Beetroot is a vegetable that has beneficial properties for the human body. The tops are full of vitamins and nutrients, which allows it to be used to treat many diseases. It is used not only in the treatment of diseases, but for the preparation of various dishes. Therefore, we consider the health benefits and harms of beet tops .
Features of use
Since ancient times, people began to use only beet leaves, and root crops were used exclusively for medical purposes. After all, the tops are long, fleshy and incredibly juicy. It has found its application both in cooking and as a therapeutic agent.
The composition of beet tops
It is necessary to understand the benefits and harms of beet tops. It is widely used for cooking and disease therapy. It can be cut into a salad, added to soup or another dish. This use of tops became possible due to its composition.

What is included in its composition:
- B vitamins help improve metabolic processes, strengthen the nervous and immune systems;
- Vitamin A improves eyesight and digestion, it is present in leaves in large quantities;
- micro and macro elements (calcium, chlorine, iron, etc.) positively affect the human body;
- flavonoids help relieve inflammation and cleanse blood vessels;
- nicotinic acid prevents the formation of cholesterol in the blood;
- folic acid helps a woman endure and give birth to a healthy baby;
- ascorbic acid helps strengthen capillaries and increase immunity.
Rich in vitamins and nutrients, the tops are recommended to be used both for treatment and for the prevention of diseases.
How to choose beet tops?
What is the benefit and harm to the human body in beet tops? This will be discussed below in the text, and now it is necessary to find out how to choose the leaves of the plant.
The benefits of the tops are revealed in early spring, when small leaves appear on the beets, which is especially valuable during this period, because the human body needs vitamins.

Young tops can be purchased no earlier than the end of May. It is better to buy it with leaves, which will make it possible to get fresh greens to the table.
A quality product has the following characteristics:
- If the leaves of the tops are elastic, then they are fresh.
- Their color should be dark green.
- It is better to choose tops with a dense spine.
Dishes prepared from such leaves will delight you with excellent taste and vitamin composition.
How to store beet tops?
How to determine the benefits and harm to human health of beet tops? About its qualities will be written below, and now you need to understand how to properly preserve beet leaves.
Buying tops with root vegetables, it is necessary to cut leaves at a distance of 1-2 cm from the tuber. All wilted and dried green mass must be removed, and a good one thoroughly washed.

It is best to store the tops in a container, located in the department where different vegetables are stored. Beet leaves are a perishable product, so you need to use them within 3-4 days. For longer storage, the tops are frozen.
Useful properties of beet leaves
How to find out the benefits and harms of beet tops for humans? Consider the beneficial effects of leaves on human health, and then get acquainted with their negative effects.
If you use tops throughout the year, and not seasonally, this will help to cure many diseases. Thus, you can prepare your body for the upcoming cold weather and strengthen its defenses.
The healing properties of the aerial part of the root crop include its help in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. This is manifested in ridding the body of toxins and harmful substances.
The presence of betanine in the tops of the leaves helps to normalize the metabolism in the body.
It has a green mass of beets and anti-aging properties. The micro and macro elements present in it slow down the aging process and have a beneficial effect on the appearance of a person.
External use of tops will help to cope with acne and other rashes on the skin. Method of application: knead the leaves and apply on the skin of the face without affecting the area around the eyes.
Tops can be used in the treatment of hypertension, with diseases of the heart, thyroid gland and anemia.

The healing properties of beet tops, the benefits and harms of which have always worried traditional medicine adherents, make it possible to stimulate the growth of muscles and bones in a child, therefore leaves must be included in children's nutrition. Green beetroot mass is used not only for treatment, but for the prevention of diseases.
The use of tops in nutrition
Beetroot leaves are good for preparing diet salads because of the fiber they contain. This contributes to the rapid saturation of the body with useful substances and the loss of extra pounds.
People who follow their figure will like a nutritious salad based on beet greens. His recipe includes: tops, cucumbers, lettuce, radishes, spinach, herbs and nuts. You can season the dish with olive oil or sprinkle with lemon juice.
The constant use of beetroot leaves will help get rid of extra pounds and look attractive, which is especially true for women.
Tops in folk recipes
There are many recipes for the treatment of diseases where beet tops (the benefits and harms for the body are the topic of this article) is the main component. There is also harm from its use, but it will be written about this later.

Ways to use tops:
- To get rid of constipation, you need to drink an infusion of beet leaves, but at least three times a day before meals. The one-time rate is 1/2 cup. To do this, a spoonful of chopped tops needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water.
- For headaches and migraines, beetroot leaves need to be mashed and applied as a compress to the temples. Keep at least 20 minutes.
- Knead the tops, wrap in gauze and put on the eyelids, which will help get rid of the manifestation of conjunctivitis.
- With the help of beet leaves, mastitis can be treated. To do this, they need to be kneaded and applied to the seals on the chest for 40 minutes. Procedures carried out daily.
- To get rid of corns and cracks, squeeze the juice from the leaves of beets and grease them with problem areas at night.

Tincture of leaves of tops can be drunk every day to saturate the body with vitamins and for preventive purposes. To do this, 1 teaspoon of tops is poured with a glass of boiling water.
What can be cooked from tops?
Beet tops, the benefits and harms of which have long been known to experienced gardeners, are used in the preparation of various dishes. Tops can be added to borscht, okroshka, cabbage soup and botvini. Bean and pea soups with the addition of beetroot leaves are especially popular.
Some housewives prepare preparations from the tops for the winter. For future use, you can ferment, pickle or dry beet leaves. Heat treatment negatively affects the amount of nutrients in the tops, so it is better to abandon it.
For drying, the leaves need to be crushed. Due to the presence of a small amount of essential oils in them, the procedure is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees. This can be done in special dryers, shaded areas and well-ventilated rooms.
If the tops are necessary for a person to treat diseases, then it can be frozen. To do this, the green mass is washed, dried, crushed and put in plastic bags. After defrosting, the product must be used immediately. The repeated freezing procedure is best avoided due to the loss of vitamins and nutrients by leaves.
Contraindications to the use of tops
When using leaves, questions arise about the contraindications of beet tops, the benefits and harms of which affect the human body in different ways.

It is better to refuse its use if there are the following pathologies:
- diarrhea or a tendency to this disease, because the tops has a laxative effect;
- kidney and bladder diseases in the acute stage, beet leaves can stimulate the urination process;
- with liver disease (hepatitis), tops with the help of changes in metabolic processes will exert additional loads on this organ;
- ingestion of beet leaves can aggravate gout;
- diabetics should not consume the tops due to sugars;
- when taking beet leaves, pressure may drop, therefore this product is prohibited to hypotensives;
- in some cases, its individual intolerance occurs.
Beet tops are an indispensable source of vitamins and minerals for the body, so it must be constantly eaten if there are no restrictions on intake.