Doctors have long established that the physical condition of the human body directly depends on the metabolism in it. Violation of metabolic processes leads to the fact that excess weight appears, and the body itself accumulates harmful substances. However, there are metabolic enhancing products. In addition, they are able to remove toxins from the body.

In the first place among the products that can speed up metabolism, is water. After all, it is the source of life and without it everything that is on planet Earth will die in a rather short period of time. Scientists conducted a lot of experiments and came to the conclusion that water is one of the important products that speeds up the metabolism. Every day, a person should drink two liters of water, since its lack in the body slows down many vital processes.
Products that improve metabolism and fight the degeneration of cells - pepper, hot and capsicum. They contain capsaicin, which accelerates metabolic processes by 25%.
Green tea is also an excellent product that helps speed up metabolism. In addition, it prevents the formation of cancer cells and is an excellent way to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Surely only a few know that speeding up metabolism is the use of low-fat dairy products. They contain calcium, in addition, they are an excellent assistant to the body in the production of the hormone calcitriol, which helps increase fat burning. According to scientists, the daily consumption of dairy products contributes to the fact that metabolism is accelerated by 70%.
Products that improve metabolism and at the same time increase immunity are citrus fruits. It has long been proven that consuming grapefruit or its juice lowers blood insulin levels. Having eaten half a grapefruit, you can easily suppress the desire to have a bite, and this, in turn, helps to avoid the use of extra calories. In addition, citrus fruits increase the digestive tract, contribute to the prevention of diseases of the heart and liver, as well as blood vessels. Despite the fact that vitamin C is quite unstable, it is perfectly preserved in citrus fruits.

Also, foods that accelerate metabolism include whole grains containing fiber. As you know, to process it, the body will need a fairly large amount of time. In addition, products made from whole grains contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.
Many people cannot imagine their diet without meat products, and for good reason. Indeed, it is non-fat meat products that can improve metabolism due to the content of protein in them, which the body needs time and energy to digest. Eating lean meats and fish speeds up metabolism by 50%.
In order for the food not to be fresh and tasteless, it is worth using various spices. In addition, they accelerate metabolism by 10%. We are talking about fragrant herbs, cinnamon and ginger.
In conclusion, I want to say that products that improve metabolism are quite tasty. However, it is important to remember that dinner should be no later than 19.00.