Today, sugar substitutes are an integral part of a healthy diet. Many companies produce stevia-based products. This plant is used instead of sweets and is suitable for those who monitor the weight. Experts say that it benefits the body and helps to refuse sugar. This article describes the products of Leovit - Stevia, reviews on this supplement, its properties.
general information
Many people because of problems with a figure or chronic pathologies want to abandon the use of sweets. But not everyone can do it. In this case, sugar substitutes come to the rescue. Such drugs are often made on the basis of stevia (honey grass). This plant has medicinal properties. It is considered the sweetest on earth. Previously, grass was used as a means to lower blood glucose concentration. About Leovit (Stevia) products, reviews indicate that the drug is suitable for diabetics. This product appeared in pharmacies several years ago. It is in demand today. Supplements have a beneficial effect on the human body and consist of natural ingredients.
Product Description
One tablet contains 140 milligrams of honey herb extract.

Reviews of "Stevia" ("Leovit") indicate that such a dosage is sufficient for regular use. The energy value of the drug is very small. It is 0.7 kilocalories per serving. However, the additive allows you to give drinks and desserts a sweeter taste.
When is it recommended to use the drug?
Supplements from the company "Leovit" ("Stevia"), according to experts, can be used in the following cases:
- In the presence of diabetes.
- Patients with metabolic disorders.
- Overweight.
- With dermatological pathologies.
- In case of imbalance of lipids and carbohydrates.
- As a prophylaxis of aging processes.
- With poor functioning of the immune system.
- Patients with pathologies of the digestive system.
- With low acidity of gastric juice.
- In case of increasing cholesterol concentration.
- Patients with pathologies of the myocardium and blood vessels.
- With violations of the pancreas.
When is it not recommended to use the supplement?
According to experts, βSteviaβ Leovit products are undesirable to use in the following situations:
- The occurrence of allergic reactions.
- The presence of individual intolerance.
- Hypersensitivity of the digestive tract.
It must be remembered that the daily norm of the drug is eight tablets. Exceeding this amount is not recommended. The product must be dissolved in a liquid. The drink can be both hot and cool.
"Stevia" ("Leovit") in tablets: customer reviews
Most consumer opinions about the quality of the supplement are negative. Many people are unhappy with her taste. They claim the drug gives sugary sweetness to tea, coffee, or desserts. In addition, an unpleasant sensation in the oral cavity after its use remains for a long time. In some buyers, dietary supplements provokes digestive problems. However, there are people who point to the merits of the drug, especially since 150 tablets of "Stevia" ("Leovit") are in one package. Reviews indicate that the tool helps to cope with cravings for sugar.

In addition, it helps to reduce weight.