Adnexitis is one of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system. It is an inflammation of the appendages and fallopian tubes, and, according to statistics, almost every woman at least once encountered this pathology in practice.
Adnexitis is called a seasonal disease, since the number of exacerbations occurs in the cold season, when the risk of getting hypothermia is highest. In fact, the mechanism of inflammation is much more complex than the simple effect of low temperatures, but nevertheless, it is precisely the cooling that is associated with a sharp increase in the number of gynecologist patients with this disease.
The question naturally arises: is it possible to treat adnexitis at home with a diagnosis and what methods exist for this?
Causes of adnexitis
Inflammation of any organ occurs under the influence of two factors: a bacterial or viral pathogen and a decrease in general or local immunity.
The causative agents of adnexitis are:
- streptococci;
- gonococci;
- staphylococci;
- tubercle bacillus;
- E. coli;
- fungi.
They enter the body through sexual contact, during surgical interventions, after infectious diseases (flu, pneumonia, etc.). The infection can be in the body for a long time, but the immune system will prevent the development of inflammation, so bacteria and viruses will be in "sleep mode".

Under the influence of a provoking factor, the clinical picture of the disease can appear in full. Such a factor may be stress, somatic pathology, a sharp change in climate, pregnancy or hypothermia. When immunity decreases, the disease becomes active or a person becomes susceptible to the penetration of pathogenic viruses and bacteria into the body.
Thus, it becomes obvious that the key to successful treatment is the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, the elimination of inflammation caused by their presence, and the strengthening of immunity.
What is adnexitis dangerous?
The main danger of any somatic disease is an increased load on the human immune system. If the disease becomes chronic, it becomes a source of chronic infection, which, in turn, is the cause of autoimmune diseases, which today are incurable.
Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes often causes a violation of reproductive functions in the body. If the inflammation is localized in the ovary, then its capsule thickens due to proliferation of connective tissue and cannot rupture during ovulation so that the egg can be fertilized. When the fallopian tubes undergo inflammation, there is a problem of their patency. In addition, chronic adnexitis can cause an ectopic pregnancy.
In addition to reproductive dysfunction, the digestive tract also suffers: adhesions occurring in the peritoneum lead to frequent diarrhea, constipation, flatulence, and pain.
The symptomatology of any disease varies depending on whether it is a chronic or acute form. Acute adnexitis is characterized by such symptoms as:
- heat;
- abdominal pain;
- discharge from the genital tract with pus;
- signs of intoxication (nausea, headache, weakness, sweating).
The chronic form of adnexitis is the result of an incorrect or incomplete treatment of the acute form. The clinical picture in the chronic form is less pronounced, weak. But under the influence of any provoking factor, acute adnexitis will develop with a high degree of probability. Symptoms and treatment at home - knowledge that will allow you to quickly recognize the ailment and take the necessary actions before visiting a doctor.

Chronic adnexitis is characterized by regular aching pains in the lower abdomen, malfunctions of the menstrual cycle, secretions. The pain can appear before menstruation or during intercourse and be quite severe.
Of course, the doctor should make the final diagnosis before prescribing treatment. But knowledge of the symptoms of the disease allows us to make the correct assumption about which disease we are talking about, which means that thanks to this we can quickly get to the right specialist.
Considering information about the symptoms and complications, you can understand the severity of the disease called adnexitis. Home treatment is indicated in most cases; hospitalization is extremely rare. Usually it is associated with the fact that either a woman can not bring down a high temperature, or signs of intoxication from inflammation are too pronounced.

In the usual course, the disease can be treated on an outpatient basis. That is, at home, independently, according to the recommendations of the doctor.
There are several known methods of treating a disease called adnexitis. Home treatment - pills, injections, alternative recipes - should be considered in detail to understand the effectiveness and safety of the methods.
There is a treatment plan that is prescribed on the basis of diagnostic data, the patient’s condition, medical history and associated diseases. That is, different methods can be effective, but by default, one that has proven its maximum effectiveness with minimal danger is used. With adnexitis, this method of treatment is the use of antibiotics.
Treatment of adnexitis with antibiotics at home is highly effective due to the fact that the drug destroys the very cause of the disease - pathogenic bacteria. However, with home treatment, it is strictly forbidden to "prescribe" a drug for yourself. For the appointment, it is necessary to do a sowing that will determine the sensitivity to different types of antibiotics.
In addition, for a productive result, which should have the treatment of adnexitis at home, drugs must be used in a certain dosage. With the wrong dose selection, you can either provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form, or cause the body's resistance to the drug. The latter is a very serious problem, because the lack of action of the drug can further pose a threat to human life.
It is also important to complete the medication in a timely manner - often with self-medication, people stop taking the drug immediately after the symptoms of the disease pass. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because if the body remains undefeated bacteria that provoked the disease, they will again lead to the development of pathology, while pathogenic microorganisms will become resistant to the previously taken antibiotic. Taking antibiotics for too long destroys the beneficial microflora and depresses the immune system.
Regardless of whether there is an acute form of the disease or chronic adnexitis, treatment at home with antibiotics is equally effective. The most commonly prescribed are Zomax, Zedex, Erythromycin, Metronizadol, Ceftriaxone, etc.

Other drugs
In addition to antibiotics, the doctor may prescribe medications for symptomatic treatment. First of all, we are talking about painkillers, since adnexitis in the acute stage causes quite sharp pains in the lower abdomen.
If chronic adnexitis is present , treatment at home may include the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, most often corticosteroids (Celeston, Triamcinolone, Kenacort, Cortineff). It is imperative that the treatment plan in this case also includes antibiotics, because corticosteroids act by suppressing the immune response. If the pathogen is present in the body, the picture of symptoms can unfold quickly and quite strongly.
When it comes to a disease such as adnexitis, treatment at home with folk remedies cannot be an independent method of therapy. Before applying any prescription, it is necessary to consult with your doctor. Despite the fact that herbal preparations and infusions are considered harmless, they may well affect the drugs prescribed by a specialist, enhancing their effect or nullifying it.
In the event that traditional medicine is used as the only method of treatment, there is a serious risk of "earning" a diagnosis of "chronic adnexitis." Treatment at home with alternative methods should be auxiliary: reduce inflammation, eliminate the symptoms of the disease and increase immunity. They must be used with extreme caution, because the natural ingredients that underlie traditional medicine often cause an allergic reaction, which is sometimes difficult to recognize when a person’s well-being is already impaired due to adnexitis.
Speaking of traditional medicine, first of all, you should pay attention to funds for local application. They have practically no contraindications, they are easy to use, and although the effect is not fast, it is always noticeable as a result of the cycle.
The only caveat is the risk of an allergic reaction. To prevent it, you should carefully consider the composition of the recipe - if there was an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients, you should not use such a tool. And if after the introduction of the tampon, pain or discomfort is felt, the tampon should be removed immediately and an antihistamine should be taken.
Therefore, you can easily carry out treatment at home with a disease such as adnexitis. It is important to make tampons on your own, since ready-made tampons have a high absorption, so the effect of the product will not be pronounced. To make a swab, you need to take a piece of cotton wool and wrap it with gauze bandage. After that, the product is abundantly moistened with a therapeutic composition and inserted deep into the vagina at night. The course of such manipulations is about 2 weeks, and the therapeutic effect will be noticeable after at least one week of treatment.
The quality of the composition for impregnating a tampon can be used:
- propolis in equal proportions;
- Vishnevsky ointment;
- garlic juice (2-3 drops), warm water (20 ml) and celandine infusion (a couple of drops);
- Mummy divorced in warm water.
It is recommended to choose one recipe and conduct it in a course. If ineffective, you can try another prescription under the supervision of your doctor.
Recipes, designed for internal use, have a complex effect on the whole body. They increase immunity, allow it to quickly eliminate inflammation, increase vitality, reducing the severity of symptoms.

However, do not assume that herbal recipes are completely safe. Many medicinal plants with a high degree of effectiveness contain a large concentration of active substances. Therefore, with uncontrolled intake, there is a serious risk of causing an overdose.
Herbs with anti-inflammatory effect help with a large list of diseases, which include adnexitis. Home treatment with a red brush is one of the most popular methods.
The red brush, or cold Rhodiola, is a unique plant that can only be found in the Altai Mountains. It can help in the treatment of diseases of almost all body systems. But most often it is recommended for use in gynecological diseases.
The red brush has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, but the most pronounced effect can be obtained by using it as a prophylaxis rather than as a method of treatment. However, the reviews available for such treatment of adnexitis at home indicate a high effectiveness of the drug with minimal side effects.
The easiest way to use a red brush is to prepare a decoction. One tablespoon of the root of the red brush is taken in a glass of boiling water, and then infused for an hour. It is recommended to eat a spoonful of natural honey during direct use of the broth. Do not leave the cooked broth for a long time. A glass of funds needs to be drunk within one day, diluting a portion with boiling water.
It is important to know that the remedy is incompatible with the intake of hormones, as well as some herbs: licorice, hops, clover, gingerbread.
Herbal baths are a proven remedy in the fight against gynecological inflammation. Such baths can be taken by everyone except pregnant women, people with cancerous tumors and skin diseases in the acute stage.
Thyme is the best choice for the preparation of a therapeutic bath with a diagnosis such as adnexitis. Home treatment involves preparing a decoction: three grams of boiling water is added 200 grams of herb, infused for an hour and poured into a moderately hot bath filled with water by one third.

The bath should be taken in a sitting position for 20 minutes. After this, the body must be wrapped in a pre-prepared sheet, not wiped with a towel, and go to bed. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is recommended to conduct a course of baths at least 10 times.
Given the moderate temperature of the water, it is important to remember that such a procedure carries the risk of hypothermia from indoor air. Therefore, the room must be preheated, for example, by turning on a hot shower for several minutes.
Steam bath
Milk baths are recommended for women, provided that they do not have menstruation and pregnancy accompanying adnexitis. Treatment at home with a bath is carried out as follows: it is necessary to boil 3 liters of milk, pour it into a basin and sit over it for a while until the milk has cooled.
The principle of the method is based on warming up the tissues: a rush of blood will accelerate metabolism and allow the body to cope with the inflammatory process faster. This is a simple treatment for adnexitis at home, reviews of the positive experience of the use of which women make in different forums, and can help get rid of the chronic form of the disease.
Immediately after the steam bath, it is recommended that you lie in a warm bed. You can do baths until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, but at least 14 times in a row.
Given the prevalence of a disease such as adnexitis, treatment at home and its prevention are of great relevance.
First of all, it is important to maintain the general condition of the body, on time and correctly treat any infections, even the most harmless at first glance. This will help to avoid foci of chronic infection, and therefore, maintain the immune system in a healthy state.
The second method of preventing adnexitis is protection against hypothermia. The right choice of clothes and shoes, avoiding drafts allow you to never encounter an unpleasant inflammatory process. And in order that accidental hypothermia does not become the cause of the disease, it is useful to temper, for example, by wiping.
And finally, protected sex is relevant.

In the event that you have already encountered this pathology, the main method of prevention will be proper treatment, which completely eliminates the possibility of developing a chronic form of a disease such as adnexitis. Home treatment - drugs, alternative recipes, or other methods - should be supervised by the attending physician on an outpatient basis.
With the observance of the correct lifestyle, regular medical examination and visiting a doctor with the appearance of symptoms of the disease, it is quite possible to maintain health and rid yourself of unpleasant and dangerous pathology and its consequences.