And in the north, and in the south, and in the west, and in the east, tea is an indispensable product in every home. Some people devote a lot of time to the tea ceremony. For example, in Azerbaijan and Turkey they drink tea all day, at a party, in a cafe, in teahouses. To enjoy a drink in China, you need to spend almost a whole rite. Tea at night or in the morning at breakfast is loved by most of the inhabitants of the planet. But the dilemma: is it possible to drink it before bedtime?

The benefits of tea
First, consider the overall benefits of black tea for the body. Tea contains a huge amount of nutrients. It:
- vitamins;
- tannins;
- caffeine;
- amino acids;
- iron;
- zinc;
- magnesium;
- calcium;
- iodine and many, many others.
The tannin contained in tea has regenerative, astringent, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Tea can even disinfect wounds.
For normal functioning of blood vessels, people need vitamin P, and it is contained in large quantities in tea. In addition, this vitamin improves digestion, immunity and blood pressure.

The ability of a drink to calm the nervous system can confuse those who wonder whether to drink tea at night, as it tones this system equally. The fact is that tea caffeine, unlike coffee, is absorbed more slowly and is also slowly excreted from the body.
Harm to health
Whether or not to drink tea for the night, everyone will decide for himself. But even at any other time, its use can be harmful if you brew a drink incorrectly.
For example, too strong tea is not recommended for people who have a history of chronic diseases. Also, it is not advisable to drink the drink to those who suffer from ulcers, mood swings and high eye pressure.
Can I have tea at night
The caffeine contained in the drink will be excreted from the body no earlier than after 5-6 hours. Therefore, if a person has an increased sensitivity to him, then, of course, it is better not to drink tea at night. Check it out is pretty simple. You need to remember a meeting with friends or some kind of celebration, where there was a late tea party. If after this you cannot fall asleep for a long time, it means that your nervous system reacts too actively to taking caffeine.
In this case, tea drunk at night will lead to insomnia, irritation, heart palpitations, and more. Therefore, you should not use it before bedtime. Itβs better to have at least 3-4 hours before night.
But people who are forced to work at night, it is just better to drink tea before work. Or, for example, a journey is ahead, which means a charge of vigor is needed. This is where you can drink tea at night, especially if there is a long road ahead.
Right choice
If it is absolutely unbearable and a person is used to drinking tea at night, then just try changing the appearance of the drink. For example, drinking is not black or even green, but completely brewed from herbs.
For example, chamomile tea with lavender acts as an effective sedative. It is enough to take only 1 tbsp. l herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. After 10-15 minutes you can drink. And for taste, it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey.
The chamomile contains the plant-based flavonoid apigenin, which has a sedative effect and allows you to fall asleep much faster. However, chamomile is also a diuretic plant, so it is worth drinking it at least 2 hours before bedtime.

You can also use fresh lemon balm leaves. It slightly resembles the taste of lemon and acts as an excellent sedative. No more than 150 g of boiling water pour a few leaves, insist about a quarter of an hour and drink an hour before bedtime.
If you really want black tea very much, then you should not make it strong. Let there be a weak infusion. In addition, you can add cream or a little milk to tea to dilute it and, accordingly, reduce the effect of caffeine.
Green or black?
There is an opinion that green tea is not as harmful at bedtime as black tea. However, this opinion is erroneous. You cannot drink black or green tea at night. Since both the caffeine content is approximately the same. The difference can only be in the varieties of tea, the places where it was collected, in the method of drying and fermentation.
In addition, green tea also acts as a diuretic, which leads to an even greater ban than its black counterpart.

But the use of green varieties in the morning will give strength, relieve swelling, increase immunity. Thanks to green tea, it is also possible to burn fats faster and reduce the presence of antioxidants.
Expert Advice
But what the doctors do not recommend when it comes to the use of black, in principle:
- The first thing they strongly advise against doing, of course, is to drink tea at night.
- Doctors also consider a drink that is brewed too tightly dangerous. Since caffeine in such quantities can cause headaches, except for insomnia.
- You should not drink too hot or too cold tea. In the first case, changes in the esophagus and throat may occur, as well as weakening of the gastric walls. In the second case, it leads to the appearance of sputum.
- You can not drink medicines with tea, since tannin interferes with the absorption of health substances.
- Drinking tea before eating will make it fresh and tasteless.
- If you drink a drink with food, protein absorption will decrease.
- And tea drunk immediately after eating can harm the body due to the same tannin contained in it. After all, it is able to affect some substances that enter the body with food.
- It is not recommended to drink tea when a person is hungry.
- And a very bad habit is the repeated brewing of a drink.

Drink tea correctly to be healthy. This will allow you to enjoy the real taste of a wonderful drink.