Closing a birth is not only a complex of measures aimed at restoring a womanâs body after pregnancy and childbirth. It is rather a ritual that can restore a womanâs psychological health, which is much more important than a physical condition. After all, it is known that all diseases have their origin precisely in the emotional and even energy state of the body. And given that pregnancy, and most importantly, childbirth is the most severe stress in a womanâs life, it is impossible to overestimate the ritual of closing a birth.
What's so bad about that?
Often, women returning from the hospital are plunged into severe depression, the so-called postpartum depression. This is caused by a sharp change in the state of the body, the attitude of a woman toward a woman by relatives, her review of her life priorities, and so on. In a short period of time in a womanâs life, everything changes - from nutrition to status, because now she is a mother.
Who can help close the birth?

A young mother is essentially yesterday's girl, frightened by her new status and concerns. She is poorly versed in the situation, sometimes understanding with fear that she does not know how to care for the child.
In all domestic and psychological problems of the young mother, her mother helps, changing her status to grandmother. There are midwives and other female relatives who know how to carry out the process of closing the birth.
But not everyone is so lucky with mothers and grandmothers. Most often, a young woman is left to herself, and only a district doctor from a district clinic can take care of her.
Payable service

No one is surprised by the presence of paid doctors, masseurs, psychologists and other specialists in the field of mental and physical health. There is nothing surprising in the fact that there was a paid service for closing birth. Of course, you can do everything yourself, but in this case, you can miss any important aspect.
Professional midwives and other specialists will surround the woman with such care and attention that she will forget her depression in the shortest possible time, which means that she will embark on the path to recovery of the body after childbirth.
And you donât need to think that a paid service makes people who render it callous and callous, since caring for a woman has become their job. This is not so - the professional feels unity with the young mother, and his care is pure and sincere. After all, protecting a mother and helping her in everything is a privilege, and people understand this.
What effect does swaddling have

Closure of labor, or swaddling, has several common effects on most women. Sometimes there are more, sometimes fewer. But there are a number of undeniable actions:
- Restoring the motility of the female body. Over the course of 9 months, the woman changed her motility, adapting to pregnancy, that is, an ever-increasing load and a shift in the center of gravity. Closing of labor will help restore gait, posture and other motor functions of the body. The nervous system should come to the conclusion that there is no more pregnancy and that you need to return to normal.
- Closure of labor restores the normal state of ligaments and joints. During pregnancy, under the influence of a certain hormone, the ligaments had increased elasticity. An ordinary woman does not need this. It is necessary, on the contrary, to restore the strength of the joints.
- Mandatory massage, which is part of the process of closing the birth, restores normal blood supply in the body and returns the blood-forming function to normal. Which, in turn, has a positive effect on the body's ability to regenerate.
- During the procedures, which include not only massage, but also warming up, the body is cleansed of toxins. The lymph nodes and lymph ducts are washed. All this in general leads to a decrease in the level of fluid in the soft tissues of the hands, feet and face of a woman. Her figure very quickly returns to the prenatal state.
- In the first days after birth, the womanâs physical condition is supported by endorphins - hormones of happiness. But after a week they completely disappear from her body, depression sets in. Correctly conducted events restores the hormonal level of the young mother, and she again can enjoy life, get enough sleep and feel great.
- Closure of the uterus after childbirth occurs on its own. Only visceral massage of the abdomen and proper swaddling can help her take her place among other organs of the small pelvis. This not only affects the process of cervical closure after childbirth, but also the restoration of the urinary system, small and large intestines. A woman stops chronic constipation and other unpleasant symptoms.
- Massaging the legs and tightening the hip joint restores its proper functioning and relieves pain. Indeed, during childbirth, the womanâs hip joints are subjected to extreme stress and, as a rule, she suffers pain when walking for a long time afterwards. Often the pain becomes habitual, and the woman no longer notices constant discomfort in the lumbar region, but this only accumulates stress. Restoring the joints of the legs and pelvis is a very important event that helps to restore the ease of a woman's walk and relieve chronic fatigue from the lower extremities.
Is there a need to close the birth

If we ignore the problems of a psychological nature, because not all young mothers have them, then there is one main reason for which it is simply necessary to close the birth.
As already mentioned, a womanâs body undergoes significant changes throughout pregnancy associated with a growing load. And if you do not set him up for normal work in time, then a woman may manifest characteristic changes in her body that remain with her for life. First of all, these are the hip joints and the lumbar region of the spine. After the simultaneous removal of the load, which occurs during childbirth, these nodes of the skeleton remain deformed. As a result, the womanâs figure resembles a duck - a strong bend of the lower part of the spine causes bulging of the abdomen, and the sacrum is significantly pushed back. The gait remains a duck - a mess. Gradually, these defects disappear, but never go away to the end. Thus, closing after childbirth is necessary for any woman in order to regain former harmony and posture.
Is self recovery possible

There is a group of women who are able to close the birth on their own, but it is very small. These are people who live in nature, eat only natural products without preservatives and dyes, and engage in physical labor not only before and after childbirth, but often during pregnancy. This lifestyle is led by villagers from places very far from civilization. All other women became victims of progress. They move a little, because there are cars, escalators, elevators and so on. They eat poorly, since there is no way to eat natural products. And it is worth noting: in the old days, when women were deprived of all these benefits of civilization, they still passed the ceremony of closing the birth. To do this, in the baths midwives swaddled and massaged them, returning their figures to their former strength and stateness. Modern women rarely manage to regain their health without such measures.
How is the procedure

The procedure can be carried out at home, but it is best done in a bath. Fortunately, even in the metropolis you can find comfortable baths and saunas.
In advance, you need to take care of those who will look after the baby. A woman should be emotionally calm and not worry about the child. It should be possible to feed him at any time, since the procedure usually takes from 3 to 5 hours.
First of all, a womanâs body relaxes under the influence of the heat of a steam room and light massage with a broom.
Then a massage of the womanâs legs and entire body is performed with rubbing her with special oils. A visceral massage is required to place the pelvic organs in their natural places.
When a woman is completely relaxed, swaddling begins. To do this, two assistants are needed. Swaddling is carried out with the help of a swivel in a certain sequence: first the head, then the shoulders, around the ribs, lumbar, hips, ankle. In this state, the young mother should lie 3-4 hours, this will consolidate the result.
The next day a woman should spend at home, trying to get up and walk less.
Important aspects

We must not forget about some important aspects during the closing procedure. The body of a woman after her begins to recover at a high speed. To do this, he needs a variety of vitamins and minerals, so before swaddling and after it you need to drink natural juices and infusions from medicinal herbs.
If at the time of swaddling pain in the perineum, in the lower back or in other parts of the body appeared, you need to be patient, this suggests that the bones are in place.
Not only one swaddling session can help everyone. This is normal, it just needs to be repeated 2-3 times.
Most important aspect
Closure of childbirth is simply necessary after a miscarriage or death of a child. In this case, it is necessary to restore not only the womanâs body, but also her mental state. Moreover, this ritual will allow the body to prepare for a new pregnancy, will not allow a woman to put an end to herself as a mother.
Pregnancy closure reviews
Whoever performed the ceremony of closing the pregnancy, the overwhelming majority of women have only positive reviews about it. This is not a banal medical procedure for retraction of the abdomen, it is a kind of female sacrament. Reviews of the closure of labor are precisely what this reflects; a woman feels her involvement in the social stratum of mankind - mothers. She takes a fresh look at the world, at people, and most importantly - at her child. In many women, the maternal instinct wakes up precisely after this ritual, especially among those who have given birth by Caesarean section. After all, this category of women did not go through the throes of birth and did not receive the necessary set of hormones that make it a real mother.