In many countries of the world, people cannot imagine a full breakfast without a chicken egg. First place in egg consumption per capita is Mexico. Each Mexican, according to research, eats them almost twenty-two kilograms per year, that is, one and a half eggs per day. Previously, Japan occupied the first place, each resident of which consumed 320 eggs a year. Methods for preparing eggs vary from preference: boil, fry, bake, eat raw. Someone loves only protein, and someone yolk. And what is more useful in an egg - yolk or protein? Let's figure it out.

Egg White Feature
100 grams of chicken egg contains 155 kilocalories, most of it is in the yolk, while the calorie content of the protein is very small. 85% of the protein consists of water, and the rest is organic matter. Egg protein accounts for a total of 10%, which includes: ovomukoid, ovoglobulin, ovomucin, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme. Chicken egg protein contains a complete set of trace elements and amino acids that are required in a person’s daily diet.
The benefits of protein
Protein is a storehouse of vitamins. It has a lot of vitamin E and group B. And vitamin D is more only in fish oil. Protein is a source of protein - an enzyme that produces energy. Participates in lowering cholesterol, helping to cleanse and improve the functioning of blood vessels and the human heart. The protein contains almost all the vital amino acids that contribute to cell regeneration, improvement of connective tissue and brain function.

Outside use
Egg white is a very common component of hair masks - for nutrition and growth. The recipe is very simple: mix the protein of one egg with 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt, spread over the entire length of the hair and leave for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After such a mask, the hair becomes soft and silky.
For the face, a protein mask is useful for those who have problem skin - acne, clogged pores. Protein dries and nourishes the skin, regulating sebum metabolism. It is very easy to make a mask: beat the protein of one egg and apply a layer on the face with a brush. After the mask dries, apply a second coat, and after 5 minutes a third. Important: each coat must dry completely. After the third layer has dried, wash off the mask with warm water. This mask is suitable for regular use.

The Golden Mean
The benefits of egg yolk are in no way inferior to protein. It contains: Vitamin A, which is responsible for strengthening immunity and tissue regeneration; Vitamin E, which is responsible for the rejuvenation of the body; Vitamin D, which removes heavy metals from our body and is responsible for the health of our skeletal system; and a whole group of vitamin B, helping to keep the body in good shape and activate all metabolic processes. In addition to vitamins, the yolk contains minerals and trace elements.
Linolenic acid is a fatty unsaturated acid, an indispensable substance for normal human life. “Good” cholesterol, thanks to lecithin, removes “bad” cholesterol from our body, which helps to prevent the formation of plaques, preventing the development of atherosclerosis and excess weight. Choline normalizes fat metabolism, improving metabolism. Blood pressure is normalized due to melatonin, which also regulates the activity of the endocrine system. And also, the yolk contains potassium, phosphorus and calcium.
Very useful yolk for skin and hair in the form of masks. Apply whipped yolk to the hair roots, rinse after 10 minutes - the hair will become elastic and shiny. And when applied to the skin of the face, the yolk forms a film that perfectly cleans the contaminated pores.

What is more beneficial: protein or chicken yolk?
Egg is a perfectly balanced product that combines many vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and nutrients. This is the most versatile product suitable for both adults and children. For fast absorption, it is recommended to heat the egg.
Egg protein is superior to meat and fish in its beneficial properties, and one hundred grams of the product contains 13 grams of pure protein. An egg contains twelve vitamins necessary for health and longevity. For men, the daily use of one egg in its raw form, helps to maintain the "masculine strength." And to maintain good shape and physical endurance - an indispensable source of protein. For a woman, eggs are a healing product, because their use, in the amount of 6 pieces per week, reduces the risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 44%. So protein or yolk is more beneficial than some herbal preparations. In addition, a complex of vitamins and minerals has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails. Calcium contained in this product has beneficial effects on tooth enamel and bones, which is very important for humans.

And for children, which is more useful, protein or yolk? The answer is simple: the whole egg. It’s just that everything has its time: complementary foods for babies start with the yolk, as it contains perfectly balanced nutrients. Protein is introduced into the diet after a year, due to a possible allergic reaction.
They are inseparable
Chicken egg is a special product that ideally combines all the useful things that nature gives. There is no answer to the question “what is more beneficial in an egg — protein or yolk”. The truth is simple: there is benefit in both protein and yolk, and it is especially useful to consume the whole product. After all, fatty acids are necessary for better absorption of protein, and vice versa. Therefore, it is not necessary to ponder the question of what is more beneficial - protein or yolk, it is advisable to use them together. The exception is only individual intolerance, so feel free to eat and be healthy!