Activated carbon is a porous enterosorbent with high detoxification properties. Due to this, the drug is very popular, but in some cases it is recommended to refrain from its use. Let us consider in more detail the contraindications of activated carbon and the undesirable consequences of administration.

What diseases and activated carbon are incompatible?
In case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis, pancreatitis, the use of activated charcoal is categorically contraindicated. The reason for this is that the drug stains stool in black. A similar color can be observed with ulcerative bleeding, since in this case the stool mixes with the blood digested in the intestine and takes on the form of tar. Coal can mask bleeding, and time for ambulance care will be missed. For the same reason, coal should not be taken for bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract of various etiologies. These contraindications to activated carbon do not apply to other sorbents - Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb. With individual intolerance caused by hypersensitivity to the drug, it is also necessary to refuse to take it.

Side effects
Activated carbon has one significant drawback. Lacking selectivity, he absorbs everything in himself - both toxins and beneficial substances. As a result of absorption of beneficial vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin deficiency and metabolic disorders of the body can develop. To avoid this, it is recommended to take coal in short courses. To reduce the contact of the drug with useful substances, you should not combine the intake of coal with food. The gap should be at least an hour. The same rule applies to the combination of coal with other drugs (birth control, cardiac, vascular), as it reduces their effectiveness. And the simultaneous intake of coal with antitoxins, antidotes is unacceptable at all. Based on this and given the contraindications of activated carbon, it is recommended that only a short-term course in case of poisoning and food infections. Also, the use of activated carbon can provoke or increase constipation. In such cases, it will be more correct to regulate the stool with the help of laxative products (prunes, beets, kefir).

Is it possible to lose weight from activated carbon?
Weight loss from activated carbon is really possible, but not by much. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on reducing the calorie content of food due to the adsorption and excretion of fats. But there is a flip side to such a diet. Together with fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for the body are bound. As a result, along with calorie content the nutritional value of products is depleted. Therefore, the use of activated carbon for weight loss is a moot point. Do not forget that this is a drug recommended for use in certain cases. When deciding on a βcoal dietβ, contraindications to activated carbon and possible consequences for the body must be taken into account.