So our stereotypes have developed that people whose height is taller are considered the standard of beauty. Possessing such data from nature, the individual does not even think about what is the subject of admiration and envy among the low representatives of the human race. They, in turn, are called “shorties” and “midgets” and from an early age dream of whatever this parameter increases. Short people want to know everything about how to grow fast.
What does growth depend on?
Quite a long time ago, genetic scientists dealing with issues of inheritance of traits have approved a rule by which to predict the growth of future offspring.

For the calculation, it is required to take these indicators of mother and father and derive from them the arithmetic average, that is, add and divide in half. From the obtained value and should be calculated. To predict the growth of a boy, we should add the number 13 to our figure. This same indicator will need to be taken away if we go to get the same parameter from the girl. Genetics claim that these calculations coincide with real facts by 90%. However, they stipulate that the error may be 10 cm up or down. Think about this number. A short man, probably, could have sacrificed a lot to be 10 cm higher. But scientists say "error" ...
Facts versus Theory
However, in life we observe entirely exceptions to these rules. Short parents have tall children. Often there is a reverse situation. These exceptions to the rules make us think about the question of whether only genetics control this indicator in humans? And if this is not so, then how to grow fast?
Researchers have found that the length of our body, in addition to a hereditary predisposition, also depends on the quality of food and physical activity, especially in childhood and adolescence. The influence of a person’s genetic code on his growth is about 80%. The remaining 20% are external factors.
Nutrition experts have long researched the growth of representatives of various nationalities. They found that the low growth of some nationalities among them is directly related to a lack of nutrients and malnutrition in general. Based on this statement, many were interested in the question of how to do in order to grow faster. What needs to be done for this?

Studying the properties of food from the point of view of influence on the process of human growth, scientists were able to conclude that some nutrients have a certain effect on this parameter. Among them are:
- Vitamin D and Zinc. Of particular importance is the full use of these two substances in the first years of life. An adult should not expect miracles. After a certain age, adjusting your height with a certain diet or taking vitamin and mineral complexes is quite difficult.
- Protein. It is scientifically proven that the low growth of the Japanese and Chinese is associated with long-term protein malnutrition of representatives of these nations. Indeed, the lack of this nutrient, or rather the amino acids that make it up, affects growth. Man is not able to achieve the potential that is given to him by nature. For example, today's Chinese youth are more than 15 cm higher than their peers fifty years old. Therefore, if you are puzzled by the question of what to eat in order to grow faster, lean on foods rich in protein.
- Vitamins of group B. It is proved that their deficiency affects growth.
- Vitamin A. This substance supports growth.
In addition, if you care about how to grow quickly, it is important not only what to eat, but also how to do it.
To grow, you need to chew
Prolonged chewing of food positively affects the condition of the gums, the work of the heart and the gastrointestinal tract.

With a long stay in the mouth, the food is sufficiently crushed and moistened with saliva. As a result, the digestion process starts from here. In the stomach, the breakdown of substances takes place more intensively, which means that the nutrients most necessary for the growth and development of the body are absorbed more efficiently.
Breakfast is the main meal
Many of us believe that breakfast should be light, and some even ignore it and simply skip it. This is completely in vain and even harmful to health. In the morning, the body needs a large amount of energy, which it spends on the launch of all systems. Therefore, everything that is eaten in the morning burns in our body without a trace. Every human cell needs energy to grow and function. We draw this energy from food. Therefore, if you are concerned about the issue of what you need in order to grow faster, you should have breakfast thoroughly and efficiently. The ideal food in the morning is cereals from whole grains.
Eat regularly and fractionally
For a good metabolism, you need to eat often and in small portions. The interval between meals should be 2-3 hours.

Eating in this way, you will have an excellent metabolism, the body will function correctly and secrete the necessary hormones for growth in normal amounts.
Do not skip meals
A long break between meals is undesirable for several reasons. Firstly, stagnation of bile occurs, which is harmful to digestion. Secondly, skipping lunch, a person has a risk of overeating at dinner, and this is fraught with problems for the whole organism. A large amount of energy is spent on digesting food. When overeating, the body works on a tear. But this useful energy is useful for development. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to grow quickly, use your strength rationally and eat on time.
After meal - rest
It is impossible immediately after eating to engage in heavy physical work or sports. Let your digestive system do the full thing. After a meal, take a short break to rest for at least 30 minutes. At this time, it is best to take a walk and breathe in fresh air. This contributes to better digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Eat well
Sweets, chips, chocolate bars, soda, hamburgers and other fast food are unhealthy foods. All this food is stuffed with trans fats, salt, sugar or its substitutes, dyes, preservatives and flavorings. Such substances are foreign to the body, are not digested and accumulate. As a result, metabolism is disturbed, growth is inhibited, obesity and other serious diseases occur.

Less salt
Salt is a substance whose use should be limited. The daily human need for sodium chloride is 3 grams. Nutritionists claim that this amount of salt is already found in those foods that we eat. Excessive eating of this substance worsens metabolic processes and prevents it from growing rapidly.
More fruits and vegetables
It is vegetables and fruits that contain all the substances necessary for the body: vitamins, macro- and microelements. All of them will help those people who do not know how to grow quickly. During heat treatment, vitamins are mostly destroyed, so eat fruits and vegetables fresh. You can make them fresh. Carrot, orange, tomato and grapefruit juices are especially useful for growth .
Competent drinking regime
For the human body, water is even more important than food. All metabolic processes are based on this valuable fluid. Some organs are almost entirely composed of water. Every day we lose about 2 liters of moisture, and this amount needs to be replenished by drinking clean still water. This is necessary for growth and normal functioning. But you also need to drink water correctly. Experts do not recommend doing this with meals, as gastric juice is diluted in this way. It would be more correct to drink a glass of water half an hour before meals and an hour after. Do not forget this rule. For all people who are concerned about how to start growing fast, the best advice would be to follow a proper drinking regime.
Connect Calcium
The direct effect of calcium ions on human growth has not been established, but without this element the functioning of the body cannot be called full-fledged. During the period of active increase in bone size, they are stretched in length. In order to avoid the fragility of the skeleton, the body needs calcium.
This element is most easily absorbed from dairy products. It is presented in the form of lactate. In combination with vitamin D, which is also found in milk and dairy products, calcium is absorbed and bound in the body.
Reception of a vitamin and mineral complex
We do not always have the opportunity to eat varied and daily fill the body's need for all the necessary biologically active substances. Therefore, it is worth taking pharmacy vitamin and mineral supplements. Before purchasing these drugs, consult your doctor. He will tell you about how to grow faster in growth, and will recommend the necessary comprehensive tool.
Healthy lifestyle
In order to be healthy and gain good growth, you need to bypass all bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction or substance abuse. In addition, do not forget about a nutritious, balanced and healthy diet. Avoid foods with light carbohydrates and saturated fats, which include fast food and many pastries.

Refuse the use of energy drinks, they cause irreparable harm to a growing body. For many adolescents, such nutrition has become a way of life. However, each of them will be interested in the question of what to eat in order to grow quickly? The task of parents, teachers and medical specialists is to tell the younger generation about proper and healthy nutrition.
Physical activity
It is proved that physical activity has a beneficial effect on the human body. To grow faster, you need to play sports. But not all types of physical education contribute to this process. Powerlifting has been proven to inhibit adolescent growth. This is due to the large compression load on the spine. Therefore, if you set out to increase growth, then do better swimming or athletics.
Medical Ways to Increase Growth
In some cases, adolescents show developmental abnormalities that lead to stunted growth. With such pathologies, hormone injections or a surgical method for limb lengthening are prescribed.
Serious prerequisites are needed for such treatment. These types of medical interventions can have serious consequences. Hormone injections sometimes lead to disproportionate limb growth that cannot be fixed.

Surgical intervention is a very serious and traumatic operation, during which the bone is gradually stretched through a special metal mechanism. The duration of this procedure is about a year. Throughout this period, the patient moves on crutches. But for medical reasons, such an operation requires a unit of millions of people.
Therefore, in order to grow faster, an average teenager needs to eat a varied, healthy protein, vitamins and minerals healthy diet, exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. If you follow these tips, the result will not be long in coming.