Many antibiotics affect the menstrual cycle. The mechanism of how this happens is mainly associated with a decrease in the hormone estrogen, which can lead to a change in the cycle, and it will become irregular. The article will discuss information about the delay in menstruation after taking antibiotics.
The effect of antibiotics on the menstrual cycle
In the first 14 days of the menstrual cycle of 28 follicles begins to grow due to estrogen. The endometrium is getting thicker. After ovulation, estrogen combines with progesterone, and the endometrium becomes denser.
Can there be a delay in menstruation after taking antibiotics? These drugs can affect estrogen metabolism in two ways. Most antibiotics are metabolized in the liver, and their presence can affect the metabolic rate of estrogen (and progesterone). This can alter the supply of hormones to the bloodstream, causing the menstrual cycle to be disrupted. Some antibiotics cause diarrhea as a symptom, as they change the intestinal flora.

Thus, when the level of estrogen in the blood changes, the cycle may be disrupted. Now the pituitary gland receives the wrong information and will not act as expected. Ovulation depends on the pituitary gland. Thus, many antibiotics can cause an irregular menstrual cycle.
One very important point to note: antibiotics can affect estrogen (and progestin) levels when taking birth control pills. This, in turn, can cause contraceptives to become ineffective when antibiotics are used in the same time period.
Consider whether a delay in menstruation is possible after taking antibiotics. Antibiotics are substances that inhibit the development of pathogenic microorganisms. They cope well with bacteria, but they can cause serious harm to the patient’s health. This is due to the fact that antimicrobials also destroy beneficial microorganisms, disrupting the intestinal and vaginal microflora. As a consequence, the menstrual cycle may be delayed.
Side effects of drugs:
- allergies
- failures in the digestive tract.

The effect of antibiotics on the reproductive organs:
- hormone levels increase or decrease;
- harmful microflora is harmed;
- immunity decreases;
- the risk of infectious diseases increases.
All of the above factors can affect the delay. But, unfortunately, with sufficiently serious diseases without taking antibiotics it is not possible to recover. When taking these drugs, you must observe the following precautions:
- exclude alcohol;
- follow the prescribed treatment;
- protect yourself from pregnancy;
- stick to a special diet.
How long should probiotics be taken after taking antibiotics?
You can take probiotics before taking antibiotics or at the same time. Patients can avoid these well-known antibiotic-related complications and minimize the disturbance in the intestinal bacteria of the body. Of course, it is always best to consult your doctor, it is best to continue to take probiotics for several weeks after taking antibiotics.

In addition to taking supplements, you can also change your diet to include some probiotic foods. These include kefir, sauerkraut, "Narine", natural yoghurts.
In addition, not all probiotic supplements are considered equally useful, as they are not controlled and do not always contain everything that is described in the instructions. To make sure you get the best, it's best to trust trusted manufacturers. In addition, pay attention to how many strains are offered, as well as how many live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli are present in the drug.
How can taking antibiotics delay your menstrual cycle?
Delayed menstruation after taking antibiotics - whether this be? Each woman in a certain period of life took such drugs. Their influence does not pass unnoticed for the body. Often after taking them, there are many side effects. The delay in menstruation after taking antibiotics is one of them. In case of cycle disorders, you should consult a gynecologist, as this often indicates an inflammatory process or other pathologies.

Consider the reasons for the failure of the menstrual cycle. Taking any kind of antibiotic is a serious stress for the body, especially for the female. The reproductive system is affected even by insignificant factors. After exposure to antimicrobials, the nature of the discharge may also change. This is a consequence of hormonal failure, which can provoke a delay of up to 30 days or more. In some cases, the discharge becomes less and even very scarce (spotting).
Risk group
Most often the delay is in women regularly taking antibiotics. This leads to a strong weakening of the immune system and disruption of the normal intestinal microflora. At risk are also women with congenital or acquired pathology in gynecology. In such cases, there may be a delay even when taking small doses of drugs.
Are antibiotics always guilty of failure of the menstrual cycle?
It is not possible to independently determine the cause of the delay after antibiotic treatment. Pathological processes, such as inflammation of the ovaries, can also lead to a failure of the cycle. Antibiotics are not always the root cause, other factors are also possible.

Chance of getting pregnant
When taking antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives also continue to be used. But antibacterial agents have the ability to weaken the effectiveness of contraceptives. If there is a delay after treatment with antibiotics, there is a high probability of becoming pregnant.
Taking antibiotics during menstruation
If the doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics, their intake is mandatory regardless of the presence of menstruation. During bleeding, a woman’s body is weakened and vulnerable. The inflammatory process can easily begin. Taking the prescribed drugs will protect against the addition of new attacks of pathogenic microorganisms. So, you don’t need to worry about a possible delay, but rather follow the doctor’s recommendations.

What to do if there is a delay in menstruation after treatment?
Delayed menstruation after taking antibiotics is not uncommon, but nevertheless you can not leave this unattended. What is needed to restore the menstrual cycle:
- The intake of vitamins and minerals. Selenium and folic acid are the key to the health of the reproductive system of women. With their daily intake, the likelihood of a delay after antibiotic treatment is significantly reduced.
- Follow your doctor's instructions. Do not interrupt the reception of medicines, and especially not to self-medicate. If these rules are not observed, the appearance of side effects and hormonal disruptions are inevitable.
- Mandatory medication to protect the intestinal microflora. It also prevents menstrual irregularities and reduces the harm from therapy.
- If there is a long delay after treatment, a pregnancy test should be done.

In the absence of menstruation with malaise and pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is a clear sign of an inflammatory process.
After antibiotics, delayed menstruation: reviews of women
Most women using antibiotics do not have any changes in their menstrual cycles. While others who notice changes suggest they are caused by antibiotics. Can there be a delay in menstruation after antibiotics. Reviews report that there are some women who think that antibiotics caused a delay in menstruation, severe bleeding and severe cramping. However, infections can also cause these symptoms, especially if they appear in your reproductive system.

Medical experts conducted a study in the late 1940s to show how the antibiotic penicillin affects female menstrual cycles. The results of these studies were not conclusive, but some of the women who participated in the study reported that they noticed some changes, which were more severe bleeding and more severe cramping. In addition, some women noticed differences in the time when their menstruation begins, as well as how long it lasts. Some ladies note that they had a delay in menstruation after cystitis and taking antibiotics.
The effect of antibiotics on menstruation is most likely associated with various types of infections, rather than medications, but you must tell your doctor about any unusual changes. It is possible that some antibiotics can cause changes in your body that can affect your menstrual cycle. In cases where the changes in your cycle are very difficult and unusual, the doctor can help, that is, prescribe a different type of medication.