooking, never cover the pan with a lid.
- Steaks half an hour before cooking, add a little salt.
- Boil in salted water for about 10-15 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam.
- Bake the carcass in foil with the addition of vegetables or cereals. To increase elasticity, you can put fresh tomatoes.
Catfish fish, the benefits and harms of which are often discussed by experts, will surely turn out to be tasty and whole if you hold it in salt brine: dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 100 ml of water and leave for two hours. Finally, we describe a simple but very tasty recipe.
Baked catfish

The benefits and harms of this dish are unequal. It is low in calories and at the same time satisfying. The necessary ingredients for a half-kilogram carcass: a little less than a glass of rice groats, two small tomatoes, a hundred grams of cheese and a spoonful of sour cream. Add salt and pepper as you like.
We spread a layer of boiled rice on the foil, on top of the cereal - a whole washed and gutted carcass (salt). We cover the fish with slices of tomatoes, pour sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover with foil and send to the oven for 20 minutes at 180 about C.