Many new mothers complain that they constantly have a headache after childbirth. Of course, the birth of a new person is associated with fundamental changes in the lives of parents. But, in addition to everyday problems, women often face very tangible health problems. Weakness, dizziness, insomnia, postpartum migraines are symptoms that can in no way be ignored.
So why does a headache after childbirth? Causes, concomitant complications, methods of effective and safe treatment are information that should be thoroughly studied.
Postpartum Migraine: What Symptoms Should You Look For?

The birth of a child is a special, almost magical period for every woman. Nevertheless, pregnancy and childbirth are a serious test for the body. In the first months after the birth of a baby, a newly minted mother has to face a huge number of problems. And many women complain that after giving birth they constantly have a headache.
Of course, discomfort can be of a different nature. For example, some people complain of sharp, throbbing pains in their temples, while other patients report pressing, dull pains in the back of the head. Unpleasant sensations can be present constantly, although quite often mothers of newborn babies complain that discomfort is constantly present. Sometimes the pain is so severe that it provokes the appearance of nausea and vomiting.
Sometimes other symptoms join the migraines, in particular, dizziness, weakness, muscle pain, fever, digestive upset, etc. These signs should definitely be noted - these are important diagnostic criteria, the presence of which should be reported to the doctor.
Why does a headache occur after childbirth? High blood pressure

Many women complain that they have a headache after giving birth. Migraines are often the result of high blood pressure. It is worth noting that in most cases pregnant patients are faced with hypertension, but sometimes the problem persists after childbirth. High blood pressure is accompanied not only by pain - women complain of sudden onset of weakness, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea.
Migraines after epidural anesthesia

It's no secret that childbirth is a very painful process. And sometimes patients are prescribed epidural anesthesia. In this case, using a special needle, the pain medication is injected directly into the spinal space. In this way, pain can be completely eliminated - while the patient remains conscious and can follow all the instructions of the obstetrician without any problems.
Nevertheless, sometimes spinal puncture leads to a short-term disturbance of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, and this, in turn, often causes headaches. In the first 24 hours after anesthesia, the patient should observe strict bed rest - this reduces the likelihood of side effects.
Pain due to a decrease in hemoglobin
As you know, childbirth is often accompanied by blood loss, especially when it comes to a full operation. Blood loss entails a decrease in hemoglobin levels, sometimes to critical values.
Reducing the number of red blood cells, in turn, leads to oxygen deficiency. If the headache after childbirth, then this may indicate oxygen starvation. The situation helps to correct proper nutrition and intake of iron preparations.
Hormonal adjustment

If, after childbirth, the head began to hurt, then this may indicate hormonal disorders. Pregnancy, the birth process, lactation - all these changes are accompanied by profound changes in the level of certain hormones. The work of the endocrine system affects the functioning of all organ systems. Often, hormonal changes are accompanied by migraines.
Chronic overwork
If the head often hurts after childbirth, then this may be the result of severe overwork. The appearance of a child changes not only the hormonal background and appearance of a woman, but also her whole life. Sleepless nights, extra housework, stress and constant concern for the baby - all this affects the physical condition of the woman. A new mother, as a result, has difficulty sleeping (for example, she cannot fall asleep, despite her pronounced fatigue). Often she eats improperly, stops resting - the result of this is physical exhaustion, which is accompanied by weakness, fever and headaches.
Postpartum depression
According to statistics, most newly-minted mothers experience some form of postpartum depression. Its symptoms are constant fatigue and apathy, loss of interest in life, frequent headaches, drowsiness, inadequate emotional reactions. In most cases, women manage to cope with a similar problem. Nevertheless, severe postpartum depression is a good reason to consult a doctor. This is a serious violation, which in no case can be ignored.
Other causes of postpartum migraines

Many women complain to the doctor that after giving birth every day they have a headache. Sometimes migraines appear as a result of the progression of various pathologies. The list of causes includes cervical osteochondrosis. Displacement of the intervertebral discs often leads to compression of the nerve roots and blood vessels that carry blood to the brain - this is accompanied by headaches.
Migraines can be the result of the progression of vegetative and neurocirculatory dystonia. That is why in no case should the problem be ignored - it's worth telling your head doctor about headaches.
It is very important to consult a doctor if migraine attacks are becoming more common. To begin with, a specialist will familiarize himself with the symptoms and make an anamnesis. In the future, the patient is sent for additional studies. For example, it is important to conduct a general and biochemical blood test. Sometimes additional tests are carried out on the level of hormones. The doctor also measures blood pressure. If there is evidence, an electrocardiogram, an x-ray of the chest are performed, intracranial pressure is checked. Additionally, you may need to consult a psychologist.
Pain medication

What to do if after childbirth a headache really hurts? Do not self-medicate - it is better to immediately contact a specialist. As you know, any drug taken during breastfeeding can affect the condition of the baby. Only a doctor can choose safe medicines.
As a rule, pain is stopped with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The safest during lactation is paracetamol. Such drugs as “Ibuprofen”, “Nurofen”, “Aspirin”, “Ketoprofen”, “Indomethacin”, “Diclofenac” cope well with headaches.
Sometimes combined medications are used, which contain both non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other components that help to quickly relieve pain and normalize blood circulation in the brain. Such drugs as Solpadein, Pentalgin, Benalgin, Citramon are effective. Of course, in no case should you use medications without the permission of a doctor.
List of other drugs
Anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics certainly help to cope with pain. But migraines can be the result of various pathologies, and sometimes it is very important to eliminate the causes of unpleasant sensations. After a thorough diagnosis, the doctor will be able to draw up the correct treatment regimen:
- If severe headaches occur, the doctor may prescribe opioid analgesics.
- In some cases, it is advisable to take antidepressants (the most commonly used are Melipramin and Amitriptyline).
- If there are problems with the heart and blood vessels, beta-blockers are used.
- If migraine attacks are accompanied by convulsions, anticonvulsants are used.
- Nootropics help improve blood circulation in the brain, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
- If necessary, antiemetic drugs are included in the treatment regimen (if migraine attacks are accompanied by vomiting).
It is worth noting that many of these drugs can in no case be taken during lactation, so breastfeeding will have to be stopped during therapy. In any case, it is impossible to use such strong drugs without permission.
In addition, patients are recommended taking vitamin complexes and antioxidants. Such drugs help to establish metabolism, improve the functioning of the immune system. If there is a decrease in hemoglobin level, then iron preparations are necessarily introduced into the treatment regimen.
Headache after childbirth: what to do? Traditional medicine
As you know, taking medications sometimes negatively affects the body of the child, because the active substances of the drugs and their metabolites can be excreted along with breast milk. That is why it is not worth choosing pills on your own. If your head hurts badly after childbirth, and seizures appear constantly, then you should turn to alternative methods of therapy:
- It is proved that aromatherapy will help to cope with headaches. Sessions can be carried out independently - you only need aroma lamps and essential oils. Oils of peppermint, lavender, etc. have soothing properties. By the way, such procedures are especially effective if migraines are caused by stress, overwork and high blood pressure.
- You can relieve the attack using tinctures and decoctions of herbs. Chamomile and fennel teas are considered beneficial. By the way, some plants simultaneously improve lactation and have a beneficial effect on the digestive system of the baby.
- Some experts recommend a head massage. The procedure can be performed independently or you can ask someone from relatives. Massage improves blood flow to the scalp, irritates tissues, resulting in redirection of nerve impulses - the headache goes away, or at least weakens.
- Cold compresses are also effective. It is enough to apply something cold to the head in order to narrow the vessels that carry blood to the brain. This helps to quickly reduce intracranial pressure and, accordingly, relieve pain.
- By the way, essential oils can be used not only for aromatherapy. For example, you can lubricate the temples and skin on the back of the head with peppermint oil, which is irritating, thereby alleviating a pain attack.
Of course, such drugs cannot replace a full-fledged therapy, so you should not give up medications prescribed by a doctor.
Prevention: how to prevent a migraine attack?

If you constantly have a headache after childbirth, then this is an occasion to revise your daily schedule. Following some rules, you can prevent the development of migraine attacks:
- To begin with, be sure to review your work and leisure routines. Of course, at night the child often wakes up, and in the daytime women are busy with housework. But it is worthwhile to understand that if you sleep less than 6-8 hours a day, then the chances of dealing with a headache are minimal. If it is not possible to rest at night, then you need to adjust your regime in order to sleep in the daytime.
- Doctors recommend spending time in the fresh air - this will benefit both the child and the mother. Saturation of blood with oxygen helps to cope with headaches.
- Pay more attention to nutrition. From the diet, it is worth excluding foods that cause fluctuations in blood pressure. The list of prohibited foods includes chocolate, sweets, fried meat and sausages, citrus fruits, coffee, cheeses, dried fruits, bananas, pickled products. On the other hand, it is important to saturate the body with vitamins and minerals. Nutrition should be as diverse as possible and satisfy all the needs of the body of a nursing mother and baby.
- Spend less time on the computer and TV, do not read in poor lighting. Sometimes headaches result from eye strain.
- Keep fit. Regular exercise, whether it is a workout in the gym or a short morning jog, helps to normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation, even out hormonal levels.
- Learn to deal with stress. Breathing exercises, a relaxing bath, yoga - all this helps to bounce back and get rid of anxiety.
- If a headache still appeared, then you should not take antispasmodics without the permission of a doctor. These drugs contribute to the expansion of blood vessels, which in turn can increase discomfort.
In any case, you must remember that the child needs a healthy mother. That is why it is worth first of all to monitor your own condition. If you have a headache after childbirth every day, then do not hesitate - contact a specialist for help!