A lot of people, because of the busy lifestyle, quickly snack on the run, which inflicts a big blow on the stomach. In this regard, gastritis can occur, which will subsequently lead to a stomach ulcer if it is not cured on time. To do this, you need to follow a diet for gastritis with high acidity, if you have this type of disease. You will learn about diet menus and treatment options in this article.
Gastritis with high acidity: symptoms, diet, recipes
If gastritis is left to chance, it can be fraught with an ulcer and cancer of the stomach. That is why, if you have symptoms of this ailment, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Gastritis with high acidity is characterized by the following symptoms, in which a diet is prescribed:
- Heartburn, burning in the chest.
- Belching with an unpleasant sour smell.
- Pain in the stomach, manifested most often on an empty stomach.
- Constipation and other bowel problems.
At the same time, there is an increase in the secretion of gastric juice, which means that acidic foods should not be eaten in the first place. The diet menu for gastritis with high acidity makes it possible to exclude the following products:
- Very sweet dishes.
- Fatty dishes.
- Food fried in large quantities of oil.
- Salty dishes.
- Dairy products.
- Raw vegetables, fruits and nuts - oranges, tangerines, lemons and all other citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, white cabbage.
- Carbonated, sweet drinks.
- Pickles and sweet jam (including pickles, tomatoes, sauerkraut, etc.).
- Sour berries - cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, garden cherries, red and white currants.
- Alcoholic drinks.
- Fresh white bread and baked goods.
- All sauces are ketchup, mayonnaise, as well as sour cream.
- Spicy, spicy and aggressive spices.
Also, smoking of tobacco, regular and electronic cigarettes should be completely eliminated, since a blow to the stomach is inflicted.
The diet for reflux gastritis with high acidity is slightly different: this is a chronic form of the disease, bread products are allowed here to mitigate the symptoms. Weak tea, coffee with milk, pies with boiled meat are also allowed.

Diet menu for gastritis with high acidity
We already talked about prohibited products, now let's talk about allowed products. As you already understood, you should not eat foods with an "aggressive" composition, acidic and very fatty. Here is a list of foods that you can eat on a diet and with exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity:
- Cereals: buckwheat, millet, oat, spelled flakes, white rice. They should be cooked to a state of viscous porridge in which the cereals dissolve. The use of corn grits is prohibited.
- Bakery products made from flour of the second grade: pies, baked in the oven, bread rolls, unsalted crackers.
- Unsweetened fruits (apples, pears, bananas), baked in the microwave or in the oven.
- Stewed fruit of low concentration.
- Cooked meat of chicken, turkey, lean beef.
- Low-fat steamed fish, boiled, steam cutlets.
- Boiled or stewed, steamed vegetables: potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, zucchini.
- Milk souffle without filler, marshmallows without glaze, pastille.
- Cold-pressed unrefined vegetable oils: sunflower, olive, sesame.
- Soups with boiled vegetables, meat and cereals.
- Low-fat cheese, milk or doctor's sausage, sausages, chicken roll with a small amount of spices.
- Mineral water without gases, "Essentuki" (in the absence of exacerbation).
- Offal: liver, hearts, stomachs, steamed kidneys or stewed in water without oil.
On a diet with gastritis with high acidity, you can also eat omelets, cocoa, crackers.

Gastritis with high acidity: treatment
In addition to the diet, the patient is prescribed drugs such as Omez (or Omeprazole), Gastrogel and others. They normalize the secretion of the stomach and its work. There are several homemade recipes for treating gastritis with high acidity. If you combine them with a diet, you can get a good result. The main thing is not to get carried away and understand that only a doctor can prescribe professional treatment, and in this way you can only muffle the symptoms.
Home Treatment Recipes
Pretty good results will bring tansy herbs, plantain, St. John's wort, peppermint, swampy dried mussel, calamus root, rose hips, licorice, calendula flowers. If you bought herbs in a pharmacy, the collection must be prepared and taken according to the instructions on the package. But only a doctor can write a prescription for treatment. A diet for gastritis with high acidity must be observed.

If there are symptoms of gastritis with high acidity and the doctor has confirmed the diagnosis, treatment and a strict diet are prescribed. In the hospital you will be supervised by professionals. It is necessary to undergo anti-relapse treatment, to do endoscopy of fibrogastroduodenoscopy (endoscopy of FGDS). This procedure involves placing a small chamber in the stomach by holding a special tube orally. The event is painless, but can cause discomfort, like nausea, due to irritation of the soft palate in the mouth, a gag reflex occurs. But this procedure will identify problems with the stomach and prescribe the correct and effective treatment.
Causes of the disease
Before prescribing treatment and diet for gastritis with high acidity, the symptoms need to be analyzed. Gastritis with increased acidity can be provoked by poor nutrition, stress and other diseases of the body, in particular the duodenum and choleretic system. The causes of the disease:
- Bad habits (smoking, drinking).
- Improper, unbalanced diet, the use of fast food.
- Side effects from taking certain drugs.
- Infectious diseases.
- Heredity.
- Insufficient oxygen saturation of cells.
But most often the cause of the disease is external indicators - overeating and unbalanced nutrition. When prescribing a diet for gastritis with high acidity, the doctor also takes into account individual indicators of a person: allergies, intolerances and diseases that may be associated with the digestive system. Some products should be excluded, some, on the contrary, should be added.
On a diet with gastritis with high acidity, although most products are excluded, you can still cook pretty tasty dishes. Nutrition for gastritis with high acidity can be tasty and varied.
Possible options:

- Boil rice, oat or buckwheat until smooth (use water or milk), add a slice of butter, a spoonful of honey and chop the baked apple.
- Pies. For pies, you can choose the following fillings: canned fish with rice, boiled chicken, baked fruits, jam from sweet berries. Pies must be baked in the oven without butter.
- Meat and fish dishes. Steam cutlets can be made from lean meat, baked in the oven without sauce, stewed, steamed, boiled.
- Dessert. Baked fruits, jelly, souffle, pastille, marshmallow without glaze. (Attention! During treatment of an acute form of the disease, a diet for gastritis with high acidity should not include sweet foods).
Below are a few options for allowed meals.
Apple dessert in 5 minutes
- Big apple - 1 pc.
- Cinnamon to taste.
- Peel the apple and grate.
- Add a little cinnamon to the apple to taste, mix thoroughly.
- Put the mixture in a deep plate, cover with a special lid and put in the microwave at maximum power, bake for 2 minutes. Caution, hot and delicious!
Pasta Chicken Soup
- Chicken (sirloin) - 400 g.
- Onion - 1 head.
- Carrots - 1 large.
- Potatoes - 3-5 tubers.
- Vermicelli for soup - 100 g.
- Peel vegetables, put a pot of water on the fire, add potatoes and meat, after slicing them.
- Grate the carrots, cut the onion into small cubes, add to the soup with vermicelli, cook for 30 minutes.
- A little salt.
When serving, add a couple of slices of brown bread.
Festive diet table
Holidays are just around the corner, and if the patient follows a diet with gastritis with high acidity, there are special recipes for him for an elegant table. But there are some "laws" that must be observed on the red days of the calendar:
- Alcohol is prohibited, even if you have chronic gastritis and there is no exacerbation at the moment.
- In the absence of exacerbation, you can go for a little trick: if you have your favorite dishes that you really want to try, you first need to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will be allowed to eat some goodies, after having drunk special preparations to normalize the work of the stomach. But do not abuse: once a year you can, but very little.
- Instead of alcohol, you can drink juices for baby food - they are better in quality than regular ones. But in no case not freshly squeezed, you need to dilute them with water.
Main dishes on holidays
Adhering to the rules of diet and the advice of a doctor, you can make a tasty and safe dish that will delight not only you, but the whole family.
Chicken with potatoes and herbs
- Chicken or broiler - 1 carcass weighing 1-1.7 kg.
- Tomatoes - 3 medium.
- Salt, garlic - to taste.
- Potatoes - 1-1.5 kg.
- Butter - 50 g.
- Parsley - 1 bunch.
- Cooking chicken marinade. Pour the tomatoes with boiling water, peel off the skin and cut the core. Cut into small pieces. Preheat the pan, add two tablespoons of water and tomatoes, salt and add garlic to taste. Stew until turned into tomato paste.
- Wash, gut the chicken. Spread it with cold marinade and leave in a deep bowl for 3 hours, placing in the refrigerator.
- After the specified time, wrap the meat in foil and put in the oven 200 degrees for a couple of hours. Cook potatoes at this time.
- Peel the tubers, cut in half and cook in salt water.
- Drain the water, add the butter and chopped parsley to the hot potatoes, mix.
- Serve the chicken, lined around with fragrant potatoes with herbs.
Salads on the festive table should be given special attention. Raw vegetables are undesirable; sour cream and mayonnaise are strictly prohibited. But there is an alternative.
Olivier without mayonnaise
- Peas - 1 can.
- Chicken Ham - 400 g
- Eggs - 6 pcs.
- Carrots - 1 large.
- Potatoes - 2 large.
- Milk - 60 ml.
- Flour - 23 grams.
- Butter - 8 g.
- Jacket potatoes, peeled carrots and eggs. Peel the potatoes and cut everything into small cubes.
- Chop the ham.
- Cooking the sauce. In a dry frying pan, fry the flour to a yellow-beige color, add milk and mix to make a homogeneous mass. Introduce half the egg and butter, stirring quickly so that the protein does not curl.
- Mix the cold sauce with the ingredients and serve. (During the treatment of exacerbations on a diet with gastritis with high acidity, the recipe needs to be modernized: instead of a raw egg, add a little water to the sauce).
Cabbage salad
- Cauliflower - 200 g.
- Broccoli - 210 g
- Brussels sprouts - 200 g.
- Cold pressed vegetable oil - 11 ml.
- Salt to taste.
- Sesame seeds for decoration.
- Disassemble broccoli and cauliflower for inflorescences, rinse.
- Boil the cabbage for 20-25 minutes so that it retains its shape.
- Salt, beautifully lay on a plate, pour oil and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve to the table.
Sweet tooth too will not stand aside, you can dream up with the permitted products and make a delicious dessert.
Whipped cream jelly dessert
- Gelatin - 1 sachet.
- Juice (any) - 500 ml.
- Water - 500 ml.
- Fruits - apple, cherry or peach - to taste.
- Sugar.
- Whipped cream.
- Mix water with juice, pour into a pan. Pour gelatin and bring to a boil, but do not boil.
- Stir and let cool.
- Pour cold jelly into glasses, add chopped fruits and sugar to taste.
- Leave on for 4 hours until completely solidified.
- When serving, garnish with whipped cream roses.

It is not necessary to drink only water. Light stewed fruit, jelly and fruit drinks are allowed. Juice can be diluted with water and drink in small quantities.
Important Tips
Follow all the doctor’s prescriptions, undergo the necessary treatment and procedures, be examined twice a year and undergo endoscopy of FGDS so as not to complicate the disease. If you strictly follow a diet, the symptoms of gastritis with high acidity will quickly recede!