When a woman has a baby, she has to rebuild not only her rhythm of life, but also her diet, as all the foods eaten by her mother pass through milk to her beloved child. The baby’s body is not yet adapted to a variety of foods, and one of the many problems is the appearance of diathesis on the cheeks of the baby.
One gets the general impression that nothing can be eaten by a newly-made mother, not to mention sweets. However, not everything is as sad as it seemed before.
So, let's start with the fact that you can eat mothers in the first months after childbirth.
What foods to choose for a mother feeding her baby in the first month of his life?
What do lactating mothers eat in the first months? First of all, it should be understood that it is better to choose those fruits and vegetables that are grown in your region. This, to a certain extent, gives confidence that they do not contain artificial additives.
Doctors recommend a menu of simple dishes, divided into 4-5 receptions per day. It is important that the lactating woman does not experience hunger. Therefore, you need to eat often and little by little. The volume of a single serving should be 300-400 grams.
In order for a baby to have enough breast milk, a woman should consume more healthy fluids. The immunity of a small person will soon grow stronger thanks to the correct and useful products that are recommended for mother to eat:
- Porridge (buckwheat or oatmeal), cooked on water.
- Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, white cabbage, zucchini - all boiled or stewed. Cucumbers
- Meat: lean boiled beef, boiled and stewed chicken.
- River boiled fish.
- Soups on vegetable broth.
- Yesterday's bread (rye, wheat), cookies.
- Dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, cheese, natural yogurt.
- Liquid: water (at least 2 liters per day), dried fruit compotes, herbal teas.
- Fruits and berries: green apples, plums, bananas, apricots.
What nursing mothers eat in the first months is described in detail above. The most important thing that a woman should not forget: introduce new products into the diet with great care so as not to harm the child.
Do mothers need to give up sweets while breastfeeding?

Each mother after the birth of the baby experiences anxiety for the baby, hence sleepless nights, stresses appear. The difficult situation is aggravated by the fact that the woman’s body after birth is exhausted, a lot of effort goes into milk production. Just the carbohydrates that are found in sweets will help fill the lack of strength. This is explained by the fact that even a small piece of chocolate contributes to the production of serotonin - a hormone that is responsible for tone and energy balance.
Knowing the beneficial effects of sweets on a person, one should not headlong run into the kitchen and eat anything that has a pleasant taste and aroma. Lovely women, remember: young children are very sensitive to many products. Your task is not to harm, but to raise a healthy and full-fledged child.
Opinions of Breastfeeding Specialists

Women at a pediatric doctor’s appointment ask numerous questions, among which are: “What sweet things can be given to mothers who are breastfeeding a child?” Most pediatricians are inclined to believe that mothers do not need to completely exclude sweets from their diet, because your favorite treats bring pleasure. But in everything it is important to observe the measure. It is known that the taste that gives pleasure evokes positive emotions, has a feeling of comfort and peace. Sweets - this is endorphin - the hormone of joy and satisfaction, which is produced by eating nuts, fruits, as well as your favorite treats.
What sweets can I give preference to a nursing mother?
There are a number of products that will not adversely affect the development of the baby, if the mother at least sometimes will afford them. Among them:
- marmalade without dyes and flavor stabilizers, marshmallows - preferably cooked independently;
- homemade cookies, possibly with candied fruit (dried apricots, raisins);
- dried fruits;
- paste;
- halva;
- Turkish Delight;
- jam (home-cooked foods should be preferred).
What is especially important to consider for a nursing mother?
Some types of sweets will be useful for a nursing woman, but during lactation it is important to limit yourself to eating a number of foods that will be harmful to the baby. It:
- refined sugar;
- packaged juices;
- carbonated drinks;
- cakes (containing fat cream);
- condensed milk.
To summarize! What can nursing mothers have from sweets? The answer is simple: women can enjoy many sweets, the main thing is not to overdo it. Do not forget about the quantity and quality of these products.
Can I use jam for nursing mothers?

The leader among delicacies during breastfeeding are desserts prepared at home. Is it possible for nursing mothers to jam?
This type of treat is our childhood’s favorite dessert, which is prepared in a variety of ways. Fillers can be either berries or fruits using sugar or syrup. Inventive housewives prepare this delicacy not only from the usual berries and fruits, but also from zucchini, tomatoes and even flowers.

Is it possible for nursing mothers to jam? Of course, you should not experiment with unusual fillers, because the components of the treat can contain allergens that adversely affect the health of the woman and her baby.
However, not all jam during breastfeeding is equally suitable for mothers, and anyone can try to enter into the diet only from a certain age of the baby:
- apple and pear - from the moment of birth;
- cherry and peach - from 1 month of a baby's life;
- raspberry - from 2 months of life;
- currant, blueberry, strawberry and strawberry - from 3 months of age.
What types of jam can a nursing woman use when breastfeeding?

When answering the question whether it is possible for nursing mothers to jam, it is necessary to especially emphasize the raw materials on the basis of which a sweet treat is prepared. Depending on how dangerous the berries or fruits are for the newborn, you can understand whether a woman is allowed to eat it while breastfeeding.
First of all, mothers during breastfeeding should be extremely attentive to the quality of homemade products. Do not eat jam:
- not passed heat treatment (berries, grated with sugar);
- stored with violations (cover damage);
- fast cooking (five minutes);
- with mold or obvious signs of fermentation.
Even a small amount of spoiled product can cause a digestive upset in the mother, which will immediately affect lactation.
It is important to remember that fruits and berries suitable for making jam are often allergenic. It is necessary to introduce this type of dessert into the diet, starting with gentle ingredients. According to pediatricians, this is an apple and plum product. These types of treats can be tasted from the time of birth.
As soon as the child is strong, raspberry jam can be added to the usual diet, since it has antipyretic and general strengthening effects. Raspberries are not only tasty, but also very healthy. It contains ascorbic acid, which acts as a natural antioxidant. In addition, raspberry jam has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
In addition to the above qualities of raspberry jam, it is still not recommended to use it excessively, because raspberry has an effect on the body, having antipyretic properties.
Blackcurrant jam
Black currant is a berry that has a wide range of useful ingredients, such as trace elements, minerals. Black currant is a leader among berries in the content of vitamin C. Moreover, this healing shrub is grown in almost all gardens and kitchen gardens of our country.

Using blackcurrant jam, nursing mothers should know that it, as a rule, does not cause allergic reactions in infants. But it is worth remembering that each child has a different metabolism, and if one baby does not have an allergy to this product, then another may have diathesis on the cheeks or other parts of the body. You can use currant jam when feeding a baby, but do not forget about the amount of treats taken.
Blueberry jam

Many young girls are worried about the question: “Is it possible for nursing mothers to have blueberry jam?” Blueberries, according to pediatricians, are considered a hypoallergenic product, so you can safely introduce this berry to the diet after childbirth. Only preference should be given to seasonal berries grown in the territory of residence.
It follows that blueberry jam can be for nursing mothers. The product, of course, will be useful, since it contains many elements necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The main components of the berries:
- B vitamins (necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system);
- vitamin C (strengthening immunity);
- iron (for the prevention of anemia);
- Vitamin P (improving blood circulation).
Is it possible for nursing mothers to jam? We will answer with confidence in the affirmative. This type of delicacy is safe for women during breastfeeding.
From all of the above, we conclude that, of course, mothers can eat jam while breastfeeding. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the pleasure in drinking, it is important to observe the measure, since jam is a carbohydrate product. And if the mother eats this delicacy in large quantities, then diathesis on the cheeks of infants may appear, as well as allergic reactions.
Motherhood is the most important and difficult work that brings joy.