When it comes to bacteria, our imagination imagines small disgusting creatures that move silently, multiply not by the day, but by the hour, attack when it is least expected, and exist only in order to somehow influence our health and a life.
Nevertheless, the world of microorganisms is diversified, it is much more complicated than it seems. In addition to harmful bacteria that have a negative effect on human health, there are beneficial ones in our body that exist in order to prolong our life by all means. It is these bacteria that are also found in lactic acid products.

Lactic acid bacteria belong to the group of beneficial bacteria that have similar beneficial properties. They give lactic acid as a final fermentation product. In nature, these bacteria are widespread. They live in the human biological environment (digestive tract).
Lactic acid production
Lactobacilli are primarily known for being the main component of fermented dairy products, but they are also used in pickling vegetables, baking, dried fish and meat, and making dried sausages. Lactic acid bacteria in the products perform the function of these "warriors". They "fight" to preserve their beneficial properties, freshness, and taste.
Fermentation of lactic acid bacteria is a phenomenon that has been practiced for several millennia. Interestingly, people used them without understanding the chemical formulas and without understanding the theoretical and scientific foundations of this process. These components were used in the manufacture of food in order to give it a characteristic taste, texture, preserve freshness and taste for a long time.
Today, the consumer is available a wide variety of types of dairy products, which include drinks such as kefir, yoghurts, bifidok, solid foods - cheeses, the production of which uses these microorganisms. In the manufacturing process, the properties of the microorganism interact with sugar and lactose in such a way that they turn into lactic acid.
As the amount of lactic acid increases, the amount of protein in the milk must be changed (reduced). The whole texture of the product lends itself to change. Other parameters, such as temperature and composition of milk, are also responsible for the formation of the characteristic features of the final product.

Organic supplements
Lactic acid bacteria belong to the group of saprophytes. They give the fermented milk a sour taste. Additional characteristic flavors and aromas are often the effect of other organic products of lactic acid bacteria. For example, acetaldehyde - it is thanks to this organic compound that the characteristic smell of yogurt appears.
But diacetyl gives the taste of butter. Other microorganisms, such as yeast, can also be included in bacterial cultures in order to find a unique taste.
For example, thanks to alcohol and carbon dioxide, made on the basis of yeast, beverages such as kefir and koumiss acquire their unique smell and taste.
Technological features
Manufacturing processes, such as reducing whey or flavoring additives, also contribute to the huge assortment and variety of lactic acid products. The technological process of making yogurt is very interesting in this regard. During the production of this product, a symbiotic relationship occurs between two strains of the bacteria Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactobacillus Bulgaricus, when each of the microorganisms provokes the growth of the other.
Thanks to this interaction, it is possible to significantly reduce the time required for fermentation. Also, this method allows to obtain unusual taste characteristics of the finished product, which would not have been successful if only one type of microorganism had been used during fermentation.
In yogurt and other fermented foods, lactic acid bacteria are used as key ingredients, turning the product into a probiotic.
Probiotics are products that contain lactic acid bacteria. Reduced indicators such as fat and calorie content. Probiotics complement and help intestinal bacteria function better. The global market for these products is trying to meet the growing needs of consumers, who are increasingly worried about their health every year.

Lactic acid bacteria belong to the group of microorganisms that can have a positive effect on the body. They are not only of great importance for agriculture, but also play a key role in ensuring human health.
Lactobacillus and human
Lactic acid bacteria accompanied the person throughout his existence. They are used in the manufacture of certain products, have the ability to ferment lactose and sugar.
Nevertheless, much more valuable than their use in the food industry is their contribution to maintaining the good health of our body. Lactic acid bacteria belong to the group of microaerophilic gram-positive microorganisms that provoke fermentation processes.
Some time ago, medicine and science were not able to appreciate the unique properties of this “mighty army”. The main destroyers of beneficial bacteria that are in our body are antibiotics and unhealthy diet.
Today, microorganisms come out of the shadows, showing us a whole gamut of their undoubted advantages. Now the use of lactic acid bacteria is indispensable in many industries: not only food, but also pharmaceutical, agricultural, etc.

Lactobacillus bacteria
Lactobacillus is one of the most common genera that belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria. It turned out that it was the representatives of the Lactobacillus strains that were able to maintain human health. They are able not only to ensure good health, but also to resist severe infections and serious diseases.
The nutritional errors that we have made over the years, a sedentary lifestyle, constant stress and fuss have done enormous damage to the state of our microflora, in which the bacteria Lactobacillus form an essential part.
The place of their depleted population is readily occupied by harmful microorganisms that cause intestinal motility, causing diarrhea and colitis.
Available in a certain amount in products such as yoghurts and kefirs, or probiotics, lactic acid bacteria (photos of Lactobacillus can be seen below) normalize the intestinal microflora.

They facilitate digestion, especially of foods that are high in carbohydrates. Lactobacillus also normalizes intestinal motility, due to which they provide effective assistance in the treatment of any diseases of the digestive system, in particular dyspepsia, constipation and diarrhea.
Scientific and medical research of lactic acid bacteria
With each new scientific research, we learn more and more about previously unknown properties of beneficial microorganisms. For example, a recent study showed that lactic acid bacteria can relieve symptoms of lactose intolerance. Some of them, such as Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, are involved in the manufacture of the LAKCID® probiotic, which helps prevent diarrhea, which can occur due to the use of insufficiently washed vegetables and fruits, unboiled water, and the lack of the habit of washing hands before eating.

The clinical prospects for pharmaceutical products based on lactobacilli are very broad. In-depth studies of these specific microorganisms have become relatively recent. Many of the identified properties have not yet received scientific exhaustive evidence. However, the results are very promising.
Benefits of Lactobacillus - Prevention of bloating and constipation
I must say that the value of lactic acid bacteria is difficult to overestimate. Thanks to many years of research and study of the properties of these microorganisms, it turned out that they can be used in various fields.
For example, they are able to eliminate problems with the stomach, such as bloating and constipation, resulting from a violation of the intestinal microflora. By normalizing it, lactic acid fermentation bacteria improve intestinal motility. In addition, taking probiotics, a person cleanses his body by accelerating the digestion process.
Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy
Helicobacter pylori is one of the main causes of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers, lymphoma and even stomach cancer. Patients with this type of bacteria in the body complain of bleeding and sudden weight loss, as a result of which the doctor prescribes them a special treatment. Despite 20 years of detailed research on this bacterium, it was not possible to develop an ideal therapy system to combat Hp infection.
Basically, treatment is due to the influence of antibiotics, which are able to destroy living microorganisms, which include a harmful bacterium. As you know, these drugs have a negative effect on the general microflora of the body, as a result of which a person may lose the ability to withstand various diseases. It is here that beneficial lactobacilli contained in probiotics come to the rescue, which are able to replenish the missing elements of the microflora of the body after undergoing eradication therapy.
Some studies show that lactobacilli are also able to suppress the process of reproduction of dangerous Helicobacter pylori. So the role of lactic acid bacteria in the process of getting rid of serious diseases of the stomach can be key.
Strengthening the immune system
Studies show that probiotics have a positive effect on strengthening the body's natural immunity (ability to resist disease). Their participation in the activation of macrophages, increasing levels of cytokines and immunoglobulins has received scientific justification. At the same time, probiotics do not cause side effects in the form of allergic reactions and inflammatory processes. They are also able to counteract the processes of oncological neoplasms.

The hope of medicine of the future
Of course, today lactic acid bacteria can be considered the hope of modern medicine. Perhaps, thanks to these powerful microorganisms, in the near future we will be able to overcome serious diseases, which today are a huge problem for all of humanity. I must say that the results of scientific research in recent years indicate that it will be so.